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<title>CSSVariableReferenceValue tests</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Test CSSVariableReferenceValue constructor and attributes" />
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'use strict';
test(() => {
const result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo');
assert_not_equals(result, null,
'A CSSVariableReferenceValue should be created');
assert_equals(result.variable, '--foo',
'Variable member should be same as passed in the constructor');
assert_equals(result.fallback, null,
'Fallback member should be null');
}, 'CSSVariableReferenceValue can be constructed with no fallback');
test(() => {
const result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo',
new CSSUnparsedValue('lemon'));
assert_not_equals(result, null,
'A CSSVariableReferenceValue should be created');
assert_equals(result.variable, '--foo',
'Variable member should be same as passed in the constructor');
assert_not_equals(result.fallback, null,
'Fallback member should not be null');
assert_style_value_equals(result.fallback, new CSSUnparsedValue('lemon'),
'Fallback member should be as same as passed in the constructor');
}, 'CSSVariableReferenceValue can be constructed with fallback');
test(() => {
let result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo');
result.variable = '--bar';
assert_equals(result.variable, '--bar',
'Variable member should be updated to new value');
}, 'CSSVariableReferenceValue.variable can updated to a valid variable name');