Reland r131019: Move most TemplateURL data members to a new struct, TemplateURLData. This allows us to eliminate the TemplateURL NULL constructor, most public non-const TemplateURL functions, and most TemplateURL friend declarations.

This is also a necessary precursor to changing TemplateURLService's APIs to convert most "const TemplateURL*" cases to "TemplateURL*", which I'll explain once I actually make the change.

There is some awkwardness here around keywords, as keyword autogeneration requires a TemplateURL but the state bits are kept on TemplateURLData. This will go away in the future when I remove keyword autogeneration from TemplateURL entirely.

This differs from r131019 in that it fixes a memory error in chrome/browser/search_engines/ where when we updated the vector to contain a new TemplateURL*, we didn't also update |default_search_engine| to point at the new URL if necessary.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
46 files changed