blob: 5bf057171412eb74660ba73f9a6425f3fc4ec03f [file] [log] [blame]
# LUCI configuration definition language
{{/* Renders documentation for all symbols in the given struct. */}}
{{define "gen-struct-doc"}}
{{range $sym := .Symbols}}
### {{.FullName}} {#{{$sym.Anchor}}}
{{if $sym.HasDocTag "advanced"}}
*** note
**Advanced function.** It is not used for common use cases.
{{$sym.Doc.Description | LinkifySymbols}}
#### Arguments {#{{$sym.Anchor "args"}}}
{{range $sym.Doc.Args}}
* **{{.Name | EscapeMD}}**: {{.Desc | LinkifySymbols}}
{{- end}}
{{if $sym.Doc.Returns}}
#### Returns {#{{$sym.Anchor "returns"}}}
{{$sym.Doc.Returns | LinkifySymbols}}
{{/* Renders TODO note. */}}
{{define "todo"}}
*** note
TODO: To be written.
Load all symbols we are going to document in advance to let LinkifySymbols
know that they can be referred to through anchors.
{{ $core := Symbol "@stdlib//" "core" }}
{{ $acl := Symbol "@stdlib//" "acl" }}
{{ $swarming := Symbol "@stdlib//" "swarming" }}
## Overview
### Working with lucicfg
{{template "todo"}}
### Concepts
{{template "todo"}}
### Resolving naming ambiguities
{{template "todo"}}
### Defining durations {#durations_doc}
{{template "todo"}}
### Defining cron schedules {#schedules_doc}
{{template "todo"}}
## Core rules
{{template "gen-struct-doc" $core}}
## ACLs
*** note
TODO: Display roles as a table.
{{template "gen-struct-doc" $acl}}
## Swarming
{{template "gen-struct-doc" $swarming}}
## Other builtin functions
These functions are available in the global namespace.
{{template "todo"}}