blob: 1519bbc08942dc1b1cfc1ad91edb2a7d66a47b91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var getURL = chrome.extension.getURL;
var deepEq = chrome.test.checkDeepEq;
var expectedEventData;
var capturedEventData;
var capturedUnexpectedData;
var expectedEventOrder;
var tabId;
var tabIdMap;
var frameIdMap;
var testWebSocketPort;
var testServerPort;
var testServer = "";
var defaultScheme = "http";
var eventsCaptured;
var listeners = {
'onBeforeRequest': [],
'onBeforeSendHeaders': [],
'onAuthRequired': [],
'onSendHeaders': [],
'onHeadersReceived': [],
'onResponseStarted': [],
'onBeforeRedirect': [],
'onCompleted': [],
'onErrorOccurred': []
// If true, don't bark on events that were not registered via expect().
// These events are recorded in capturedUnexpectedData instead of
// capturedEventData.
var ignoreUnexpected = false;
// This is a debugging aid to print all received events as well as the
// information whether they were expected.
var logAllRequests = false;
// Runs the |tests| using the |tab| as a default tab.
function runTestsForTab(tests, tab) {
tabId =;
tabIdMap = {"-1": -1};
tabIdMap[tabId] = 0;
chrome.test.getConfig(function(config) {
testServerPort = config.testServer.port;
testWebSocketPort = config.testWebSocketPort;
// Creates an "about:blank" tab and runs |tests| with this tab as default.
function runTests(tests) {
var waitForAboutBlank = function(_, info, tab) {
if (info.status == "complete" && tab.url == "about:blank") {
runTestsForTab(tests, tab);
chrome.tabs.create({url: "about:blank"});
// Returns an URL from the test server, fixing up the port. Must be called
// from within a test case passed to runTests.
function getServerURL(path, opt_host, opt_scheme) {
if (!testServerPort)
throw new Error("Called getServerURL outside of runTests.");
var host = opt_host || testServer;
var scheme = opt_scheme || defaultScheme;
return scheme + "://" + host + ":" + testServerPort + "/" + path;
// Helper to advance to the next test only when the tab has finished loading.
// This is because tabs.update can sometimes fail if the tab is in the middle
// of a navigation (from the previous test), resulting in flakiness.
function navigateAndWait(url, callback) {
var done = chrome.test.listenForever(chrome.tabs.onUpdated,
function (_, info, tab) {
if ( == tabId && info.status == "complete") {
if (callback) callback();
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {url: url});
// data: array of extected events, each one is a dictionary:
// { label: "<unique identifier>",
// event: "<webrequest event type>",
// details: { <expected details of the webrequest event> },
// retval: { <dictionary that the event handler shall return> } (optional)
// }
// order: an array of sequences, e.g. [ ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e"] ] means that
// event with label "a" needs to occur before event with label "b". The
// relative order of "a" and "d" does not matter.
// filter: filter dictionary passed on to the event subscription of the
// webRequest API.
// extraInfoSpec: the union of all desired extraInfoSpecs for the events.
function expect(data, order, filter, extraInfoSpec) {
expectedEventData = data || [];
capturedEventData = [];
capturedUnexpectedData = [];
expectedEventOrder = order || [];
if (expectedEventData.length > 0) {
eventsCaptured = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
tabAndFrameUrls = {}; // Maps "{tabId}-{frameId}" to the URL of the frame.
frameIdMap = {"-1": -1, "0": 0};
initListeners(filter || {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, extraInfoSpec || []);
// Fill in default values.
for (var i = 0; i < expectedEventData.length; ++i) {
if (!('method' in expectedEventData[i].details)) {
expectedEventData[i].details.method = "GET";
if (!('tabId' in expectedEventData[i].details)) {
expectedEventData[i].details.tabId = tabIdMap[tabId];
if (!('frameId' in expectedEventData[i].details)) {
expectedEventData[i].details.frameId = 0;
if (!('parentFrameId' in expectedEventData[i].details)) {
expectedEventData[i].details.parentFrameId = -1;
if (!('type' in expectedEventData[i].details)) {
expectedEventData[i].details.type = "main_frame";
function checkExpectations() {
if (capturedEventData.length < expectedEventData.length) {
if (capturedEventData.length > expectedEventData.length) {"Recorded too many events. " +
// We have ensured that capturedEventData contains exactly the same elements
// as expectedEventData. Now we need to verify the ordering.
// Step 1: build positions such that
// positions[<event-label>]=<position of this event in capturedEventData>
var curPos = 0;
var positions = {}
capturedEventData.forEach(function (event) {
positions[event.label] = curPos;
// Step 2: check that elements arrived in correct order
expectedEventOrder.forEach(function (order) {
var previousLabel = undefined;
order.forEach(function(label) {
if (previousLabel === undefined) {
previousLabel = label;
chrome.test.assertTrue(positions[previousLabel] < positions[label],
"Event " + previousLabel + " is supposed to arrive before " +
label + ".");
previousLabel = label;
// Simple check to see that we have a User-Agent header, and that it contains
// an expected value. This is a basic check that the request headers are valid.
function checkUserAgent(headers) {
for (var i in headers) {
if (headers[i].name.toLowerCase() == "user-agent")
return headers[i].value.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") != -1;
return false;
// Whether the request is missing a tabId and frameId and we're not expecting
// a request with the given details. If the method returns true, the event
// should be ignored.
function isUnexpectedDetachedRequest(name, details) {
// This function is responsible for marking detached requests as unexpected.
// Non-detached requests are not this function's concern.
if (details.tabId !== -1 || details.frameId >= 0)
return false;
// Only return true if there is no matching expectation for the given details.
return !expectedEventData.some(function(exp) {
var didMatchTabAndFrameId =
exp.details.tabId === -1 &&
exp.details.frameId === -1;
// Accept non-matching tabId/frameId for ping/beacon requests because these
// requests can continue after a frame is removed. And due to a bug, such
// requests have a tabId/frameId of -1.
// The test will fail anyway, but then with a helpful error (expectation
// differs from actual events) instead of an obscure test timeout.
// TODO(robwu): Remove this once gets fixed.
didMatchTabAndFrameId = didMatchTabAndFrameId || details.type === 'ping';
return name === exp.event &&
didMatchTabAndFrameId &&
exp.details.method === details.method &&
exp.details.url === details.url &&
exp.details.type === details.type;
function captureEvent(name, details, callback) {
// Ignore system-level requests like safebrowsing updates and favicon fetches
// since they are unpredictable.
if ((details.type == "other" && !details.url.includes('dont-ignore-me')) ||
isUnexpectedDetachedRequest(name, details) ||
details.url.match(/\/favicon.ico$/) ||
details.url.match(/https:\/\/ {
// Pull the extra per-event options out of the expected data. These let
// us specify special return values per event.
var currentIndex = capturedEventData.length;
var extraOptions;
var retval;
if (expectedEventData.length > currentIndex) {
retval =
expectedEventData[currentIndex].retval_function ?
expectedEventData[currentIndex].retval_function(name, details) :
// Check that the frameId can be used to reliably determine the URL of the
// frame that caused requests.
if (name == "onBeforeRequest") {
chrome.test.assertTrue('frameId' in details &&
typeof details.frameId === 'number');
chrome.test.assertTrue('tabId' in details &&
typeof details.tabId === 'number');
var key = details.tabId + "-" + details.frameId;
if (details.type == "main_frame" || details.type == "sub_frame") {
tabAndFrameUrls[key] = details.url;
details.frameUrl = tabAndFrameUrls[key] || "unknown frame URL";
// This assigns unique IDs to frames. The new IDs are only deterministic, if
// the frames documents are loaded in order. Don't write browser tests with
// more than one frame ID and rely on their numbers.
if (!(details.frameId in frameIdMap)) {
// Subtract one to discount for {"-1": -1} mapping that always exists.
// This gives the first frame the ID 0.
frameIdMap[details.frameId] = Object.keys(frameIdMap).length - 1;
details.frameId = frameIdMap[details.frameId];
details.parentFrameId = frameIdMap[details.parentFrameId];
// This assigns unique IDs to newly opened tabs. However, the new IDs are only
// deterministic, if the order in which the tabs are opened is deterministic.
if (!(details.tabId in tabIdMap)) {
// Subtract one because the map is initialized with {"-1": -1}, and the
// first tab has ID 0.
tabIdMap[details.tabId] = Object.keys(tabIdMap).length - 1;
details.tabId = tabIdMap[details.tabId];
delete details.requestId;
delete details.timeStamp;
if (details.requestHeaders) {
details.requestHeadersValid = checkUserAgent(details.requestHeaders);
delete details.requestHeaders;
if (details.responseHeaders) {
details.responseHeadersExist = true;
delete details.responseHeaders;
// find |details| in expectedEventData
var found = false;
var label = undefined;
expectedEventData.forEach(function (exp) {
if (deepEq(exp.event, name) && deepEq(exp.details, details)) {
if (found) {"Received event twice '" + name + "':" +
} else {
found = true;
label = exp.label;
if (!found && !ignoreUnexpected) {
console.log("Expected events: " +
JSON.stringify(expectedEventData, null, 2));"Received unexpected event '" + name + "':" +
JSON.stringify(details, null, 2));
if (found) {
if (logAllRequests) {
console.log("Expected: " + name + ": " + JSON.stringify(details));
capturedEventData.push({label: label, event: name, details: details});
// checkExpecations decrements the counter of pending events. We may only
// call it if an expected event has occurred.
} else {
if (logAllRequests) {
console.log("NOT Expected: " + name + ": " + JSON.stringify(details));
capturedUnexpectedData.push({label: label, event: name, details: details});
if (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 0, retval);
} else {
return retval;
// Simple array intersection. We use this to filter extraInfoSpec so
// that only the allowed specs are sent to each listener.
function intersect(array1, array2) {
return array1.filter(function(x) { return array2.indexOf(x) != -1; });
function initListeners(filter, extraInfoSpec) {
var onBeforeRequest = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onBeforeRequest", details);
var onBeforeSendHeaders = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onBeforeSendHeaders", details);
var onSendHeaders = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onSendHeaders", details);
var onHeadersReceived = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onHeadersReceived", details);
var onAuthRequired = function(details, callback) {
return captureEvent("onAuthRequired", details, callback);
var onResponseStarted = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onResponseStarted", details);
var onBeforeRedirect = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onBeforeRedirect", details);
var onCompleted = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onCompleted", details);
var onErrorOccurred = function(details) {
return captureEvent("onErrorOccurred", details);
onBeforeRequest, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["blocking", "requestBody"]));
onBeforeSendHeaders, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["blocking", "requestHeaders"]));
onSendHeaders, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["requestHeaders"]));
onHeadersReceived, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"]));
onAuthRequired, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["asyncBlocking", "blocking",
onResponseStarted, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["responseHeaders"]));
onBeforeRedirect, filter, intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["responseHeaders"]));
onCompleted, filter,
intersect(extraInfoSpec, ["responseHeaders"]));
chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.addListener(onErrorOccurred, filter);
function removeListeners() {
function helper(eventName) {
for (var i in listeners[eventName]) {
listeners[eventName].length = 0;
function resetDeclarativeRules() {