blob: debbf4ca845f7dad26036a483085cb2ef3540f6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/zip_archiver/cpp/volume_archive_minizip.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/logging.h"
namespace {
const char kArchiveOpenError[] = "Failed to open archive.";
const char kArchiveNextHeaderError[] =
"Failed to open current file in archive.";
const char kArchiveReadDataError[] = "Failed to read archive data.";
// The size of the buffer used to skip unnecessary data. Should be positive and
// UINT16_MAX or less. unzReadCurrentFile in third_party/minizip/src/unzip.c
// supports to read a data up to UINT16_MAX at a time.
const int64_t kDummyBufferSize = UINT16_MAX; // ~64 KB
// The size of the buffer used by ReadInProgress to decompress data. Should be
// positive and UINT16_MAX or less. unzReadCurrentFile in
// third_party/minizip/src/unzip.c supports to read a data up to UINT16_MAX at a
// time.
const int64_t kDecompressBufferSize = UINT16_MAX; // ~64 KB.
// The maximum data chunk size for VolumeReader::Read requests.
// Should be positive.
const int64_t kMaximumDataChunkSize = 512 * 1024; // 512 KB.
// The minimum data chunk size for VolumeReader::Read requests.
// Should be positive.
const int64_t kMinimumDataChunkSize = 32 * 1024; // 16 KB.
// Maximum length of filename in zip archive.
const int kZipMaxPath = 256;
// The size of the static cache. We need at least 64KB to cache whole
// 'end of central directory' data.
const int64_t kStaticCacheSize = 128 * 1024;
base::Time::Exploded ExplodeDosdate(uint32_t dos_timedate) {
base::Time::Exploded exploded_time = {};
exploded_time.year = 1980 + ((dos_timedate >> 25) & 0x7f);
exploded_time.month = (dos_timedate >> 21) & 0x0f;
exploded_time.day_of_month = (dos_timedate >> 16) & 0x1f;
exploded_time.hour = (dos_timedate >> 11) & 0x1f;
exploded_time.minute = (dos_timedate >> 5) & 0x3f;
exploded_time.second = (dos_timedate & 0x1f) << 1;
exploded_time.millisecond = 0;
return exploded_time;
}; // namespace
namespace volume_archive_functions {
void* CustomArchiveOpen(void* archive,
const char* /* filename */,
int /* mode */) {
return archive;
int64_t DynamicCache(VolumeArchiveMinizip* archive, int64_t unzip_size) {
int64_t offset = archive->reader()->offset();
if (archive->reader()->Seek(static_cast<int64_t>(offset),
return -1 /* Error */;
int64_t bytes_to_read = std::min(kMaximumDataChunkSize,
archive->reader()->archive_size() - offset);
PP_DCHECK(bytes_to_read > 0);
int64_t left_length = bytes_to_read;
char* buffer_pointer = archive->dynamic_cache_.get();
const void* destination_buffer;
do {
int64_t read_bytes =
archive->reader()->Read(left_length, &destination_buffer);
// End of the zip file.
if (read_bytes == 0)
if (read_bytes < 0)
return -1 /* Error */;
memcpy(buffer_pointer, destination_buffer, read_bytes);
left_length -= read_bytes;
buffer_pointer += read_bytes;
} while (left_length > 0);
if (archive->reader()->Seek(static_cast<int64_t>(offset),
return -1 /* Error */;
archive->dynamic_cache_size_ = bytes_to_read - left_length;
archive->dynamic_cache_offset_ = offset;
return unzip_size - left_length;
uint32_t CustomArchiveRead(void* archive,
void* /* stream */,
void* buffer,
uint32_t size) {
VolumeArchiveMinizip* archive_minizip =
int64_t offset = archive_minizip->reader()->offset();
// When minizip requests a chunk in static_cache_.
if (offset >= archive_minizip->static_cache_offset_) {
// Relative offset in the central directory.
int64_t offset_in_cache = offset - archive_minizip->static_cache_offset_;
memcpy(buffer, archive_minizip->static_cache_.get() + offset_in_cache,
if (archive_minizip->reader()->Seek(static_cast<int64_t>(size),
return -1 /* Error */;
return size;
char* unzip_buffer_pointer = static_cast<char*>(buffer);
int64_t left_length = static_cast<int64_t>(size);
do {
offset = archive_minizip->reader()->offset();
// If dynamic_cache_ is empty or it cannot be reused, update the cache so
// that it contains the chunk required by minizip.
if (archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_size_ == 0 ||
offset < archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_offset_ ||
archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_offset_ +
archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_size_ <
offset + size) {
if (volume_archive_functions::DynamicCache(archive_minizip, size) < 0)
return -1 /* Error */;
// Just copy the required data from the cache.
int64_t offset_in_cache = offset - archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_offset_;
int64_t copy_length = std::min(
left_length, archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_size_ - offset_in_cache);
archive_minizip->dynamic_cache_.get() + offset_in_cache,
unzip_buffer_pointer += copy_length;
left_length -= copy_length;
if (archive_minizip->reader()->Seek(static_cast<int64_t>(copy_length),
return -1 /* Error */;
} while (left_length > 0);
return size;
uint32_t CustomArchiveWrite(void* /*archive*/,
void* /*stream*/,
const void* /*buffer*/,
uint32_t /*length*/) {
return 0 /* Success */;
long CustomArchiveTell(void* archive, void* /*stream*/) {
VolumeArchiveMinizip* archive_minizip =
return static_cast<long>(archive_minizip->reader()->offset());
long CustomArchiveSeek(void* archive,
void* /*stream*/,
uint32_t offset,
int origin) {
VolumeArchiveMinizip* archive_minizip =
long return_value = static_cast<long>(archive_minizip->reader()->Seek(
static_cast<int64_t>(offset), static_cast<int64_t>(origin)));
if (return_value >= 0)
return 0 /* Success */;
return -1 /* Error */;
int CustomArchiveClose(void* /*opaque*/, void* /*stream*/) {
return 0;
int CustomArchiveError(void* /*opaque*/, void* /*stream*/) {
return 0;
std::unique_ptr<std::string> GetPassphrase(
VolumeArchiveMinizip* archive_minizip) {
return archive_minizip->reader()->Passphrase();
} // namespace volume_archive_functions
VolumeArchiveMinizip::VolumeArchiveMinizip(std::unique_ptr<VolumeReader> reader)
: VolumeArchive(std::move(reader)),
decompressed_error_(false) {}
VolumeArchiveMinizip::~VolumeArchiveMinizip() {
if (zip_file_) {
if (unzClose(zip_file_) != UNZ_OK) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to close archive.";
bool VolumeArchiveMinizip::Init(const std::string& encoding) {
// Set up minizip object.
zlib_filefunc_def zip_funcs;
zip_funcs.zopen_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveOpen;
zip_funcs.zread_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveRead;
zip_funcs.zwrite_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveWrite;
zip_funcs.ztell_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveTell;
zip_funcs.zseek_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveSeek;
zip_funcs.zclose_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveClose;
zip_funcs.zerror_file = volume_archive_functions::CustomArchiveError;
zip_funcs.opaque = static_cast<void*>(this);
// Load maximum static_cache_size_ bytes from the end of the archive to
// static_cache_.
static_cache_size_ = std::min(kStaticCacheSize, reader()->archive_size());
int64_t previous_offset = reader()->offset();
char* buffer_pointer = static_cache_.get();
int64_t left_length = static_cache_size_;
static_cache_offset_ = std::max(reader()->archive_size() - static_cache_size_,
if (reader()->Seek(static_cache_offset_, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return false /* Error */;
do {
const void* destination_buffer;
int64_t read_bytes = reader()->Read(left_length, &destination_buffer);
memcpy(buffer_pointer, destination_buffer, read_bytes);
left_length -= read_bytes;
buffer_pointer += read_bytes;
} while (left_length > 0);
// Set the offset to the original position.
if (reader()->Seek(previous_offset, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return false /* Error */;
zip_file_ = unzOpen2(nullptr /* filename */, &zip_funcs);
if (!zip_file_) {
return false;
return true;
VolumeArchive::Result VolumeArchiveMinizip::GetCurrentFileInfo(
std::string* pathname,
bool* is_encoded_in_utf8,
int64_t* size,
bool* is_directory,
time_t* modification_time) {
// Headers are being read from the central directory (in the ZIP format), so
// use a large block size to save on IPC calls. The headers in EOCD are
// grouped one by one.
reader_data_size_ = kMaximumDataChunkSize;
// Reset to 0 for new VolumeArchive::ReadData operation.
last_read_data_offset_ = 0;
decompressed_data_size_ = 0;
unz_file_pos position = {};
if (unzGetFilePos(zip_file_, &position) != UNZ_OK) {
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_FAIL;
// Get the information of the opened file.
unz_file_info raw_file_info = {};
char raw_file_name_in_zip[kZipMaxPath] = {};
const int result =
unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip_file_, &raw_file_info, raw_file_name_in_zip,
sizeof(raw_file_name_in_zip) - 1,
nullptr, // extraField.
0, // extraFieldBufferSize.
nullptr, // szComment.
0); // commentBufferSize.
if (result != UNZ_OK || raw_file_name_in_zip[0] == '\0') {
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_FAIL;
*pathname = std::string(raw_file_name_in_zip);
*is_encoded_in_utf8 = (raw_file_info.flag & (1 << 11)) != 0;
*size = raw_file_info.uncompressed_size;
// Directory entries in zip files end with "/".
*is_directory = base::EndsWith(raw_file_name_in_zip, "/",
// Construct the last modified time. The timezone info is not present in
// zip files. By default, the time is set as local time in zip format.
base::Time local_time;
// If the modification time is not available, we set the value to the current
// local time.
if (!base::Time::FromLocalExploded(ExplodeDosdate(raw_file_info.dos_date),
local_time = base::Time::UnixEpoch();
*modification_time = local_time.ToTimeT();
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_SUCCESS;
VolumeArchive::Result VolumeArchiveMinizip::GoToNextFile() {
int return_value = unzGoToNextFile(zip_file_);
if (return_value == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) {
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_EOF;
if (return_value == UNZ_OK)
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_SUCCESS;
return VolumeArchive::RESULT_FAIL;
bool VolumeArchiveMinizip::SeekHeader(const std::string& path_name) {
// Reset to 0 for new VolumeArchive::ReadData operation.
last_read_data_offset_ = 0;
decompressed_data_size_ = 0;
// Setting nullptr to filename_compare_func falls back to strcmp, i.e. case
// sensitive.
if (unzLocateFile(zip_file_, path_name.c_str(),
nullptr /* filename_compare_func */) != UNZ_OK) {
return false;
unz_file_info raw_file_info = {};
char raw_file_name_in_zip[kZipMaxPath] = {};
if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip_file_, &raw_file_info, raw_file_name_in_zip,
sizeof(raw_file_name_in_zip) - 1,
nullptr, // extraField.
0, // extraFieldBufferSize.
nullptr, // szComment.
0) != UNZ_OK) {
return false;
// Directory entries in zip files end with "/".
bool is_directory = base::EndsWith(raw_file_name_in_zip, "/",
int open_result = UNZ_OK;
// If the archive is encrypted, the lowest bit of raw_file_info.flag is set.
// Directories cannot be encrypted with the basic zip encrytion algorithm.
if (((raw_file_info.flag & 1) != 0) && !is_directory) {
do {
if (password_cache_ == nullptr) {
// Save passphrase for upcoming file requests.
password_cache_ = volume_archive_functions::GetPassphrase(this);
// check if |password_cache_| is nullptr in case when user clicks Cancel
if (password_cache_ == nullptr) {
return false;
open_result =
unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(zip_file_, password_cache_.get()->c_str());
// If password is incorrect then password cache ought to be reseted.
if (open_result == UNZ_BADPASSWORD && password_cache_ != nullptr)
} while (open_result == UNZ_BADPASSWORD);
} else {
open_result = unzOpenCurrentFile(zip_file_);
if (open_result != UNZ_OK) {
return false;
return true;
void VolumeArchiveMinizip::DecompressData(int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
// TODO(cmihail): As an optimization consider using archive_read_data_block
// which avoids extra copying in case offset != last_read_data_offset_.
// The logic will be more complicated because archive_read_data_block offset
// will not be aligned with the offset of the read request from JavaScript.
// Requests with offset smaller than last read offset are not supported.
if (offset < last_read_data_offset_) {
decompressed_error_ = true;
// Request with offset greater than last read offset. Skip not needed bytes.
// Because files are compressed, seeking is not possible, so all of the bytes
// until the requested position must be unpacked.
ssize_t size = -1;
while (offset > last_read_data_offset_) {
// ReadData will call CustomArchiveRead when calling archive_read_data. Read
// should not request more bytes than possibly needed, so we request either
// offset - last_read_data_offset_, kMaximumDataChunkSize in case the former
// is too big or kMinimumDataChunkSize in case its too small and we might
// end up with too many IPCs.
reader_data_size_ = std::max(
std::min(offset - last_read_data_offset_, kMaximumDataChunkSize),
// No need for an offset in dummy_buffer as it will be ignored anyway.
// archive_read_data receives size_t as length parameter, but we limit it to
// kDummyBufferSize which is positive and less
// than size_t maximum. So conversion from int64_t to size_t is safe here.
size = unzReadCurrentFile(
zip_file_, dummy_buffer_.get(),
std::min(offset - last_read_data_offset_, kDummyBufferSize));
PP_DCHECK(size != 0); // The actual read is done below. We shouldn't get to
// end of file here.
if (size < 0) { // Error.
decompressed_error_ = true;
last_read_data_offset_ += size;
// Do not decompress more bytes than we can store internally. The
// kDecompressBufferSize limit is used to avoid huge memory usage.
int64_t left_length = std::min(length, kDecompressBufferSize);
// ReadData will call CustomArchiveRead when calling archive_read_data. The
// read should be done with a value similar to length, which is the requested
// number of bytes, or kMaximumDataChunkSize / kMinimumDataChunkSize
// in case length is too big or too small.
reader_data_size_ = std::max(
std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(left_length), kMaximumDataChunkSize),
// Perform the actual copy.
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
do {
// archive_read_data receives size_t as length parameter, but we limit it to
// kMinimumDataChunkSize (see left_length
// initialization), which is positive and less than size_t maximum.
// So conversion from int64_t to size_t is safe here.
size = unzReadCurrentFile(
zip_file_, decompressed_data_buffer_.get() + bytes_read, left_length);
if (size < 0) { // Error.
decompressed_error_ = true;
bytes_read += size;
left_length -= size;
} while (left_length > 0 && size != 0); // There is still data to read.
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::DecompressData always stores the data from
// beginning of the buffer. VolumeArchiveMinizip::ConsumeData is used
// to preserve the bytes that are decompressed but not required by
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData.
decompressed_data_ = decompressed_data_buffer_.get();
decompressed_data_size_ = bytes_read;
int64_t VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData(int64_t offset,
int64_t length,
const char** buffer) {
PP_DCHECK(length > 0); // Length must be at least 1.
// In case of first read or no more available data in the internal buffer or
// offset is different from the last_read_data_offset_, then force
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::DecompressData as the decompressed data is
// invalid.
if (!decompressed_data_ || last_read_data_offset_ != offset ||
decompressed_data_size_ == 0)
DecompressData(offset, length);
// Decompressed failed.
if (decompressed_error_) {
return -1 /* Error */;
last_read_data_length_ = length; // Used for decompress ahead.
// Assign the output *buffer parameter to the internal buffer.
*buffer = decompressed_data_;
// Advance internal buffer for next ReadData call.
int64_t read_bytes = std::min(decompressed_data_size_, length);
decompressed_data_ = decompressed_data_ + read_bytes;
decompressed_data_size_ -= read_bytes;
last_read_data_offset_ += read_bytes;
PP_DCHECK(decompressed_data_ + decompressed_data_size_ <=
decompressed_data_buffer_.get() + kDecompressBufferSize);
return read_bytes;
void VolumeArchiveMinizip::MaybeDecompressAhead() {
if (decompressed_data_size_ == 0)
DecompressData(last_read_data_offset_, last_read_data_length_);