blob: c25f2d8ade0acd00035d045fcc37e41baee8b0a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('omnibox_output', function() {
* Details how to display an autocomplete result data field.
* @typedef {{
* header: string,
* url: string,
* propertyName: string,
* displayAlways: boolean,
* tooltip: string,
* }}
let PresentationInfoRecord;
* A constant that's used to decide what autocomplete result
* properties to output in what order.
* @type {!Array<!PresentationInfoRecord>}
header: 'Provider',
url: '',
propertyName: 'providerName',
displayAlways: true,
tooltip: 'The AutocompleteProvider suggesting this result.'
header: 'Type',
url: '',
propertyName: 'type',
displayAlways: true,
tooltip: 'The type of the result.'
header: 'Relevance',
url: '',
propertyName: 'relevance',
displayAlways: true,
tooltip: 'The result score. Higher is more relevant.'
header: 'Contents',
url: '',
propertyName: 'contents',
displayAlways: true,
tooltip: 'The text that is presented identifying the result.'
header: 'CanBeDefault',
url: '',
propertyName: 'allowedToBeDefaultMatch',
displayAlways: false,
'A green checkmark indicates that the result can be the default ' +
'match(i.e., can be the match that pressing enter in the omnibox' +
'navigates to).'
header: 'Starred',
url: '',
propertyName: 'starred',
displayAlways: false,
'A green checkmark indicates that the result has been bookmarked.'
header: 'Hastabmatch',
url: '',
propertyName: 'hasTabMatch',
displayAlways: false,
'A green checkmark indicates that the result URL matches an open' +
header: 'Description',
url: '',
propertyName: 'description',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'The page title of the result.'
header: 'URL',
url: '',
propertyName: 'destinationUrl',
displayAlways: true,
tooltip: 'The URL for the result.'
header: 'FillIntoEdit',
url: '',
propertyName: 'fillIntoEdit',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'The text shown in the omnibox when the result is selected.'
header: 'InlineAutocompletion',
url: '',
propertyName: 'inlineAutocompletion',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'The text shown in the omnibox as a blue highlight selection ' +
'following the cursor, if this match is shown inline.'
header: 'Del',
url: '',
propertyName: 'deletable',
displayAlways: false,
'A green checkmark indicates that the result can be deleted from ' +
'the visit history.'
header: 'Prev',
url: '',
propertyName: 'fromPrevious',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: ''
header: 'Tran',
propertyName: 'transition',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'How the user got to the result.'
header: 'Done',
url: '',
propertyName: 'providerDone',
displayAlways: false,
'A green checkmark indicates that the provider is done looking ' +
'for more results.'
header: 'AssociatedKeyword',
url: '',
propertyName: 'associatedKeyword',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'If non-empty, a "press tab to search" hint will be shown and ' +
'will engage this keyword.'
header: 'Keyword',
url: '',
propertyName: 'keyword',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'The keyword of the search engine to be used.'
header: 'Duplicates',
url: '',
propertyName: 'duplicates',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'The number of matches that have been marked as duplicates of ' +
'this match..'
header: 'AdditionalInfo',
url: '',
propertyName: 'additionalInfo',
displayAlways: false,
tooltip: 'Provider-specific information about the result.'
class OmniboxOutput extends OmniboxElement {
/** @return {string} */
static get is() {
return 'omnibox-output';
constructor() {
/** @param {Element} element the element to the output */
addOutput(element) {
clearOutput() {
while (this.$$('contents').firstChild)
/** Helps track and render a list of results. */
class OutputResultsTable {
/** @param {Array<!mojom.AutocompleteMatch>} results */
constructor(results) {
/** @type {Array<OutputMatch>} */
this.matches = => new OutputMatch(match));
* Creates a HTML Node representing this data.
* @param {boolean} showDetails
* @return {Node}
render(showDetails) {
const resultsTable = OmniboxElement.getTemplate('results-table-template');
// The additional properties column only needs be displayed if at least
// one of the results have additional properties.
const showAdditionalPropertiesHeader = this.matches.some(
match => match.showAdditionalProperties(showDetails));
showDetails, showAdditionalPropertiesHeader));
match => resultsTable.querySelector('.results-table-body')
return resultsTable;
/** Helps track and render a single match. */
class OutputMatch {
/** @param {!mojom.AutocompleteMatch} match */
constructor(match) {
/** @dict */ = {};
/** @dict */
this.additionalProperties = {};
Object.entries(match).forEach(propertyNameValueTuple => {
// TODO(manukh) replace with destructuring when the styleguide is
// updated
const propertyName = propertyNameValueTuple[0];
const propertyValue = propertyNameValueTuple[1];
displayProperty =>
displayProperty.propertyName === propertyName)) {[propertyName] = propertyValue;
} else {
this.additionalProperties[propertyName] = propertyValue;
* Creates a HTML Node representing this data.
* @param {boolean} showDetails
* @return {Node}
render(showDetails) {
const match = document.createElement('tr');
.map(property => {
const value =[property.propertyName];
if (typeof value === 'object')
return OutputMatch.renderJsonProperty_(value);
if (typeof value === 'boolean')
return OutputMatch.renderBooleanProperty_(value);
return OutputMatch.renderTextProperty_(value);
.forEach(cell => match.appendChild(cell));
if (this.showAdditionalProperties(showDetails)) {
return match;
* TODO(manukh) replace these static render_ functions with subclasses when
* rendering becomes more substantial
* @private
* @param {string} propertyValue
* @return {Node}
static renderTextProperty_(propertyValue) {
const cell = document.createElement('td');
cell.textContent = propertyValue;
return cell;
* @private
* @param {Object} propertyValue
* @return {Node}
static renderJsonProperty_(propertyValue) {
const cell = document.createElement('td');
const pre = document.createElement('pre');
pre.textContent = JSON.stringify(propertyValue, null, 2);
return cell;
* @private
* @param {boolean} propertyValue
* @return {Node}
static renderBooleanProperty_(propertyValue) {
const cell = document.createElement('td');
const icon = document.createElement('div');
icon.className = propertyValue ? 'check-mark' : 'x-mark';
icon.textContent = propertyValue;
return cell;
* @private
* @param {boolean} showDetails
* @param {boolean} showAdditionalHeader
* @return {Node}
static renderHeader_(showDetails, showAdditionalHeader) {
const row = document.createElement('tr');
const headerCells =
displayProperty => OutputMatch.renderHeaderCell_(
displayProperty.header, displayProperty.url,
if (showAdditionalHeader) {
OutputMatch.renderHeaderCell_('Additional Properties'));
headerCells.forEach(headerCell => row.appendChild(headerCell));
return row;
* @private
* @param {string} name
* @param {string=} url
* @param {string=} tooltip
* @return {Node}
static renderHeaderCell_(name, url, tooltip) {
const cell = document.createElement('th');
if (url) {
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.textContent = name;
link.href = url;
} else {
cell.textContent = name;
cell.title = tooltip || '';
return cell;
* @return {Array<PresentationInfoRecord>} Array representing which columns
* need to be displayed.
static displayedProperties(showDetails) {
return showDetails ?
PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER.filter(property => property.displayAlways);
* @return {boolean} True if the additional properties column is required
* to be displayed for this result. False if the column can be hidden
* because this result does not have additional properties.
showAdditionalProperties(showDetails) {
return showDetails && Object.keys(this.additionalProperties).length;
window.customElements.define(, OmniboxOutput);
// TODO(manukh) remove PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER from exports after the remaining
// OmniboxOutput classes are extracted
// TODO(manukh) use shorthand object creation if/when approved
return {
OmniboxOutput: OmniboxOutput,
OutputResultsTable: OutputResultsTable,