Revert 195553 "Allow showing pending URL for new tab navigations..."
Caused spike in renderer crashes.

> Allow showing pending URL for new tab navigations, but only if safe. 
> We revert to showing the opener's URL if it modifies the content of the 
> initial blank page before the pending URL commits, to prevent URL spoofs. 
> Implications: 
> - All renderer-initiated navigations now have pending NavigationEntries. 
> - GetURL and GetTitle use the visible entry, not active entry. 
> - The renderer notifies the browser if DOM mutations occur before first load. 
> [Second attempt, after was reverted.]
> BUG=9682
> TEST=Open a slow link in a new tab. Destination URL should be visible and reloadable.
> Review URL:

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
18 files changed