blob: 1d5fd855caeb7c8a37dc8679d3d899f8d464b3fe [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
Harness Error. harness_status.status = 1 , harness_status.message = 48 duplicate test names: "position:static with a static child to relative", "position:static with a static child to absolute", "position:static with a static child to fixed", "position:static with a relative child to relative", "position:static with a relative child to absolute", "position:static with a relative child to fixed", "position:static with a absolute child to relative", "position:static with a absolute child to absolute", "position:static with a absolute child to fixed", "position:static with a fixed child to relative", "position:static with a fixed child to absolute", "position:static with a fixed child to fixed", "position:relative with a static child to static", "position:relative with a static child to absolute", "position:relative with a static child to fixed", "position:relative with a relative child to static", "position:relative with a relative child to absolute", "position:relative with a relative child to fixed", "position:relative with a absolute child to static", "position:relative with a absolute child to absolute", "position:relative with a absolute child to fixed", "position:relative with a fixed child to static", "position:relative with a fixed child to absolute", "position:relative with a fixed child to fixed", "position:absolute with a static child to static", "position:absolute with a static child to relative", "position:absolute with a static child to fixed", "position:absolute with a relative child to static", "position:absolute with a relative child to relative", "position:absolute with a relative child to fixed", "position:absolute with a absolute child to static", "position:absolute with a absolute child to relative", "position:absolute with a absolute child to fixed", "position:absolute with a fixed child to static", "position:absolute with a fixed child to relative", "position:absolute with a fixed child to fixed", "position:fixed with a static child to static", "position:fixed with a static child to relative", "position:fixed with a static child to absolute", "position:fixed with a relative child to static", "position:fixed with a relative child to relative", "position:fixed with a relative child to absolute", "position:fixed with a absolute child to static", "position:fixed with a absolute child to relative", "position:fixed with a absolute child to absolute", "position:fixed with a fixed child to static", "position:fixed with a fixed child to relative", "position:fixed with a fixed child to absolute"
PASS position:static with a static parent and a static child to static
PASS position:static with a static child to relative
PASS position:static with a static child to relative
PASS position:static and transform with a static child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a static child to relative
PASS position:static with a static child to absolute
PASS position:static with a static child to absolute
PASS position:static and transform with a static child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a static child to absolute
PASS position:static with a static child to fixed
PASS position:static with a static child to fixed
PASS position:static and transform with a static child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a static child to fixed
PASS position:static with a static parent and a static child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a static parent and a static child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:static with a static child
PASS Remove transform from position:static and transform with a static child
PASS position:static with a static parent and a relative child to static
PASS position:static with a relative child to relative
PASS position:static with a relative child to relative
PASS position:static and transform with a relative child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a relative child to relative
PASS position:static with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:static with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:static and transform with a relative child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a relative child to absolute
PASS position:static with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static and transform with a relative child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static with a static parent and a relative child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a static parent and a relative child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:static with a relative child
PASS Remove transform from position:static and transform with a relative child
PASS position:static with a static parent and a absolute child to static
PASS position:static with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a absolute child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:static with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:static with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static with a static parent and a absolute child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a static parent and a absolute child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:static with a absolute child
PASS Remove transform from position:static and transform with a absolute child
PASS position:static with a static parent and a fixed child to static
PASS position:static with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:static with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a fixed child to relative
PASS position:static with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a static parent and a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static with a static parent and a fixed child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a static parent and a fixed child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:static with a fixed child
PASS Remove transform from position:static and transform with a fixed child
PASS position:relative with a static child to static
PASS position:relative with a static child to static
PASS position:relative and transform with a static child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a static child to static
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a static child to relative
PASS position:relative with a static child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a static child to absolute
PASS position:relative and transform with a static child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a static child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a static child to fixed
PASS position:relative with a static child to fixed
PASS position:relative and transform with a static child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a static child to fixed
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a static child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a relative parent and a static child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:relative with a static child
PASS Remove transform from position:relative and transform with a static child
PASS position:relative with a relative child to static
PASS position:relative with a relative child to static
PASS position:relative and transform with a relative child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a relative child to static
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a relative child to relative
PASS position:relative with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:relative and transform with a relative child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a relative child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:relative with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:relative and transform with a relative child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a relative child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a relative parent and a relative child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:relative with a relative child
PASS Remove transform from position:relative and transform with a relative child
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to static
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to static
PASS position:relative and transform with a absolute child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a absolute child to static
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a absolute child to relative
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:relative and transform with a absolute child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:relative with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:relative and transform with a absolute child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a absolute child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a relative parent and a absolute child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:relative with a absolute child
PASS Remove transform from position:relative and transform with a absolute child
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to static
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to static
PASS position:relative and transform with a fixed child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a fixed child to static
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a fixed child to relative
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:relative and transform with a fixed child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:relative with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:relative and transform with a fixed child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static with a relative parent and a fixed child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a relative parent and a fixed child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:relative with a fixed child
PASS Remove transform from position:relative and transform with a fixed child
PASS position:absolute with a static child to static
PASS position:absolute with a static child to static
PASS position:absolute and transform with a static child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a static child to static
PASS position:absolute with a static child to relative
PASS position:absolute with a static child to relative
PASS position:absolute and transform with a static child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a static child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a static child to absolute
PASS position:absolute with a static child to fixed
PASS position:absolute with a static child to fixed
PASS position:absolute and transform with a static child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a static child to fixed
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a static child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute parent and a static child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:absolute with a static child
PASS Remove transform from position:absolute and transform with a static child
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to static
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to static
PASS position:absolute and transform with a relative child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a relative child to static
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to relative
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to relative
PASS position:absolute and transform with a relative child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a relative child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a relative child to absolute
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:absolute with a relative child to fixed
PASS position:absolute and transform with a relative child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a relative child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute parent and a relative child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:absolute with a relative child
PASS Remove transform from position:absolute and transform with a relative child
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to static
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to static
PASS position:absolute and transform with a absolute child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a absolute child to static
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:absolute and transform with a absolute child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a absolute child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:absolute with a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:absolute and transform with a absolute child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a absolute child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute parent and a absolute child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:absolute with a absolute child
PASS Remove transform from position:absolute and transform with a absolute child
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to static
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to static
PASS position:absolute and transform with a fixed child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a fixed child to static
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:absolute and transform with a fixed child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a fixed child to relative
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:absolute with a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:absolute and transform with a fixed child to fixed without transform
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static with a absolute parent and a fixed child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a absolute parent and a fixed child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:absolute with a fixed child
PASS Remove transform from position:absolute and transform with a fixed child
PASS position:fixed with a static child to static
PASS position:fixed with a static child to static
PASS position:fixed and transform with a static child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a static child to static
PASS position:fixed with a static child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a static child to relative
PASS position:fixed and transform with a static child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a static child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a static child to absolute
PASS position:fixed with a static child to absolute
PASS position:fixed and transform with a static child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a static child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a static child to fixed
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a static child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed parent and a static child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:fixed with a static child
PASS Remove transform from position:fixed and transform with a static child
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to static
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to static
PASS position:fixed and transform with a relative child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a relative child to static
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to relative
PASS position:fixed and transform with a relative child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a relative child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:fixed with a relative child to absolute
PASS position:fixed and transform with a relative child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a relative child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a relative child to fixed
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a relative child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed parent and a relative child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:fixed with a relative child
PASS Remove transform from position:fixed and transform with a relative child
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to static
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to static
PASS position:fixed and transform with a absolute child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a absolute child to static
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to relative
PASS position:fixed and transform with a absolute child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a absolute child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:fixed with a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:fixed and transform with a absolute child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a absolute child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a absolute child to fixed
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a absolute child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed parent and a absolute child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:fixed with a absolute child
PASS Remove transform from position:fixed and transform with a absolute child
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to static
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to static
PASS position:fixed and transform with a fixed child to static without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a fixed child to static
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to relative
PASS position:fixed and transform with a fixed child to relative without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a fixed child to relative
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:fixed with a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:fixed and transform with a fixed child to absolute without transform
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a fixed child to absolute
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a fixed child to fixed
PASS position:static with a fixed parent and a fixed child to transform
PASS position:static and transform with a fixed parent and a fixed child to without transform
PASS Add transform position:fixed with a fixed child
PASS Remove transform from position:fixed and transform with a fixed child
Harness: the test ran to completion.