Avoids irregular OnMoreData callbacks on Windows using Core Audio.

Browser changes:

- Improves how native audio buffer sizes are derived on Windows.
- Forces user to always open up at native audio paramters.
- Improved internal scheme to set up the actial endpoint buffer based on input size.
- Refactored WSAPI output implementation and introduced CoreAudioUtil methods.
- Harmonized WSAPI output implementation with exusting unified implementation (to prepare for future merge).
- Changed GetAudioHardwareBufferSize() in audio_util.

Render changes for WebRTC:

- WebRTC now always asks for an output stream using native parameters to avoid rebuffering in the audio converter.
- Any buffer-size mismatch is now taken care of in WebRtcAudioRendrer using a pull FIFO. Delay estimates are also compensated if FIFO is used.
- Added DCHECKs to verify that methods are called on the expected threads.


TEST=media_unittests, content_unittests, HTML5 audio tests in Chrome, WebAudio and Flash tests in Chrome, WebRTC tests in Chrome.

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/12049070

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@180936 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
13 files changed