IPC::Message Refactoring: Move POSIX specific bits to PlatformFileAttachment

This change:

 * Gets rid of MessageAttachmentSet::owning_descriptors_ by moving
   the responsibility to PlatformFileAttachment, where owning_
   member variable is used to track the lifetime
 * Replaces MessageAttachmetnSet::Add*File() and TakePlatformFile()
   with platform agnostic AddAttachment() and GetAttachmentAt()
 * Repalces Message::ReadFile(), Write*File() with ReadAttachment()
   and WriteAttachmente(), which are also platform agnostic.

This also adds MessageAttachment::TakePlatformFile() virtual function,
which will be implemented by upcoming MojoHandleAttachment as well.

This is another preparation for introducing MojoHandleAttachment,
but it also simplifies Message and MessageAttachmentSet.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/883093003

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#314047}
16 files changed