blob: 9b5ccee038b296c804293bd073afcab5b747f752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been auto-generated from the Jinja2 template
// third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/
// by the script
// clang-format off
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/tests/results/core/v8_test_callback_interface.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/generated_code_helper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/idl_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/native_value_traits_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_binding_for_core.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_test_interface_empty.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_messages.h"
namespace blink {
const char* V8TestCallbackInterface::NameInHeapSnapshot() const {
return "V8TestCallbackInterface";
// static
V8TestCallbackInterface* V8TestCallbackInterface::CreateOrNull(v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object) {
v8::Local<v8::Context> creation_context = callback_object->CreationContext();
// When |callback_object| is an object in RemoteContext (i.e. RemoteInstance),
// the object has no creation context, and no way to proceed.
// TODO( Make CreateOrNull into Create removing the early
// return with nullptr.
if (creation_context.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
return MakeGarbageCollected<V8TestCallbackInterface>(callback_object, creation_context);
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethod(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethod"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
const int argc = 0;
v8::Local<v8::Value> *argv = nullptr;
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<bool> V8TestCallbackInterface::booleanMethod(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<bool>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "booleanMethod"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<bool>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<bool>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
const int argc = 0;
v8::Local<v8::Value> *argv = nullptr;
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<bool>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
ExceptionState exception_state(GetIsolate(),
auto native_result =
GetIsolate(), call_result, exception_state);
if (exception_state.HadException())
return v8::Nothing<bool>();
return v8::Just<bool>(native_result);
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethodBooleanArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, bool boolArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethodBooleanArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_boolArg = v8::Boolean::New(GetIsolate(), boolArg);
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_boolArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethodSequenceArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, const HeapVector<Member<TestInterfaceEmpty>>& sequenceArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethodSequenceArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_sequenceArg = ToV8(sequenceArg, argument_creation_context, GetIsolate());
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_sequenceArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethodFloatArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, float floatArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethodFloatArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_floatArg = v8::Number::New(GetIsolate(), floatArg);
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_floatArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg = ToV8(testInterfaceEmptyArg, argument_creation_context, GetIsolate());
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyStringArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg, const String& stringArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyStringArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg = ToV8(testInterfaceEmptyArg, argument_creation_context, GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_stringArg = V8String(GetIsolate(), stringArg);
constexpr int argc = 2;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg, v8_stringArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::callbackWithThisValueVoidMethodStringArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, const String& stringArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "callbackWithThisValueVoidMethodStringArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_stringArg = V8String(GetIsolate(), stringArg);
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_stringArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8TestCallbackInterface::customVoidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg) {
if (!IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(CallbackRelevantScriptState(),
IncumbentScriptState())) {
// Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
// its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
// of the callback function here.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate());
v8::Local<v8::Object> callback_object = CallbackObject();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(callback_object->CreationContext());
"The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Prepare to run script with relevant settings.
ScriptState::Scope callback_relevant_context_scope(
// step: Prepare to run a callback with stored settings.
v8::Context::BackupIncumbentScope backup_incumbent_scope(
v8::Local<v8::Function> function;
if (IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 9.1. If value's interface is a single operation callback interface
// and !IsCallable(O) is true, then set X to O.
function = CallbackObject().As<v8::Function>();
} else {
// step 9.2.1. Let getResult be Get(O, opName).
// step 9.2.2. If getResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to
// getResult and jump to the step labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!CallbackObject()->Get(CallbackRelevantScriptState()->GetContext(),
V8String(GetIsolate(), "customVoidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg"))
.ToLocal(&value)) {
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step 10. If !IsCallable(X) is false, then set completion to a new
// Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError
// object, [[Target]]: empty}, and jump to the step labeled return.
if (!value->IsFunction()) {
"The provided callback is not callable."));
return v8::Nothing<void>();
function = value.As<v8::Function>();
v8::Local<v8::Value> this_arg;
if (!IsCallbackObjectCallable()) {
// step 11. If value's interface is not a single operation callback
// interface, or if !IsCallable(O) is false, set thisArg to O (overriding
// the provided value).
this_arg = CallbackObject();
} else if (!callback_this_value) {
// step 2. If thisArg was not given, let thisArg be undefined.
this_arg = v8::Undefined(GetIsolate());
} else {
this_arg = ToV8(callback_this_value, CallbackRelevantScriptState());
// step: Let esArgs be the result of converting args to an ECMAScript
// arguments list. If this throws an exception, set completion to the
// completion value representing the thrown exception and jump to the step
// labeled return.
v8::Local<v8::Object> argument_creation_context =
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg = ToV8(testInterfaceEmptyArg, argument_creation_context, GetIsolate());
constexpr int argc = 1;
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { v8_testInterfaceEmptyArg };
static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(argc) == base::size(argv), "size mismatch");
v8::Local<v8::Value> call_result;
// step: Let callResult be Call(X, thisArg, esArgs).
if (!V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction(
GetIsolate()).ToLocal(&call_result)) {
// step: If callResult is an abrupt completion, set completion to callResult
// and jump to the step labeled return.
return v8::Nothing<void>();
// step: Set completion to the result of converting callResult.[[Value]] to
// an IDL value of the same type as the operation's return type.
return v8::JustVoid();
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethod(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value) {
return Proxy()->voidMethod(
v8::Maybe<bool> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::booleanMethod(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value) {
return Proxy()->booleanMethod(
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethodBooleanArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, bool boolArg) {
return Proxy()->voidMethodBooleanArg(
callback_this_value, boolArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethodSequenceArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, const HeapVector<Member<TestInterfaceEmpty>>& sequenceArg) {
return Proxy()->voidMethodSequenceArg(
callback_this_value, sequenceArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethodFloatArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, float floatArg) {
return Proxy()->voidMethodFloatArg(
callback_this_value, floatArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg) {
return Proxy()->voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(
callback_this_value, testInterfaceEmptyArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyStringArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg, const String& stringArg) {
return Proxy()->voidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyStringArg(
callback_this_value, testInterfaceEmptyArg, stringArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::callbackWithThisValueVoidMethodStringArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, const String& stringArg) {
return Proxy()->callbackWithThisValueVoidMethodStringArg(
callback_this_value, stringArg);
v8::Maybe<void> V8PersistentCallbackInterface<V8TestCallbackInterface>::customVoidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(ScriptWrappable* callback_this_value, TestInterfaceEmpty* testInterfaceEmptyArg) {
return Proxy()->customVoidMethodTestInterfaceEmptyArg(
callback_this_value, testInterfaceEmptyArg);
} // namespace blink