blob: 145258971a6b4a56e950c719fa5423b82dc4fa57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Intent;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.blink_public.platform.WebDisplayMode;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.ScreenOrientationValues;
* Stores info about a web app.
public class WebappInfo {
private static final String TAG = "WebappInfo";
* Parameter for {@link WebappInfo#create()} method which allows either a Bitmap or a PNG
* encoded string to be passed as a parameter.
public static class Icon {
private String mEncoded;
private Bitmap mDecoded;
public Icon(String encoded) {
mEncoded = encoded;
public Icon(Bitmap decoded) {
mDecoded = decoded;
public String encoded() {
if (mEncoded == null) {
mEncoded = ShortcutHelper.encodeBitmapAsString(mDecoded);
return mEncoded;
public Bitmap decoded() {
if (mDecoded == null) {
mDecoded = ShortcutHelper.decodeBitmapFromString(mEncoded);
return mDecoded;
private boolean mIsInitialized;
private String mId;
private Icon mIcon;
private Uri mUri;
private Uri mScopeUri;
private String mName;
private String mShortName;
private int mDisplayMode;
private int mOrientation;
private int mSource;
private long mThemeColor;
private long mBackgroundColor;
private boolean mIsIconGenerated;
public static WebappInfo createEmpty() {
return new WebappInfo();
protected static String urlFromIntent(Intent intent) {
return IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_URL);
protected static int sourceFromIntent(Intent intent) {
int source = IntentUtils.safeGetIntExtra(
intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SOURCE, ShortcutSource.UNKNOWN);
if (source >= ShortcutSource.COUNT) {
source = ShortcutSource.UNKNOWN;
return source;
private static String titleFromIntent(Intent intent) {
// The reference to title has been kept for reasons of backward compatibility. For intents
// and shortcuts which were created before we utilized the concept of name and shortName,
// we set the name and shortName to be the title.
String title = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_TITLE);
return title == null ? "" : title;
private static String nameFromIntent(Intent intent) {
String name = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_NAME);
return name == null ? titleFromIntent(intent) : name;
private static String shortNameFromIntent(Intent intent) {
String shortName = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SHORT_NAME);
return shortName == null ? titleFromIntent(intent) : shortName;
* Construct a WebappInfo.
* @param intent Intent containing info about the app.
public static WebappInfo create(Intent intent) {
String id = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ID);
String icon = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ICON);
String url = urlFromIntent(intent);
String scope = IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SCOPE);
int displayMode = IntentUtils.safeGetIntExtra(
intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_DISPLAY_MODE, WebDisplayMode.STANDALONE);
int orientation = IntentUtils.safeGetIntExtra(
intent, ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ORIENTATION, ScreenOrientationValues.DEFAULT);
int source = sourceFromIntent(intent);
long themeColor = IntentUtils.safeGetLongExtra(intent,
long backgroundColor = IntentUtils.safeGetLongExtra(intent,
boolean isIconGenerated = IntentUtils.safeGetBooleanExtra(intent,
ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_IS_ICON_GENERATED, false);
String name = nameFromIntent(intent);
String shortName = shortNameFromIntent(intent);
return create(id, url, scope, new Icon(icon), name, shortName, displayMode,
orientation, source, themeColor, backgroundColor, isIconGenerated);
* Construct a WebappInfo.
* @param id ID for the webapp.
* @param url URL for the webapp.
* @param scope Scope for the webapp.
* @param icon Icon to show for the webapp.
* @param name Name of the webapp.
* @param shortName The short name of the webapp.
* @param displayMode Display mode of the webapp.
* @param orientation Orientation of the webapp.
* @param source Source where the webapp was added from.
* @param themeColor The theme color of the webapp.
* @param backgroundColor The background color of the webapp.
* @param isIconGenerated Whether the |icon| was generated by Chromium.
public static WebappInfo create(String id, String url, String scope, Icon icon, String name,
String shortName, int displayMode, int orientation, int source, long themeColor,
long backgroundColor, boolean isIconGenerated) {
if (id == null || url == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Incomplete data provided: " + id + ", " + url);
return null;
return new WebappInfo(id, url, scope, icon, name, shortName, displayMode, orientation,
source, themeColor, backgroundColor, isIconGenerated);
protected WebappInfo(String id, String url, String scope, Icon icon, String name,
String shortName, int displayMode, int orientation, int source, long themeColor,
long backgroundColor, boolean isIconGenerated) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scope)) {
scope = ShortcutHelper.getScopeFromUrl(url);
Uri scopeUri = Uri.parse(scope);
mIcon = icon;
mId = id;
mName = name;
mShortName = shortName;
mUri = uri;
mScopeUri = scopeUri;
mDisplayMode = displayMode;
mOrientation = orientation;
mSource = source;
mThemeColor = themeColor;
mBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
mIsIconGenerated = isIconGenerated;
mIsInitialized = mUri != null;
protected WebappInfo() {
public boolean isInitialized() {
return mIsInitialized;
public String id() {
return mId;
public Uri uri() {
return mUri;
* Whether the webapp should be navigated to {@link uri()} if the webapp is already open when
* Chrome receives a ACTION_START_WEBAPP intent.
public boolean shouldForceNavigation() {
return false;
public Uri scopeUri() {
return mScopeUri;
public String name() {
return mName;
public String shortName() {
return mShortName;
public int displayMode() {
return mDisplayMode;
public String webApkPackageName() {
return null;
public int orientation() {
return mOrientation;
public int source() {
return mSource;
* Theme color is actually a 32 bit unsigned integer which encodes a color
* in ARGB format. mThemeColor is a long because we also need to encode the
* error state of ShortcutHelper.MANIFEST_COLOR_INVALID_OR_MISSING.
public long themeColor() {
return mThemeColor;
* Returns whether the theme color specified in the Intent is valid.
* A theme color isn't valid if its value is ShortcutHelper.MANIFEST_COLOR_INVALID_OR_MISSING;
public boolean hasValidThemeColor() {
return mThemeColor != ShortcutHelper.MANIFEST_COLOR_INVALID_OR_MISSING;
* Background color is actually a 32 bit unsigned integer which encodes a color
* in ARGB format. mBackgroundColor is a long because we also need to encode the
* error state of ShortcutHelper.MANIFEST_COLOR_INVALID_OR_MISSING.
public long backgroundColor() {
return mBackgroundColor;
* Returns whether the background color specified in the Intent is valid.
* A background color isn't valid if its value is
public boolean hasValidBackgroundColor() {
return mBackgroundColor != ShortcutHelper.MANIFEST_COLOR_INVALID_OR_MISSING;
* Returns the background color specified by {@link #backgroundColor()} if
* the value is valid. Returns the specified fallback color otherwise.
public int backgroundColor(int fallback) {
return hasValidBackgroundColor() ? (int) mBackgroundColor : fallback;
// This is needed for clients that want to send the icon through an intent.
public String encodedIcon() {
return (mIcon == null) ? null : mIcon.encoded();
* Returns the icon in Bitmap form. Caches the result for future retrievals.
public Bitmap icon() {
return (mIcon == null) ? null : mIcon.decoded();
* Returns whether the icon was generated by Chromium.
public boolean isIconGenerated() {
return mIsIconGenerated;
* Sets extras on an Intent that will launch a WebappActivity.
* @param intent Intent that will be used to launch a WebappActivity.
public void setWebappIntentExtras(Intent intent) {
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ID, id());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_URL, uri().toString());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SCOPE, scopeUri().toString());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ICON, encodedIcon());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_VERSION, ShortcutHelper.WEBAPP_SHORTCUT_VERSION);
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_NAME, name());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SHORT_NAME, shortName());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_DISPLAY_MODE, displayMode());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_ORIENTATION, orientation());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SOURCE, source());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_THEME_COLOR, themeColor());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_BACKGROUND_COLOR, backgroundColor());
intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_IS_ICON_GENERATED, isIconGenerated());
* Returns true if the WebappInfo was created for an Intent fired from a launcher shortcut (as
* opposed to an intent from a push notification or other internal source).
public boolean isLaunchedFromHomescreen() {
int source = source();
return source != ShortcutSource.NOTIFICATION && source != ShortcutSource.EXTERNAL_INTENT;