blob: cf7d1dc14619c4d2adc35b358beed9e307556003 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_breaker.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_break_token.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_text_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_box_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/HarfBuzzShaper.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/ShapingLineBreaker.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Use a mock of ShapingLineBreaker for test/debug purposes.
#if defined(MOCK_SHAPE_LINE)
// The mock for ShapingLineBreaker::ShapeLine().
// See BreakText() for the expected semantics.
std::pair<unsigned, LayoutUnit> ShapeLineMock(
const NGInlineItem& item,
unsigned offset,
LayoutUnit available_width,
const LazyLineBreakIterator& break_iterator) {
bool has_break_opportunities = false;
LayoutUnit inline_size;
while (true) {
unsigned next_break = break_iterator.NextBreakOpportunity(offset + 1);
LayoutUnit next_inline_size =
inline_size +
item.InlineSize(offset, std::min(next_break, item.EndOffset()));
if (next_inline_size > available_width) {
if (!has_break_opportunities)
return std::make_pair(next_break, next_inline_size);
return std::make_pair(offset, inline_size);
if (next_break >= item.EndOffset())
return std::make_pair(next_break, next_inline_size);
offset = next_break;
inline_size = next_inline_size;
has_break_opportunities = true;
} // namespace
NGLineBreaker::NGLineBreaker(NGInlineNode node,
const NGConstraintSpace* space,
NGInlineBreakToken* break_token)
: node_(node),
break_iterator_(node.Text()) {
if (break_token) {
item_index_ = break_token->ItemIndex();
offset_ = break_token->TextOffset();
node.AssertOffset(item_index_, offset_);
void NGLineBreaker::NextLine(NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm* algorithm) {
BreakLine(item_results, algorithm);
// TODO(kojii): When editing, or caret is enabled, trailing spaces at wrap
// point should not be removed. For other cases, we can a) remove, b) leave
// characters without glyphs, or c) leave both characters and glyphs without
// measuring. Need to decide which one works the best.
void NGLineBreaker::BreakLine(NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm* algorithm) {
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = node_.Items();
const ComputedStyle& style = node_.Style();
#if !defined(MOCK_SHAPE_LINE)
// TODO(kojii): Instantiate in the constructor.
HarfBuzzShaper shaper(text.Characters16(), text.length());
available_width_ = algorithm->AvailableWidth();
position_ = LayoutUnit(0);
LineBreakState state = LineBreakState::kNotBreakable;
while (item_index_ < items.size()) {
// CloseTag prohibits to break before.
const NGInlineItem& item = items[item_index_];
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kCloseTag) {
NGInlineItemResult(item_index_, offset_, item.EndOffset()));
HandleCloseTag(item, &item_results->back());
if (state == LineBreakState::kBreakAfterTrailings)
if (state == LineBreakState::kIsBreakable && position_ > available_width_)
return HandleOverflow(item_results);
NGInlineItemResult(item_index_, offset_, item.EndOffset()));
NGInlineItemResult* item_result = &item_results->back();
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText) {
state = HandleText(item, item_result);
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kAtomicInline) {
state = HandleAtomicInline(item, item_result);
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl) {
state = HandleControlItem(item, item_result);
if (state == LineBreakState::kForcedBreak)
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kOpenTag) {
HandleOpenTag(item, item_result);
state = LineBreakState::kNotBreakable;
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kFloating) {
HandleFloat(item, item_results, algorithm);
} else {
if (state == LineBreakState::kIsBreakable && position_ > available_width_)
return HandleOverflow(item_results);
NGLineBreaker::LineBreakState NGLineBreaker::HandleText(
const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result) {
DCHECK_EQ(item.Type(), NGInlineItem::kText);
// If the start offset is at the item boundary, try to add the entire item.
if (offset_ == item.StartOffset()) {
item_result->inline_size = item.InlineSize();
LayoutUnit next_position = position_ + item_result->inline_size;
if (!auto_wrap_ || next_position <= available_width_) {
position_ = next_position;
if (auto_wrap_ && break_iterator_.IsBreakable(item.EndOffset()))
return LineBreakState::kIsBreakable;
item_result->prohibit_break_after = true;
return LineBreakState::kNotBreakable;
if (auto_wrap_) {
// Try to break inside of this text item.
BreakText(item_result, item, available_width_ - position_);
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
bool is_overflow = position_ > available_width_;
item_result->no_break_opportunities_inside = is_overflow;
if (item_result->end_offset < item.EndOffset()) {
offset_ = item_result->end_offset;
return is_overflow ? LineBreakState::kIsBreakable
: LineBreakState::kBreakAfterTrailings;
return item_result->prohibit_break_after ? LineBreakState::kNotBreakable
: LineBreakState::kIsBreakable;
// Add the rest of the item if !auto_wrap.
// Because the start position may need to reshape, run ShapingLineBreaker
// with max available width.
DCHECK_NE(offset_, item.StartOffset());
BreakText(item_result, item, LayoutUnit::Max());
DCHECK_EQ(item_result->end_offset, item.EndOffset());
item_result->no_break_opportunities_inside = true;
item_result->prohibit_break_after = true;
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
return LineBreakState::kNotBreakable;
void NGLineBreaker::BreakText(NGInlineItemResult* item_result,
const NGInlineItem& item,
LayoutUnit available_width) {
DCHECK_EQ(item.Type(), NGInlineItem::kText);
#if defined(MOCK_SHAPE_LINE)
std::tie(item_result->end_offset, item_result->inline_size) = ShapeLineMock(
item, item_result->start_offset, available_width, break_iterator_);
// TODO(kojii): We need to instantiate ShapingLineBreaker here because it
// has item-specific info as context. Should they be part of ShapeLine() to
// instantiate once, or is this just fine since instatiation is not
// expensive?
DCHECK_EQ(item.TextShapeResult()->StartIndexForResult(), item.StartOffset());
DCHECK_EQ(item.TextShapeResult()->EndIndexForResult(), item.EndOffset());
ShapingLineBreaker breaker(&shaper, &item.Style()->GetFont(),
item.TextShapeResult(), break_iterator_);
item_result->shape_result = breaker.ShapeLine(
item_result->start_offset, available_width, &item_result->end_offset);
item_result->inline_size = item_result->shape_result->SnappedWidth();
DCHECK_GT(item_result->end_offset, item_result->start_offset);
// * If width <= available_width:
// * If offset < item.EndOffset(): the break opportunity to fit is found.
// * If offset == item.EndOffset(): the break opportunity at the end fits.
// There may be room for more characters.
// * If offset > item.EndOffset(): the first break opportunity is beyond
// the end. There may be room for more characters.
// * If width > available_width: The first break opporunity does not fit.
// offset is the first break opportunity, either inside, at the end, or
// beyond the end.
if (item_result->end_offset <= item.EndOffset()) {
item_result->prohibit_break_after = false;
} else {
item_result->prohibit_break_after = true;
item_result->end_offset = item.EndOffset();
// Measure control items; new lines and tab, that are similar to text, affect
// layout, but do not need shaping/painting.
NGLineBreaker::LineBreakState NGLineBreaker::HandleControlItem(
const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result) {
DCHECK_EQ(item.Length(), 1u);
UChar character = node_.Text()[item.StartOffset()];
if (character == kNewlineCharacter) {
return LineBreakState::kForcedBreak;
DCHECK_EQ(character, kTabulationCharacter);
const ComputedStyle& style = *item.Style();
const Font& font = style.GetFont();
item_result->inline_size = font.TabWidth(style.GetTabSize(), position_);
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
// TODO(kojii): Implement break around the tab character.
return LineBreakState::kIsBreakable;
NGLineBreaker::LineBreakState NGLineBreaker::HandleAtomicInline(
const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result) {
DCHECK_EQ(item.Type(), NGInlineItem::kAtomicInline);
NGBlockNode node = NGBlockNode(ToLayoutBox(item.GetLayoutObject()));
const ComputedStyle& style = node.Style();
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder constraint_space_builder(constraint_space_);
RefPtr<NGConstraintSpace> constraint_space =
item_result->layout_result = node.Layout(constraint_space.Get());
item_result->inline_size =
item_result->margins =
ComputeMargins(*constraint_space_, style,
constraint_space_->WritingMode(), style.Direction());
item_result->inline_size += item_result->margins.InlineSum();
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
if (auto_wrap_)
return LineBreakState::kIsBreakable;
item_result->prohibit_break_after = true;
return LineBreakState::kNotBreakable;
void NGLineBreaker::HandleFloat(const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm* algorithm) {
algorithm->LayoutAndPositionFloat(position_, item.GetLayoutObject());
// Floats may change the available width if they fit.
available_width_ = algorithm->AvailableWidth();
// Floats are already positioned in the container_builder.
void NGLineBreaker::HandleOpenTag(const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result) {
if (item.HasStartEdge()) {
// TODO(kojii): We compute 16 values and discard 12 out of that, and do it 3
// times per element. We may want to cache this.
NGBoxStrut margins = ComputeMargins(*constraint_space_, *item.Style(),
NGBoxStrut borders = ComputeBorders(*constraint_space_, *item.Style());
NGBoxStrut paddings = ComputePadding(*constraint_space_, *item.Style());
item_result->inline_size =
margins.inline_start + borders.inline_start + paddings.inline_start;
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
void NGLineBreaker::HandleCloseTag(const NGInlineItem& item,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result) {
if (item.HasEndEdge()) {
NGBoxStrut margins = ComputeMargins(*constraint_space_, *item.Style(),
NGBoxStrut borders = ComputeBorders(*constraint_space_, *item.Style());
NGBoxStrut paddings = ComputePadding(*constraint_space_, *item.Style());
item_result->inline_size =
margins.inline_end + borders.inline_end + paddings.inline_end;
position_ += item_result->inline_size;
DCHECK(item.GetLayoutObject() && item.GetLayoutObject()->Parent());
// Handles when the last item overflows.
// At this point, item_results does not fit into the current line, and there
// are no break opportunities in item_results.back().
void NGLineBreaker::HandleOverflow(NGInlineItemResults* item_results) {
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = node_.Items();
LayoutUnit rewind_width = available_width_ - position_;
DCHECK_LT(rewind_width, 0);
// Search for a break opportunity that can fit.
// Also keep track of the first break opportunity in case of overflow.
unsigned break_before = 0;
unsigned break_before_if_before_allow = 0;
LayoutUnit rewind_width_if_before_allow;
bool last_item_prohibits_break_before = true;
for (unsigned i = item_results->size(); i;) {
NGInlineItemResult* item_result = &(*item_results)[--i];
const NGInlineItem& item = items[item_result->item_index];
rewind_width += item_result->inline_size;
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText ||
item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kAtomicInline) {
// Try to break inside of this item.
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText && rewind_width >= 0 &&
!item_result->no_break_opportunities_inside) {
// When the text fits but its right margin does not, the break point
// must not be at the end.
LayoutUnit item_available_width =
std::min(rewind_width, item_result->inline_size - 1);
BreakText(item_result, item, item_available_width);
if (item_result->inline_size <= item_available_width) {
DCHECK_LT(item_result->end_offset, item.EndOffset());
return Rewind(item_results, i + 1);
if (!item_result->prohibit_break_after &&
!last_item_prohibits_break_before) {
break_before = i + 1;
// Try to break after this item.
if (break_before_if_before_allow && !item_result->prohibit_break_after) {
if (rewind_width_if_before_allow >= 0)
return Rewind(item_results, break_before_if_before_allow);
break_before = break_before_if_before_allow;
// Otherwise, before this item is a possible break point.
break_before_if_before_allow = i;
rewind_width_if_before_allow = rewind_width;
last_item_prohibits_break_before = false;
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kCloseTag) {
last_item_prohibits_break_before = true;
} else {
if (i + 1 == break_before_if_before_allow) {
break_before_if_before_allow = i;
rewind_width_if_before_allow = rewind_width;
last_item_prohibits_break_before = false;
// The rewind point did not found, let this line overflow.
// If there was a break opporunity, the overflow should stop there.
if (break_before)
Rewind(item_results, break_before);
void NGLineBreaker::Rewind(NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
unsigned new_end) {
// TODO(kojii): Should we keep results for the next line? We don't need to
// re-layout atomic inlines.
// TODO(kojii): Removing processed floats is likely a problematic. Keep
// floats in this line, or keep it for the next line.
void NGLineBreaker::UpdateBreakIterator(const ComputedStyle& style) {
auto_wrap_ = style.AutoWrap();
if (auto_wrap_) {
if (style.WordBreak() == EWordBreak::kBreakAll ||
style.WordBreak() == EWordBreak::kBreakWord) {
} else if (style.WordBreak() == EWordBreak::kKeepAll) {
} else {
// TODO(kojii): Implement word-wrap/overflow-wrap property
void NGLineBreaker::MoveToNextOf(const NGInlineItem& item) {
DCHECK_EQ(&item, &node_.Items()[item_index_]);
offset_ = item.EndOffset();
void NGLineBreaker::MoveToNextOf(const NGInlineItemResult& item_result) {
offset_ = item_result.end_offset;
item_index_ = item_result.item_index;
const NGInlineItem& item = node_.Items()[item_result.item_index];
if (offset_ == item.EndOffset())
void NGLineBreaker::SkipCollapsibleWhitespaces() {
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = node_.Items();
if (item_index_ >= items.size())
const NGInlineItem& item = items[item_index_];
if (item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kText || !item.Style()->CollapseWhiteSpace())
DCHECK_LT(offset_, item.EndOffset());
if (node_.Text()[offset_] == kSpaceCharacter) {
// Skip one whitespace. Collapsible spaces are collapsed to single space in
// NGInlineItemBuilder, so this removes all collapsible spaces.
if (offset_ == item.EndOffset())
RefPtr<NGInlineBreakToken> NGLineBreaker::CreateBreakToken() const {
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = node_.Items();
if (item_index_ >= items.size())
return nullptr;
return NGInlineBreakToken::Create(node_, item_index_, offset_);
} // namespace blink