blob: b7fe492082f2a0895f924710b35796938fad2d43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'site-details' show the details (permissions and usage) for a given origin
* under Site Settings.
is: 'site-details',
behaviors: [
SiteSettingsBehavior, settings.RouteObserverBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior
properties: {
* The origin that this widget is showing details for.
* @private
origin: {
type: String,
observer: 'onOriginChanged_',
* Use the string representing the origin or extension name as the page
* title of the settings-subpage parent.
pageTitle: {
type: String,
notify: true,
* The amount of data stored for the origin.
* @private
storedData_: {
type: String,
value: '',
/** @private */
enableSiteSettings_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableSiteSettings');
/** @private */
enableSafeBrowsingSubresourceFilter_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableSafeBrowsingSubresourceFilter');
/** @private */
enableSoundContentSetting_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableSoundContentSetting');
/** @private */
enableClipboardContentSetting_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableClipboardContentSetting');
* The type of storage for the origin.
* @private
storageType_: Number,
listeners: {
'usage-deleted': 'onUsageDeleted_',
/** @override */
attached: function() {
// <if expr="chromeos">
'prefEnableDrmChanged', this.prefEnableDrmChanged_.bind(this));
// </if>
/** @override */
ready: function() {
this.ContentSettingsTypes = settings.ContentSettingsTypes;
* settings.RouteObserverBehavior
* @param {!settings.Route} route
* @protected
currentRouteChanged: function(route) {
var site = settings.getQueryParameters().get('site');
if (!site)
this.origin = site;
* Handler for when the origin changes.
* @private
onOriginChanged_: function() {
this.browserProxy.isOriginValid(this.origin).then((valid) => {
if (!valid) {
} else {
if (this.enableSiteSettings_)
* Called when a site within a category has been changed.
* @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The category that changed.
* @param {string} origin The origin of the site that changed.
* @param {string} embeddingOrigin The embedding origin of the site that
* changed.
* @private
onPermissionChanged_: function(category, origin, embeddingOrigin) {
if (this.origin === undefined || this.origin == '' ||
origin === undefined || origin == '') {
if (!this.getCategoryList_().includes(category))
// Site details currently doesn't support embedded origins, so ignore it and
// just check whether the origins are the same.
if (this.toUrl(origin).origin == this.toUrl(this.origin).origin)
// <if expr="chromeos">
prefEnableDrmChanged_: function() {
// </if>
* Retrieves the permissions listed in |categoryList| from the backend for
* |this.origin|.
* @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} categoryList The list of
* categories to update permissions for.
* @private
updatePermissions_: function(categoryList) {
var permissionsMap =
/** @type {!Object<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
* !SiteDetailsPermissionElement>} */
(map, element) => {
if (categoryList.includes(element.category))
map[element.category] = element;
return map;
this.browserProxy.getOriginPermissions(this.origin, categoryList)
.then((exceptionList) => {
exceptionList.forEach((exception, i) => {
// |exceptionList| should be in the same order as |categoryList|.
permissionsMap[categoryList[i]].site = exception;
// The displayName won't change, so just use the first exception.
assert(exceptionList.length > 0);
this.pageTitle = exceptionList[0].displayName;
/** @private */
onCloseDialog_: function() {
* Confirms the deletion of storage for a site.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onConfirmClearSettings_: function(e) {
* Clears all data stored for the current origin.
* @private
onClearStorage_: function() {
// Since usage is only shown when "Site Settings" is enabled, don't clear it
// when it's not shown.
if (this.enableSiteSettings_)
this.toUrl(this.origin).href, this.storageType_);
* Called when usage has been deleted for an origin.
* @param {!{detail: !{origin: string}}} event
* @private
onUsageDeleted_: function(event) {
if (event.detail.origin == this.toUrl(this.origin).href)
this.storedData_ = '';
* Resets all permissions and clears all data stored for the current origin.
* @private
onClearAndReset_: function() {
this.origin, this.getCategoryList_(), settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT);
if (this.storedData_ != '')
* Returns list of categories for each permission displayed in <site-details>.
* @return {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>}
* @private
getCategoryList_: function() {
var categoryList = [];
this.root.querySelectorAll('site-details-permission').forEach((element) => {
if (!element.hidden)
return categoryList;
* Checks whether the permission list is standalone or has a heading.
* @return {string} CSS class applied when the permission list has no heading.
* @private
permissionListClass_: function(hasHeading) {
return hasHeading ? '' : 'without-heading';
* Checks whether this site has any usage information to show.
* @return {boolean} Whether there is any usage information to show (e.g.
* disk or battery).
* @private
hasUsage_: function(storage) {
return storage != '';