blob: 12d1850a73bb82c7c6d42449a8cdda6abfb08f85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_shim/app_shim_handler_mac.h"
#include "chrome/common/mac/app_shim.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
namespace content {
class NSViewBridgeFactoryHost;
} // namespace content
namespace views {
class BridgeFactoryHost;
} // namespace views
class AppShimHostBootstrap;
// This is the counterpart to AppShimController in
// chrome/app/ The AppShimHost owns itself, and is
// destroyed when the app it corresponds to is closed or when the channel
// connected to the app shim is closed.
class AppShimHost : public chrome::mojom::AppShimHost {
AppShimHost(const std::string& app_id, const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Returns true if an AppShimHostBootstrap has already connected to this
// host.
bool HasBootstrapConnected() const;
// Invoked when the app is successfully launched.
void OnBootstrapConnected(std::unique_ptr<AppShimHostBootstrap> bootstrap);
// Invoked when the app is closed in the browser process. Virtual for tests.
virtual void OnAppLaunchComplete(apps::AppShimLaunchResult result);
// Invoked when the app is closed in the browser process.
void OnAppClosed();
// TODO(ccameron): The following three function should directly call the
// AppShim mojo interface (they only don't due to tests that could be changed
// to mock the AppShim mojo interface).
// Invoked when the app should be hidden.
void OnAppHide();
// Invoked when a window becomes visible while the app is hidden. Ensures
// the shim's "Hide/Show" state is updated correctly and the app can be
// re-hidden.
virtual void OnAppUnhideWithoutActivation();
// Invoked when the app is requesting user attention.
void OnAppRequestUserAttention(apps::AppShimAttentionType type);
// Functions to allow the handler to determine which app this host corresponds
// to.
base::FilePath GetProfilePath() const;
std::string GetAppId() const;
// Return the factory to use to create new widgets in the same process.
views::BridgeFactoryHost* GetViewsBridgeFactoryHost() const;
// Return the app shim interface.
chrome::mojom::AppShim* GetAppShim() const;
// AppShimHost is owned by itself. It will delete itself in Close (called on
// channel error and OnAppClosed).
~AppShimHost() override;
void ChannelError(uint32_t custom_reason, const std::string& description);
void SendLaunchResult();
// Closes the channel and destroys the AppShimHost.
void Close();
// Return the AppShimHandler for this app (virtual for tests).
virtual apps::AppShimHandler* GetAppShimHandler() const;
// chrome::mojom::AppShimHost.
void FocusApp(apps::AppShimFocusType focus_type,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) override;
void SetAppHidden(bool hidden) override;
void QuitApp() override;
mojo::Binding<chrome::mojom::AppShimHost> host_binding_;
chrome::mojom::AppShimPtr app_shim_;
chrome::mojom::AppShimRequest app_shim_request_;
std::unique_ptr<AppShimHostBootstrap> bootstrap_;
std::unique_ptr<views::BridgeFactoryHost> views_bridge_factory_host_;
std::unique_ptr<content::NSViewBridgeFactoryHost> content_bridge_factory_;
std::string app_id_;
base::FilePath profile_path_;
// The result passed to OnAppLaunchComplete, not set until OnAppLaunchComplete
// is called.
base::Optional<apps::AppShimLaunchResult> launch_result_;
bool has_sent_on_launch_complete_ = false;