blob: e7c057ca33f1ad7edd5eaf9c7236b4bf033c2836 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
Harness Error. harness_status.status = 1 , harness_status.message = 1 duplicate test name: "Response constructed with a stream"
PASS Startup
PASS response
PASS Response default value test
PASS Construct a Response with null body using undefined.
PASS Construct a Response with null body using null.
PASS Response constructor test
PASS Response content type test
PASS Response throw error test
PASS Cancel body stream on Response
PASS call text() on null body response
PASS call arrayBuffer() on null body response
PASS call blob() on null body response
PASS call json() on null body response
PASS Clone on Response (text)
PASS Clone on Response (manual read)
PASS Used => clone
PASS Locked => clone
PASS MIME type for Blob
PASS MIME type for Blob with non-empty type
PASS MIME type for FormData
PASS MIME type for USVString
PASS Extract a MIME type with clone
PASS MIME type unchanged if headers are modified after Response() constructor
PASS Extract a MIME type (1)
PASS Response.error()
PASS Response.redirect() with default status value
PASS Response.redirect() with 301
PASS Response.redirect() with URLs with CR or LF
PASS Response constructed with a stream
PASS Response constructed with a stream
PASS Response constructed with a String / Read from body stream
PASS Response constructed with a stream / Read from body stream
PASS Response constructed with an errored stream
PASS Response constructed with a locked stream
PASS Response constructed stream with an undefined chunk
PASS Response constructed stream with a null chunk
PASS Response constructed stream with a string chunk
Harness: the test ran to completion.