blob: c87f70e0add005d326f9ea3fec28363cc500ecd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <string>
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class Environment;
namespace color_utils {
struct HSL;
namespace ui {
class Accelerator;
namespace libgtkui {
// Default frame tints
extern const color_utils::HSL kDefaultTintFrameIncognito;
extern const color_utils::HSL kDefaultTintFrameIncognitoInactive;
extern const SkColor kInvalidColorIdColor;
extern const SkColor kURLTextColor;
// Generates the normal URL color, a green color used in unhighlighted URL
// text. It is a mix of |kURLTextColor| and the current text color. Unlike the
// selected text color, it is more important to match the qualities of the
// foreground typeface color instead of taking the background into account.
SkColor NormalURLColor(SkColor foreground);
// Generates the selected URL color, a green color used on URL text in the
// currently highlighted entry in the autocomplete popup. It's a mix of
// |kURLTextColor|, the current text color, and the background color (the
// select highlight). It is more important to contrast with the background
// saturation than to look exactly like the foreground color.
SkColor SelectedURLColor(SkColor foreground, SkColor background);
void GtkInitFromCommandLine(const base::CommandLine& command_line);
// Returns the name of the ".desktop" file associated with our running process.
std::string GetDesktopName(base::Environment* env);
guint GetGdkKeyCodeForAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
GdkModifierType GetGdkModifierForAccelerator(
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
// Translates event flags into plaform independent event flags.
int EventFlagsFromGdkState(guint state);
// Style a GTK button as a BlueButton
void TurnButtonBlue(GtkWidget* button);
// Sets |dialog| as transient for |parent|, which will keep it on top and center
// it above |parent|. Do nothing if |parent| is nullptr.
void SetGtkTransientForAura(GtkWidget* dialog, aura::Window* parent);
// Gets the transient parent aura window for |dialog|.
aura::Window* GetAuraTransientParent(GtkWidget* dialog);
// Clears the transient parent for |dialog|.
void ClearAuraTransientParent(GtkWidget* dialog);
// These constants are defined in gtk/gtkenums.h in Gtk3.12 or later.
// They are added here as a convenience to avoid version checks, and
// can be removed once the sysroot is switched from Wheezy to Jessie.
#define GTK_STATE_FLAG_LINK static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(1 << 9)
#define GTK_STATE_FLAG_VISITED static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(1 << 10)
#define GTK_STATE_FLAG_CHECKED static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(1 << 11)
class CairoSurface {
// Attaches a cairo surface to an SkBitmap so that GTK can render
// into it. |bitmap| must outlive this CairoSurface.
explicit CairoSurface(SkBitmap& bitmap);
// Creates a new cairo surface with the given size. The memory for
// this surface is deallocated when this CairoSurface is destroyed.
explicit CairoSurface(const gfx::Size& size);
// Get the drawing context for GTK to use.
cairo_t* cairo() { return cairo_; }
// Returns the average of all pixels in the surface. If |frame| is
// true, the resulting alpha will be the average alpha, otherwise it
// will be the max alpha across all pixels.
SkColor GetAveragePixelValue(bool frame);
cairo_surface_t* surface_;
cairo_t* cairo_;
// Returns true iff the runtime version of Gtk used meets
// |major|.|minor|.|micro|.
bool GtkVersionCheck(int major, int minor = 0, int micro = 0);
// Similar in spirit to a std::unique_ptr.
template <typename T>
class ScopedGObject {
explicit ScopedGObject(T* obj) : obj_(obj) {
// Remove the floating reference from |obj_| if it has one.
if (g_object_is_floating(obj_))
DCHECK(G_OBJECT(obj_)->ref_count == 1);
ScopedGObject(const ScopedGObject<T>& other) = delete;
ScopedGObject(ScopedGObject<T>&& other) : obj_(other.obj_) {
other.obj_ = nullptr;
~ScopedGObject() {
if (obj_)
ScopedGObject<T>& operator=(const ScopedGObject<T>& other) = delete;
ScopedGObject<T>& operator=(ScopedGObject<T>&& other) {
obj_ = other.obj_;
other.obj_ = nullptr;
return *this;
operator T*() { return obj_; }
void Unref() { g_object_unref(obj_); }
T* obj_;
template <>
inline void ScopedGObject<GtkStyleContext>::Unref() {
// Versions of GTK earlier than 3.15.4 had a bug where a g_assert
// would be triggered when trying to free a GtkStyleContext that had
// a parent whose only reference was the child context in question.
// This is a hack to work around that case. See GTK commit
// "gtkstylecontext: Don't try to emit a signal when finalizing".
GtkStyleContext* context = obj_;
while (context) {
GtkStyleContext* parent = gtk_style_context_get_parent(context);
if (parent && G_OBJECT(context)->ref_count == 1 &&
!GtkVersionCheck(3, 15, 4)) {
gtk_style_context_set_parent(context, nullptr);
} else {
context = parent;
typedef ScopedGObject<GtkStyleContext> ScopedStyleContext;
typedef ScopedGObject<GtkCssProvider> ScopedCssProvider;
// If |context| is nullptr, creates a new top-level style context
// specified by parsing |css_node|. Otherwise, creates the child
// context with |context| as the parent.
ScopedStyleContext AppendCssNodeToStyleContext(GtkStyleContext* context,
const std::string& css_node);
// Parses |css_selector| into a GtkStyleContext. The format is a
// sequence of whitespace-separated objects. Each object may have at
// most one object name at the beginning of the string, and any number
// of '.'-prefixed classes and ':'-prefixed pseudoclasses. An example
// is "GtkButton.button.suggested-action:hover:active". The caller
// must g_object_unref() the returned context.
ScopedStyleContext GetStyleContextFromCss(const char* css_selector);
SkColor GetFgColorFromStyleContext(GtkStyleContext* context);
// Overrides properties on |context| and all its parents with those
// provided by |css|.
void ApplyCssToContext(GtkStyleContext* context, const char* css);
// Get the 'color' property from the style context created by
// GetStyleContextFromCss(|css_selector|).
SkColor GetFgColor(const char* css_selector);
// Renders the backgrounds of all ancestors of |context|, then renders
// the background for |context| itself.
void RenderBackground(const gfx::Size& size,
cairo_t* cr,
GtkStyleContext* context);
// Renders a background from the style context created by
// GetStyleContextFromCss(|css_selector|) into a 24x24 bitmap and
// returns the average color.
SkColor GetBgColor(const char* css_selector);
// Renders the border from the style context created by
// GetStyleContextFromCss(|css_selector|) into a 24x24 bitmap and
// returns the average color.
SkColor GetBorderColor(const char* css_selector);
// On Gtk3.20 or later, behaves like GetBgColor. Otherwise, returns
// the background-color property.
SkColor GetSelectionBgColor(const char* css_selector);
// Get the color of the GtkSeparator specified by |css_selector|.
SkColor GetSeparatorColor(const char* css_selector);
} // namespace libgtkui