blob: 4f2d10eb2d4c9a4406bd4a87af467a1140af2c38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ECMAScript 402 API implementation.
* Intl object is a single object that has some named properties,
* all of which are constructors.
(function(global, utils) {
"use strict";
// TODO(gsathya): determine if kDefaultOptionsMissing can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if kValueOutOfRange can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if kWrongServiceType can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if kWrongValueType can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %AvailableLocalesOf can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %GetDefaultICULocale can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %make_error can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %make_range_error can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %object_define_property can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %regexp_internal_match can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %RegExpInternalReplace can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if %StringLastIndexOf can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if HAS_OWN_PROPERTY can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if IS_NULL can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if TO_BOOLEAN can be removed?
// TODO(gsathya): determine if TO_STRING can be removed?
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports
var ArrayJoin;
var ArrayPush;
var GlobalDate = global.Date;
var GlobalIntl = global.Intl;
var GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat = GlobalIntl.DateTimeFormat;
var GlobalIntlNumberFormat = GlobalIntl.NumberFormat;
var GlobalIntlCollator = GlobalIntl.Collator;
var GlobalIntlPluralRules = GlobalIntl.PluralRules;
var GlobalIntlv8BreakIterator = GlobalIntl.v8BreakIterator;
var GlobalRegExp = global.RegExp;
var GlobalString = global.String;
var GlobalArray = global.Array;
var IntlFallbackSymbol = utils.ImportNow("intl_fallback_symbol");
var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray;
var MathMax = global.Math.max;
var ObjectHasOwnProperty = global.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var ObjectKeys = global.Object.keys;
var resolvedSymbol = utils.ImportNow("intl_resolved_symbol");
var StringSubstr = GlobalString.prototype.substr;
var StringSubstring = GlobalString.prototype.substring;
utils.Import(function(from) {
ArrayJoin = from.ArrayJoin;
ArrayPush = from.ArrayPush;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Make JS array[] out of InternalArray */
function makeArray(input) {
var array = [];
%MoveArrayContents(input, array);
return array;
* Returns an InternalArray where all locales are canonicalized and duplicates
* removed.
* Throws on locales that are not well formed BCP47 tags.
* ECMA 402 8.2.1 steps 1 (ECMA 402 9.2.1) and 2.
function canonicalizeLocaleList(locales) {
var seen = new InternalArray();
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(locales)) {
// We allow single string localeID.
if (typeof locales === 'string') {
%_Call(ArrayPush, seen, %CanonicalizeLanguageTag(locales));
return seen;
var o = TO_OBJECT(locales);
var len = TO_LENGTH(o.length);
for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) {
if (k in o) {
var value = o[k];
var tag = %CanonicalizeLanguageTag(value);
if (%ArrayIndexOf(seen, tag, 0) === -1) {
%_Call(ArrayPush, seen, tag);
return seen;
// TODO(ftang): remove the %InstallToContext once
// initializeLocaleList is available in C++
"canonicalize_locale_list", canonicalizeLocaleList
// ECMA 402 section 8.2.1
getCanonicalLocales(locales) {
return makeArray(canonicalizeLocaleList(locales));
* DateTimeFormat resolvedOptions method.
resolvedOptions() {
return %DateTimeFormatResolvedOptions(this);
// Save references to Intl objects and methods we use, for added security.
var savedObjects = {
__proto__: null,
'collator': GlobalIntlCollator,
'numberformat': GlobalIntlNumberFormat,
'dateformatall': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat,
'dateformatdate': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat,
'dateformattime': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat
// Default (created with undefined locales and options parameters) collator,
// number and date format instances. They'll be created as needed.
var defaultObjects = {
__proto__: null,
'collator': UNDEFINED,
'numberformat': UNDEFINED,
'dateformatall': UNDEFINED,
'dateformatdate': UNDEFINED,
'dateformattime': UNDEFINED,
function clearDefaultObjects() {
defaultObjects['dateformatall'] = UNDEFINED;
defaultObjects['dateformatdate'] = UNDEFINED;
defaultObjects['dateformattime'] = UNDEFINED;
var date_cache_version = 0;
function checkDateCacheCurrent() {
var new_date_cache_version = %DateCacheVersion();
if (new_date_cache_version == date_cache_version) {
date_cache_version = new_date_cache_version;
* Returns cached or newly created instance of a given service.
* We cache only default instances (where no locales or options are provided).
function cachedOrNewService(service, locales, options, defaults) {
var useOptions = (IS_UNDEFINED(defaults)) ? options : defaults;
if (IS_UNDEFINED(locales) && IS_UNDEFINED(options)) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(defaultObjects[service])) {
defaultObjects[service] = new savedObjects[service](locales, useOptions);
return defaultObjects[service];
return new savedObjects[service](locales, useOptions);
// TODO(ftang) remove the %InstallToContext once
// cachedOrNewService is available in C++
"cached_or_new_service", cachedOrNewService