blob: 33cae5d175d7867981074c4d57e5865dd4411e5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/beacon/NavigatorBeacon.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ExceptionState.h"
#include "bindings/modules/v8/ArrayBufferViewOrBlobOrStringOrFormData.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMArrayBufferView.h"
#include "core/dom/ExceptionCode.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "core/fetch/FetchUtils.h"
#include "core/fileapi/Blob.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/frame/UseCounter.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/ContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "core/html/FormData.h"
#include "core/loader/PingLoader.h"
namespace blink {
NavigatorBeacon::NavigatorBeacon(Navigator& navigator)
: DOMWindowProperty(navigator.frame()), m_transmittedBytes(0) {}
NavigatorBeacon::~NavigatorBeacon() {}
DEFINE_TRACE(NavigatorBeacon) {
const char* NavigatorBeacon::supplementName() {
return "NavigatorBeacon";
NavigatorBeacon& NavigatorBeacon::from(Navigator& navigator) {
NavigatorBeacon* supplement = static_cast<NavigatorBeacon*>(
Supplement<Navigator>::from(navigator, supplementName()));
if (!supplement) {
supplement = new NavigatorBeacon(navigator);
provideTo(navigator, supplementName(), supplement);
return *supplement;
bool NavigatorBeacon::canSendBeacon(ExecutionContext* context,
const KURL& url,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (!url.isValid()) {
SyntaxError, "The URL argument is ill-formed or unsupported.");
return false;
// For now, only support HTTP and related.
if (!url.protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) {
SyntaxError, "Beacons are only supported over HTTP(S).");
return false;
// FIXME: CSP is not enforced on redirects,
if (!ContentSecurityPolicy::shouldBypassMainWorld(context) &&
!context->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(url)) {
// We can safely expose the URL to JavaScript, as these checks happen
// synchronously before redirection. JavaScript receives no new information.
"Refused to send beacon to '" + url.elidedString() +
"' because it violates the document's Content Security Policy.");
return false;
// If detached from frame, do not allow sending a Beacon.
if (!frame() || !frame()->client())
return false;
return true;
int NavigatorBeacon::maxAllowance() const {
const Settings* settings = frame()->settings();
if (settings) {
int maxAllowed = settings->maxBeaconTransmission();
if (maxAllowed < m_transmittedBytes)
return 0;
return maxAllowed - m_transmittedBytes;
return m_transmittedBytes;
void NavigatorBeacon::addTransmittedBytes(int sentBytes) {
DCHECK_GE(sentBytes, 0);
m_transmittedBytes += sentBytes;
bool NavigatorBeacon::sendBeacon(
ExecutionContext* context,
Navigator& navigator,
const String& urlstring,
const ArrayBufferViewOrBlobOrStringOrFormData& data,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
NavigatorBeacon& impl = NavigatorBeacon::from(navigator);
KURL url = context->completeURL(urlstring);
if (!impl.canSendBeacon(context, url, exceptionState))
return false;
int allowance = impl.maxAllowance();
int bytes = 0;
bool allowed;
if (data.isArrayBufferView()) {
allowed = PingLoader::sendBeacon(impl.frame(), allowance, url,
data.getAsArrayBufferView(), bytes);
} else if (data.isBlob()) {
Blob* blob = data.getAsBlob();
if (!FetchUtils::isSimpleContentType(AtomicString(blob->type()))) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::
sendBeaconThrowForBlobWithNonSimpleTypeEnabled()) {
"sendBeacon() with a Blob whose type is not CORS-safelisted MIME "
"type is disallowed experimentally. See "
"for details.");
return false;
allowed = PingLoader::sendBeacon(impl.frame(), allowance, url, blob, bytes);
} else if (data.isString()) {
allowed = PingLoader::sendBeacon(impl.frame(), allowance, url,
data.getAsString(), bytes);
} else if (data.isFormData()) {
allowed = PingLoader::sendBeacon(impl.frame(), allowance, url,
data.getAsFormData(), bytes);
} else {
allowed =
PingLoader::sendBeacon(impl.frame(), allowance, url, String(), bytes);
if (allowed) {
return true;
UseCounter::count(context, UseCounter::SendBeaconQuotaExceeded);
return false;
} // namespace blink