blob: 189aaf5cc6e56dc58a1e708298d30bc60e4fba1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGLegacyBlockLayoutAlgorithm_h
#define NGLegacyBlockLayoutAlgorithm_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace blink {
// A class for legacy block layout (blocks that can't be handled by NG yet).
// Defers to the old layout method of the block
class CORE_EXPORT NGLegacyBlockLayoutAlgorithm : public NGLayoutAlgorithm {
NGLegacyBlockLayoutAlgorithm(NGBlockNode*, const NGConstraintSpace*);
NGPhysicalFragment* Layout() override;
Member<NGBlockNode> block_;
Member<const NGConstraintSpace> constraint_space_;
#endif // NGLegacyBlockLayoutAlgorithm_h