blob: e180c85b3ceb4a95a51b0250de331ce7ae04cd86 [file] [log] [blame]
{{define "title"}}
{{ .BuildPage.HumanStatus}}
{{ with .BuildPage.Build -}}
{{ with .Builder }}{{ .Builder }}{{ end }}
{{ if .Number }}{{ .Number }}{{ else }}{{ .Id }}{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{define "head"}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/common/css/timeline.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/common/css/tabs.css" type="text/css">
const timelineData = JSON.parse({{ .BuildPage.Timeline }});
const useTabs = true;
<script src="/static/common/js/build.js"></script>
{{define "interval"}}
{{ if .Started }}
<span class="duration"
data-starttime="{{ .Start | formatTime }}"
{{ if .Ended -}}
data-endtime="{{ .End | formatTime }}"
{{- end }}>
( {{ .Duration | humanDuration }} )</span>
{{ end }}
{{define "favicon"}}
<link id="favicon" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/static/common/favicon/
{{- with .BuildPage.Status.String -}}
{{- if eq . "STARTED" -}} yellow
{{- else if eq . "SUCCESS" -}} green
{{- else if eq . "INFRA_FAILURE" -}} purple
{{- else if eq . "FAILURE" -}} red
{{- else if eq . "CANCELLED" -}} brown
{{- else if eq . "SCHEDULED" -}} gray
{{- else -}} milo
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}-32.png">
{{define "step"}}
<li class="{{ if eq .Step.Status.String "SUCCESS" }}green{{ end }}
{{- if .Children }} substeps
{{- if .Collapsed }} collapsed{{ end }}
{{- end }}">
<div class="status {{.Step.Status}} result">
{{ template "interval" toInterval .StartTime .EndTime }}
<span class="summary-markdown">
{{ .Step.SummaryMarkdown | renderMarkdown }}
{{ range .Logs }}
<li class="sublink">
<a href="{{ .ViewUrl }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ else }}
<li class="sublink"> - no logs - </li>
{{ end }}
{{ if .Children }}
{{ range .Children }}
{{ template "step" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{define "body"}}
<div class="content">
{{ with .BuildPage.Builder }}
Builder {{ . }}
{{ end }}
Build {{ .BuildPage.BuildID.HTML }}
{{ range .BuildPage.Banners }}
<img src="/static/common/logos/{{.Img}}" alt="{{.Alt}}" width="25px">
{{ end }}
<div id="tabs" style="display: none;">
<li><a href="#overview-tab">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#properties-tab">Properties</a></li>
<li><a href="#changes-tab">Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#timeline-tab">Timeline</a></li>
<div id="overview-tab">{{ template "overview_tab" . }}</div>
<div id="properties-tab">
<div id="properties">
<h2>Input Properties</h2>{{ template "properties_table" .BuildPage.InputProperties }}
<h2>Output Properties</h2>{{ template "properties_table" .BuildPage.OutputProperties }}
<div id="changes-tab">{{ template "changes_tab" . }}</div>
<div id="timeline-tab">{{ template "timeline_tab" . }}</div>
{{define "overview_tab"}}
<div id="overview">
<!--- TODO(hinoka): Stylize this -->
{{ range .BuildPage.Errors }}
<p class="status FAILURE">Error while rendering page: {{.}}</p>
{{ end }}
<p class="result status {{.BuildPage.Status}}">
{{ .BuildPage.HumanStatus }}<br>
{{ .BuildPage.Output.SummaryMarkdown | renderMarkdown }}
{{ with .BuildPage.Input }}
{{ with .GitilesCommit }}
<td class="left">Revision</td>
<td><a href="https://{{ .Host }}/{{ .Project }}/+/{{ .Id }}">{{ .Id }}</a>
{{ with .Position }}(CP #{{ . }}){{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .GerritChanges }}
<td class="left">Patch</td>
<a href="https://{{ .Host }}/c/{{ .Project }}/{{ .Change }}/{{ .Patchset }}">
{{ .Change }} (ps #{{ .Patchset }})
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<li>Buildbucket ID: {{ .BuildPage.Id }}</li>
{{ with .BuildPage.Infra }}
{{ with .Swarming }}
Swarming Task:
<a href="https://{{ .Hostname }}/task?id={{ .TaskId }}&show_raw=1&wide_logs=true">
{{ .TaskId }}
<li>Bot: {{ . | botLink }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ with .Recipe }}
Recipe: {{ . | recipeLink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<h2>Steps and Logs</h2>
<input type="radio" name="hider" id="showExpanded"
{{- if eq .BuildPage.StepDisplayPref "expanded" }} checked{{ end }}>
<label for="showExpanded">Expanded</label>
<input type="radio" name="hider" id="showDefault"
{{- if eq .BuildPage.StepDisplayPref "default" }} checked{{ end }}>
<label for="showDefault">Default</label>
<input type="radio" name="hider" id="showNonGreen"
{{- if eq .BuildPage.StepDisplayPref "non-green" }} checked{{ end }}>
<label for="showNonGreen">Non-Green</label>
<ol id="steps" {{- if eq .BuildPage.StepDisplayPref "non-green" }} class="non-green"{{ end }}>
{{ range .BuildPage.Steps }}
{{ template "step" . }}
{{ end }}
<table class="info" width="100%">
<tr class="alt">
<td class="left">Create</td>
<td>{{ .BuildPage.CreateTime | toTime | localTime "N/A" }}</td>
<td class="left">Start</td>
<td>{{ .BuildPage.StartTime | toTime | localTime "N/A" }}</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td class="left">End</td>
<td>{{ .BuildPage.EndTime | toTime | localTime "N/A" }}</td>
<td class="left">Pending</td>
<td id="duration">{{ duration .BuildPage.CreateTime .BuildPage.StartTime }}</td>
<tr class="alt">
<td class="left">Execution</td>
<td id="duration">{{ duration .BuildPage.StartTime .BuildPage.EndTime }}</td>
{{define "properties_table"}}
{{ with . }}
<table class="info BuildProperties" width="100%">
{{ range . }}
<td class="left">{{.Key}}</td>
<td class="middle"><abbr title="{{.Value}}">{{.Value}}</abbr></td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{define "changes_tab"}}
<div id="changes">
<h2>All Changes</h2>
{{ if .BuildPage.Blame }}
{{ range .BuildPage.Blame }}
<table class="info">
<td class="left">Changed by</td>
<td class="value">
{{ if .AuthorName }}{{ .AuthorName }} - {{ end }}
{{ .AuthorEmail | obfuscateEmail }}
<td class="left">Changed at</td>
<td class="value">{{ .CommitTime | localTime "N/A" }}</td>
<td class="left">Repository</td>
<td class="value">{{ .Repo }}</td>
<td class="left">Branch</td>
<td class="value">{{ .Branch }}</td>
{{ with .Revision }}
<td class="left">Revision</td>
<td class="value">{{ .HTML }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ if .Description }}
<pre class="comments">{{ .Description | formatCommitDesc }}</pre>
{{ end }}
{{ if .File }}
<h3 class="files">Changed files</h3>
<ul class="alternating">
{{ range .File }}
<li class="file">{{ . }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} <!-- range .Build.Blame -->
{{ else }}
No Blamelist
{{ end }} <!-- if .Build.Blame -->
{{define "timeline_tab"}}
<div id="timeline">
<div id="timeline-rendering">Rendering...</div>