This CL fixes issue 6103 -- Individual download items on the download shelf are not mirrored on RTL locales,
and issue 13217 -- Dangerous File warning on the shelf in RTL seems to misplace the buttons

Enable UI mirroring for DownloadItemView.
During painting each download items, for those items without corresponding mirrored images, flip the canvas to paint the mirrored image. And flip canvas back to normal to paint others.

Test=Open Hebrew Chrome, go to "", download mini_installer.exe, the layout of the warning should be "cancel_button ok_button warning_message warning_icon" from left to right. Click "ok" to download, the layout of the download item in download shelf should be "drop_down_icon download_file_name(or download_file_name with download_status) download_progress_animation and download icon" from left to right.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed