Get NVIDIA driver version from NVML on 64-bit Windows

NVML provides a more reliable way to query for the NVIDIA driver
version. It also provides a query for NVIDIA CUDA compute capability
which corresponds to the GPU generation. This is a good value to use
for filtering GPUs based on hardware properties.

We now query NVML for driver version and CUDA compute capability in
case an NVIDIA GPU is encountered on Windows. NVML is loaded
dynamically from %ProgramW6432%/NVIDIA Corporation/NVSMI/nvml.dll.
In recent drivers the library is only shipped as a 64-bit binary, so
it won't load in case the 32-bit build of Chromium is used.

As a fallback, the actual NVIDIA driver version is parsed from the
driver version in the Windows registry. This best-effort parsing
should work for most versions, though every single version may not
conform to the expected format.

NVML has been present in NVIDIA drivers since version 270 published in
2011. Some functionality in NVML is exclusive to professional Quadro
or Tesla GPUs, but basic functionality like the queries used here are
available across NVIDIA GPU brands.


Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:android_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:linux_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:mac_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:win_optional_gpu_tests_rel
Change-Id: I31b44021e00426fcfb2b850fea5d63c114c4569c
Reviewed-by: Will Harris <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: Scott Violet <>
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Russell <>
Reviewed-by: Dominick Ng <>
Commit-Queue: Olli Etuaho <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#581820}
18 files changed