blob: 1666fdf82eb0c10b12f816b792f94bc098eee2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
Harness Error. harness_status.status = 1 , harness_status.message = 1 duplicate test name: "Interfaces and attributes of FederatedCredential"
PASS Interfaces and attributes of FederatedCredential
PASS Interfaces and attributes of FederatedCredential
PASS Interfaces and attributes of FederatedCredential
PASS Interfaces and attributes of FederatedCredential
PASS Construct a FederatedCredential with an invalid Icon URL.
PASS Construct a FederatedCredential with an invalid federation URL.
PASS FederatedCredential objects require IDs and Providers
Harness: the test ran to completion.