blob: 2187d436ead18262b3348982188ec1a8f16b4854 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'cr-picture-list' is a Polymer element used to show a selectable list of
* profile pictures plus a camera selector, file picker, and the current
* profile image.
is: 'cr-picture-list',
behaviors: [CrPngBehavior],
properties: {
cameraPresent: Boolean,
* The default user images.
* @type {!Array<!{index: number, title: string, url: string}>}
defaultImages: {
type: Array,
observer: 'onDefaultImagesChanged_',
/** Strings provided by host */
chooseFileLabel: String,
oldImageLabel: String,
profileImageLabel: String,
takePhotoLabel: String,
* The currently selected item. This property is bound to the iron-selector
* and never directly assigned. This may be undefined momentarily as
* the selection changes due to iron-selector implementation details.
* @private {?CrPicture.ImageElement}
selectedItem: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
observer: 'onImageSelected_',
* The url of the currently set profile picture image.
* @private
profileImageUrl_: {
type: String,
value: CrPicture.kDefaultImageUrl,
* The url of the old image, which is either the existing image sourced from
* the camera, a file, or a deprecated default image.
* @private
oldImageUrl_: {
type: String,
value: '',
* The index associated with the old image if it was a default image, or -1
* if the old image was not a defaul timage (i.e. a camera or file image).
* @private
oldImageIndex_: {
type: Number,
value: -1,
/** @private */
selectionTypesEnum_: {
type: Object,
value: CrPicture.SelectionTypes,
readOnly: true,
/** @private {boolean} */
cameraSelected_: false,
/** @private {string} */
selectedImageUrl_: '',
* The fallback image to be selected when the user discards the 'old' image.
* This may be null if the user started with the old image.
* @private {?CrPicture.ImageElement}
fallbackImage_: null,
setFocus: function() {
if (this.selectedItem) {
onImageSelected_: function(newImg, oldImg) {
if (newImg) {
newImg.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
newImg.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true');
if (oldImg) {
* @param {string} imageUrl
* @param {boolean} selected
setProfileImageUrl: function(imageUrl, selected) {
this.profileImageUrl_ = imageUrl;
this.$.profileImage.title = this.profileImageLabel;
if (!selected)
* @param {string} imageUrl
setSelectedImageUrl(imageUrl) {
const image = this.$.selector.items.find(function(image) {
return image.dataset.url == imageUrl;
if (image) {
this.selectedImageUrl_ = '';
} else {
this.selectedImageUrl_ = imageUrl;
* @param {string} imageUrl
* @param {number=} imageIndex
setOldImageUrl(imageUrl, imageIndex) {
if (imageUrl == CrPicture.kDefaultImageUrl || imageIndex === 0) {
// Treat the default image as empty so it does not show in the list.
this.oldImageUrl_ = '';
this.oldImageUrl_ = imageUrl;
this.oldImageIndex_ = imageIndex === undefined ? -1 : imageIndex;
if (imageUrl) {
this.selectedImageUrl_ = imageUrl;
} else if (this.cameraSelected_) {
} else if (
this.fallbackImage_ &&
this.fallbackImage_.dataset.type != CrPicture.SelectionTypes.OLD) {
this.selectImage_(this.fallbackImage_, true /* activate */);
} else {
this.selectImage_(this.$.profileImage, true /* activate */);
* @param {!CrPicture.ImageElement} image
setSelectedImage_(image) {
this.fallbackImage_ = image;
// If the user is currently taking a photo, do not change the focus.
if (!this.selectedItem ||
this.selectedItem.dataset.type != CrPicture.SelectionTypes.CAMERA) {
this.selectedItem = image;
/** @private */
onDefaultImagesChanged_: function() {
if (this.selectedImageUrl_)
* Handler for when accessibility-specific keys are pressed.
* @param {!{detail: !{key: string, keyboardEvent: Object}}} e
onKeysPressed_: function(e) {
if (!this.selectedItem)
const selector = /** @type {IronSelectorElement} */ (this.$.selector);
const prevSelected = this.selectedItem;
let activate = false;
switch (e.detail.key) {
case 'enter':
case 'space':
activate = true;
case 'up':
case 'left':
do {
} while (this.selectedItem.hidden && this.selectedItem != prevSelected);
case 'down':
case 'right':
do {
} while (this.selectedItem.hidden && this.selectedItem != prevSelected);
this.selectImage_(this.selectedItem, activate);
* @param {!CrPicture.ImageElement} selected
* @param {boolean} activate
* @private
selectImage_(selected, activate) {
this.cameraSelected_ =
selected.dataset.type == CrPicture.SelectionTypes.CAMERA;
this.selectedItem = selected;
if (selected.dataset.type == CrPicture.SelectionTypes.CAMERA) {
if (activate)'focus-action', selected);
} else if (
activate || selected.dataset.type != CrPicture.SelectionTypes.FILE) {'image-activate', selected);
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onIronActivate_: function(event) {
const type = event.detail.item.dataset.type;
// Don't change focus when activating the camera via mouse.
const activate = type != CrPicture.SelectionTypes.CAMERA;
this.selectImage_(event.detail.item, activate);
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onSelectedItemChanged_: function(event) {
if (;
* Returns the image to use for 'src'.
* @param {string} url
* @return {string}
* @private
getImgSrc_: function(url) {
// Use first frame of animated user images.
if (url.startsWith('chrome://theme'))
return url + '[0]';
* Extract first frame from image by creating a single frame PNG using
* url as input if base64 encoded and potentially animated.
if (url.split(',')[0] == 'data:image/png;base64')
return CrPngBehavior.convertImageSequenceToPng([url]);
return url;
* Returns the 2x (high dpi) image to use for 'srcset' for chrome://theme
* images. Note: 'src' will still be used as the 1x candidate as per the HTML
* spec.
* @param {string} url
* @return {string}
* @private
getImgSrc2x_: function(url) {
if (!url.startsWith('chrome://theme'))
return '';
return url + '[0]@2x 2x';