Revert 182710, this broke check_deps.
> [Android WebView] Migrate the rendering code to a separate set of classes.
> It takes from
> and assumes SW rendering and Capture Picture to be ready and enabled.
> Most changes just move around code. The major structural changes are:
> - Introduce a browser-layer view renderer interface and move the code to its implementation.
> - Take out the rendering-related IPC to its own separate set of host/renderer classes.
> - Change the way the view hierarchy and the compositor are initialized. Now they are created and set on BrowserViewRendererImpl construction.
> - Content is now provided via a ContentViewCore object when initialized, updating the layer to use and the WebContents to observe.
> - Remove/update the DEPS and gyp changes introduced to support rendering in the native layer.
> BUG=167913,167908,161409
> NOTRY=true
> Review URL:
Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
24 files changed