blob: 08ba5da214a939dac2de3bbb94833456f1e855b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/intent_helper/arc_external_protocol_dialog.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/intent_helper/arc_navigation_throttle.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/external_protocol_dialog.h"
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_dialogs.h"
#include "components/arc/arc_bridge_service.h"
#include "components/arc/arc_service_manager.h"
#include "components/arc/intent_helper/arc_intent_helper_bridge.h"
#include "components/arc/intent_helper/page_transition_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/page_navigator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using content::WebContents;
namespace arc {
namespace {
// TODO(yusukes|djacobo): Find a better way to detect a request loop and remove
// the global variables.
base::LazyInstance<GURL>::DestructorAtExit g_last_url =
ui::PageTransition g_last_page_transition;
// Shows the Chrome OS' original external protocol dialog as a fallback.
void ShowFallbackExternalProtocolDialog(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url) {
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
new ExternalProtocolDialog(web_contents, url);
void CloseTabIfNeeded(int render_process_host_id, int routing_id) {
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
if (web_contents && web_contents->GetController().IsInitialNavigation())
// Tells whether or not Chrome is an app candidate for the current navigation.
bool IsChromeAnAppCandidate(
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers) {
for (const auto& handle : handlers) {
if (ArcIntentHelperBridge::IsIntentHelperPackage(handle->package_name))
return true;
return false;
// Shows |url| in the current tab.
void OpenUrlInChrome(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url) {
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
if (!web_contents)
// Use the PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_API qualifier so that this nativation won't
// end up showing the disambig dialog.
const ui::PageTransition page_transition_type = ui::PageTransitionFromInt(
constexpr bool kIsRendererInitiated = false;
const content::OpenURLParams params(
// TODO(yusukes): Send a non-empty referrer.
url, content::Referrer(), WindowOpenDisposition::CURRENT_TAB,
page_transition_type, kIsRendererInitiated);
// Sends |url| to ARC.
void HandleUrlInArc(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const std::pair<GURL, std::string>& url_and_package) {
auto* arc_service_manager = ArcServiceManager::Get();
if (!arc_service_manager)
arc_service_manager->arc_bridge_service()->intent_helper(), HandleUrl);
if (!instance)
instance->HandleUrl(url_and_package.first.spec(), url_and_package.second);
CloseTabIfNeeded(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
// A helper function called by GetAction().
GetActionResult GetActionInternal(
const GURL& original_url,
bool always_ask_user,
const mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr& handler,
std::pair<GURL, std::string>* out_url_and_package) {
if (handler->fallback_url.has_value()) {
*out_url_and_package =
std::make_pair(GURL(*handler->fallback_url), handler->package_name);
if (ArcIntentHelperBridge::IsIntentHelperPackage(handler->package_name)) {
// Since |package_name| is "Chrome", and |fallback_url| is not null, the
// URL must be either http or https. Check it just in case, and if not,
// fallback to HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC;
if (out_url_and_package->first.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS())
return GetActionResult::OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME;
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to handle " << out_url_and_package->first
<< " in Chrome. Falling back to ARC...";
// |fallback_url| which Chrome doesn't support is passed (e.g. market:).
return always_ask_user ? GetActionResult::ASK_USER
: GetActionResult::HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC;
// Unlike |handler->fallback_url|, the |original_url| should always be handled
// in ARC since it's external to Chrome.
*out_url_and_package = std::make_pair(original_url, handler->package_name);
return always_ask_user ? GetActionResult::ASK_USER
: GetActionResult::HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC;
// Gets an action that should be done when ARC has the |handlers| for the
// |original_url| and the user selects |selected_app_index|. When the user
// hasn't selected any app, |selected_app_index| must be set to
// |handlers.size()|. When |always_ask_user| is true, the function never
// returns HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC.
// When the returned action is either OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME or HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC,
// |out_url_and_package| is filled accordingly.
GetActionResult GetAction(
const GURL& original_url,
bool always_ask_user,
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers,
size_t selected_app_index,
std::pair<GURL, std::string>* out_url_and_package) {
if (!handlers.size())
return GetActionResult::SHOW_CHROME_OS_DIALOG; // no apps found.
if (selected_app_index == handlers.size()) {
// The user hasn't made the selection yet.
// If |handlers| has only one element and its package is "Chrome", open
// the fallback URL in the current tab without showing the dialog.
if (handlers.size() == 1) {
if (GetActionInternal(original_url, always_ask_user, handlers[0],
out_url_and_package) ==
GetActionResult::OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME) {
return GetActionResult::OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME;
// If one of the apps is marked as preferred, use it right away without
// showing the UI. |is_preferred| will never be true unless the user
// explicitly makes it the default with the "always" button.
for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); ++i) {
const mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr& handler = handlers[i];
if (!handler->is_preferred)
// A preferred activity is found. Decide how to open it, either in Chrome
// or ARC.
return GetActionInternal(original_url, always_ask_user, handler,
// Ask the user to pick one.
return GetActionResult::ASK_USER;
// The user has already made the selection. Decide how to open it, either in
// Chrome or ARC.
<< "|always_ask_user| must be false when |selected_app_index| is valid.";
return GetActionInternal(original_url, false, handlers[selected_app_index],
// Handles |url| if possible. Returns true if it is actually handled.
bool HandleUrl(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url,
bool always_ask_user,
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers,
size_t selected_app_index,
GetActionResult* out_result) {
std::pair<GURL, std::string> url_and_package;
const GetActionResult result = GetAction(
url, always_ask_user, handlers, selected_app_index, &url_and_package);
if (out_result)
*out_result = result;
switch (result) {
case GetActionResult::SHOW_CHROME_OS_DIALOG:
ShowFallbackExternalProtocolDialog(render_process_host_id, routing_id,
return true;
case GetActionResult::OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME:
OpenUrlInChrome(render_process_host_id, routing_id,
return true;
case GetActionResult::HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC:
HandleUrlInArc(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url_and_package);
return true;
case GetActionResult::ASK_USER:
return false;
// Returns a fallback http(s) in |handlers| which Chrome can handle. Returns
// an empty GURL if none found.
GURL GetUrlToNavigateOnDeactivate(
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers) {
const GURL empty_url;
for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); ++i) {
std::pair<GURL, std::string> url_and_package;
if (GetActionInternal(empty_url, false, handlers[i], &url_and_package) ==
GetActionResult::OPEN_URL_IN_CHROME) {
return url_and_package.first;
return empty_url; // nothing found.
// Called when the dialog is just deactivated without pressing one of the
// buttons.
void OnIntentPickerDialogDeactivated(
int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers) {
const GURL url_to_open_in_chrome = GetUrlToNavigateOnDeactivate(handlers);
if (url_to_open_in_chrome.is_empty())
CloseTabIfNeeded(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
OpenUrlInChrome(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url_to_open_in_chrome);
// Called when the dialog is closed. Note that once we show the UI, we should
// never show the Chrome OS' fallback dialog.
void OnIntentPickerClosed(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url,
std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr> handlers,
const std::string& selected_app_package,
ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason close_reason) {
// If the user selected an app to continue the navigation, confirm that the
// |package_name| matches a valid option and return the index.
const size_t selected_app_index =
ArcNavigationThrottle::GetAppIndex(handlers, selected_app_package);
// Make sure that the instance at least supports HandleUrl.
auto* arc_service_manager = ArcServiceManager::Get();
mojom::IntentHelperInstance* instance = nullptr;
if (arc_service_manager) {
arc_service_manager->arc_bridge_service()->intent_helper(), HandleUrl);
if (!instance) {
close_reason = ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ERROR;
} else if (close_reason == ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::
close_reason ==
ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ARC_APP_PRESSED ||
close_reason ==
ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::CHROME_PREFERRED_PRESSED ||
close_reason ==
ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::CHROME_PRESSED) {
if (selected_app_index == handlers.size()) {
close_reason = ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ERROR;
} else {
// The user has made a selection. Clear g_last_* variables.
g_last_url.Get() = GURL();
g_last_page_transition = ui::PageTransition();
switch (close_reason) {
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ARC_APP_PREFERRED_PRESSED: {
AddPreferredPackage)) {
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ARC_APP_PRESSED: {
// Launch the selected app.
HandleUrl(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url, false, handlers,
selected_app_index, nullptr);
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::CHROME_PREFERRED_PRESSED:
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::CHROME_PRESSED: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome is not a valid option for external protocol URLs";
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::OBSOLETE_ALWAYS_PRESSED:
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::OBSOLETE_JUST_ONCE_PRESSED:
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::PREFERRED_ACTIVITY_FOUND:
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::INVALID: {
return; // no UMA recording.
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::ERROR: {
LOG(ERROR) << "IntentPickerBubbleView returned CloseReason::ERROR: "
<< "instance=" << instance
<< ", selected_app_index=" << selected_app_index
<< ", handlers.size=" << handlers.size();
case ArcNavigationThrottle::CloseReason::DIALOG_DEACTIVATED: {
// The user didn't select any ARC activity.
OnIntentPickerDialogDeactivated(render_process_host_id, routing_id,
ArcNavigationThrottle::Platform platform =
ArcNavigationThrottle::RecordUma(close_reason, platform);
// Called when ARC returned activity icons for the |handlers|.
void OnAppIconsReceived(
int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url,
std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr> handlers,
std::unique_ptr<ArcIntentHelperBridge::ActivityToIconsMap> icons) {
using AppInfo = ArcNavigationThrottle::AppInfo;
std::vector<AppInfo> app_info;
for (const auto& handler : handlers) {
const ArcIntentHelperBridge::ActivityName activity(handler->package_name,
const auto it = icons->find(activity);
AppInfo(it != icons->end() ? it->second.icon16 : gfx::Image(),
handler->package_name, handler->name));
auto show_bubble_cb = base::Bind(ShowIntentPickerBubble());
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
show_bubble_cb.Run(nullptr /* anchor_view */, web_contents, app_info,
base::Bind(OnIntentPickerClosed, render_process_host_id,
routing_id, url, base::Passed(&handlers)));
// Called when ARC returned a handler list for the |url|.
void OnUrlHandlerList(int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
const GURL& url,
bool always_ask_user,
std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr> handlers) {
auto* arc_service_manager = ArcServiceManager::Get();
if (!arc_service_manager) {
// ARC is not running anymore. Show the Chrome OS dialog.
ShowFallbackExternalProtocolDialog(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url);
arc_service_manager->arc_bridge_service()->intent_helper(), HandleUrl);
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
auto* intent_helper_bridge =
web_contents ? ArcIntentHelperBridge::GetForBrowserContext(
: nullptr;
if (!instance || !intent_helper_bridge) {
// ARC is not running anymore. Show the Chrome OS dialog.
ShowFallbackExternalProtocolDialog(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url);
// Check if the |url| should be handled right away without showing the UI.
GetActionResult result;
if (HandleUrl(render_process_host_id, routing_id, url, always_ask_user,
handlers, handlers.size(), &result)) {
if (result == GetActionResult::HANDLE_URL_IN_ARC) {
return; // the |url| has been handled.
// Otherwise, retrieve icons of the activities. Since this function is for
// handling external protocols, Chrome is rarely in the list, but if the |url|
// is intent: with fallback or geo:, for example, it may be.
std::vector<ArcIntentHelperBridge::ActivityName> activities;
for (const auto& handler : handlers) {
activities.emplace_back(handler->package_name, handler->activity_name);
activities, base::BindOnce(OnAppIconsReceived, render_process_host_id,
routing_id, url, std::move(handlers)));
// Returns true if the |url| is safe to be forwarded to ARC without showing the
// disambig dialog when there is a preferred app on ARC for the |url|. Note that
// this function almost always returns true (i.e. "safe") except for very rare
// situations mentioned below.
// TODO(yusukes|djacobo): Find a better way to detect a request loop and remove
// these heuristics.
bool IsSafeToRedirectToArcWithoutUserConfirmation(
const GURL& url,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
const GURL& last_url,
ui::PageTransition last_page_transition) {
// Return "safe" unless both transition flags are FROM_API because the only
// unsafe situation we know is infinite tab creation loop with FROM_API
// (b/30125340).
if (!(page_transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_API) ||
!(last_page_transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_API)) {
return true;
// Return "safe" unless both URLs are for the same app.
return url.scheme() != last_url.scheme();
} // namespace
bool RunArcExternalProtocolDialog(const GURL& url,
int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
bool has_user_gesture) {
// This function is for external protocols that Chrome cannot handle.
DCHECK(!url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) << url;
const bool always_ask_user = !IsSafeToRedirectToArcWithoutUserConfirmation(
url, page_transition, g_last_url.Get(), g_last_page_transition);
LOG_IF(WARNING, always_ask_user)
<< "RunArcExternalProtocolDialog: repeatedly handling external protocol "
<< "redirection to " << url
<< " started from API: last_url=" << g_last_url.Get();
// This function is called only on the UI thread. Updating g_last_* variables
// without a lock is safe.
g_last_url.Get() = url;
g_last_page_transition = page_transition;
// For external protocol navigation, always ignore the FROM_API qualifier.
// We sometimes do need to forward a request with FROM_API to ARC, or
// AppAuth may not work (b/33208965). This is safe as long as we properly
// use |always_ask_user|.
const ui::PageTransition masked_page_transition =
MaskOutPageTransition(page_transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_API);
if (ShouldIgnoreNavigation(masked_page_transition,
true /* allow_form_submit */,
true /* allow_client_redirect */)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "RunArcExternalProtocolDialog: ignoring " << url
<< " with PageTransition=" << masked_page_transition;
return false;
auto* arc_service_manager = ArcServiceManager::Get();
if (!arc_service_manager)
return false; // ARC is either not supported or not yet ready.
if (!instance)
return false; // the same.
WebContents* web_contents =
tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_host_id, routing_id);
if (!web_contents || !web_contents->GetBrowserContext() ||
web_contents->GetBrowserContext()->IsOffTheRecord()) {
return false;
// Show ARC version of the dialog, which is IntentPickerBubbleView. To show
// the bubble view, we need to ask ARC for a handler list first.
url.spec(), base::BindOnce(OnUrlHandlerList, render_process_host_id,
routing_id, url, always_ask_user));
return true;
GetActionResult GetActionForTesting(
const GURL& original_url,
bool always_ask_user,
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers,
size_t selected_app_index,
std::pair<GURL, std::string>* out_url_and_package) {
return GetAction(original_url, always_ask_user, handlers, selected_app_index,
GURL GetUrlToNavigateOnDeactivateForTesting(
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers) {
return GetUrlToNavigateOnDeactivate(handlers);
bool IsSafeToRedirectToArcWithoutUserConfirmationForTesting(
const GURL& url,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
const GURL& last_url,
ui::PageTransition last_page_transition) {
return IsSafeToRedirectToArcWithoutUserConfirmation(
url, page_transition, last_url, last_page_transition);
bool IsChromeAnAppCandidateForTesting(
const std::vector<mojom::IntentHandlerInfoPtr>& handlers) {
return IsChromeAnAppCandidate(handlers);
} // namespace arc