blob: 7a2598c6ad439360bbc488f0ca1527a4b163d35d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/contextual_search/touch_to_search_permissions_mediator.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "ios/chrome/app/tests_hook.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_switches.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/pref_names.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/prefs/pref_observer_bridge.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/sync/sync_setup_service.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/sync/sync_setup_service_factory.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
// Maps pref string values to state enum.
const struct {
const char* value;
TouchToSearch::TouchToSearchPreferenceState state;
} valueStateMappings[] = {
{"false", TouchToSearch::DISABLED},
{"true", TouchToSearch::ENABLED},
{"", TouchToSearch::UNDECIDED},
} // namespace
@interface TouchToSearchPermissionsMediator ()<PrefObserverDelegate> {
ios::ChromeBrowserState* _browserState;
SyncSetupService* _syncService;
__weak NSObject<TouchToSearchPermissionsChangeAudience>* _audience;
// Pref observer to track changes to the touch-to-search and search engine
// prefs.
std::unique_ptr<PrefObserverBridge> _prefObserverBridge;
// Registrar for pref changes notifications.
PrefChangeRegistrar _prefChangeRegistrar;
// YES if notifications are being observed.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL observing;
// YES if the current configured search engine supports a contextual search
// query.
- (BOOL)areContextualSearchQueriesSupported;
// YES if VoiceOver is enabled (encapsulated into a method for testing).
- (BOOL)isVoiceOverEnabled;
@implementation TouchToSearchPermissionsMediator
@synthesize observing = _observing;
+ (BOOL)isTouchToSearchAvailableOnDevice {
// By default the feature is not available. If the enable flag
// (switches::kEnableContextualSearch) is flipped, then it is available.
// The disable switch (switches::kDisableContextualSearch) is also supported,
// although it is only useful when Finch experiments are also supported.
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kDisableContextualSearch)) {
// If both enable and disable flags are present, disable wins.
return NO;
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kEnableContextualSearch)) {
// Even if the command line flag is flipped, don't enable the feature if
// test hooks disable it.
return !tests_hook::DisableContextualSearch();
return NO;
- (instancetype)initWithBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState {
if ((self = [super init])) {
if (browserState && browserState->IsOffTheRecord()) {
// Discard the allocated object and return a nil object.
return nil;
[self setUpBrowserState:browserState];
return self;
- (instancetype)init {
return nil;
- (void)dealloc {
// Set audience to nil to stop observation.
self.audience = nil;
- (void)setUpBrowserState:(ios::ChromeBrowserState*)browserState {
_browserState = browserState;
_syncService = SyncSetupServiceFactory::GetForBrowserState(_browserState);
#pragma mark - Property implementation
- (TouchToSearch::TouchToSearchPreferenceState)preferenceState {
std::string prefValue =
for (const auto& mapping : valueStateMappings) {
if (mapping.value == prefValue)
return mapping.state;
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected preference value (" << prefValue << ") for "
<< prefs::kContextualSearchEnabled;
return TouchToSearch::DISABLED;
- (void)setPreferenceState:(TouchToSearch::TouchToSearchPreferenceState)state {
for (const auto& mapping : valueStateMappings) {
if (mapping.state == state) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected preference state (" << state << ")";
- (NSObject<TouchToSearchPermissionsChangeAudience>*)audience {
return _audience;
- (void)setAudience:
(NSObject<TouchToSearchPermissionsChangeAudience>*)audience {
[self stopObserving];
_audience = audience;
[self startObserving];
#pragma mark - Public methods
- (BOOL)canEnable {
if (![[self class] isTouchToSearchAvailableOnDevice]) {
return NO;
} else if (self.preferenceState == TouchToSearch::DISABLED) {
return NO;
} else if ([self isVoiceOverEnabled]) {
return NO;
return [self areContextualSearchQueriesSupported];
- (BOOL)canExtractTapContextForURL:(const GURL&)url {
// The context surrounding a tap -- text on the page that wasn't tapped --
// cannot be sent if (a) the page is https and (b) the user hasn't opted in
// (they are undecided or disabled).
if (url.SchemeIsCryptographic()) {
// HTTPS means tap context can only be extracted if the user is enabled.
return self.preferenceState == TouchToSearch::ENABLED;
// Non-HTTPS means tap context can be extracted if the user isn't disabled.
return self.preferenceState != TouchToSearch::DISABLED;
- (BOOL)canSendPageURLs {
// Never send URLs for disabled users.
if (self.preferenceState == TouchToSearch::DISABLED)
return NO;
// Page URLs can only be sent if the user has otherwise given permission
// to share their URLs with Google -- concretely, if they have sync enabled.
return _syncService && _syncService->IsSyncEnabled();
- (BOOL)canPreloadSearchResults {
// Disabled users cannot preload.
if (self.preferenceState == TouchToSearch::DISABLED)
return NO;
// Only preload the search tab if the user has otherwise enabled preloading.
// TODO( Factor this and code in
// chrome/browser/ui/preload_controller into a generic "preload watcher".
PrefService* prefs = _browserState->GetPrefs();
if (!prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kNetworkPredictionEnabled))
return NO;
bool preloading_wifiOnly =
bool cellular = net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsConnectionCellular(
return !(preloading_wifiOnly && cellular);
#pragma mark - Private methods
- (BOOL)areContextualSearchQueriesSupported {
TemplateURLService* templateUrlService =
if (!templateUrlService)
return NO;
TemplateURL* defaultURL = templateUrlService->GetDefaultSearchProvider();
// Contextual search is supported if the template URL has a non-empty
// contextual search URL.
return !defaultURL->contextual_search_url().empty();
- (BOOL)isVoiceOverEnabled {
return UIAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning();
- (void)startObserving {
if (!self.audience)
// Listen for foregrounding and VoiceOver change events.
NSNotificationCenter* defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[defaultCenter addObserver:self
object:[UIApplication sharedApplication]];
[defaultCenter addObserver:self
// Track preference changes to get touch-to-search settings changes.
_prefObserverBridge.reset(new PrefObserverBridge(self));
prefs::kContextualSearchEnabled, &_prefChangeRegistrar);
self.observing = YES;
- (void)stopObserving {
if (!self.observing)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
self.observing = NO;
- (void)maybeNotifyAudienceOfPreferenceState {
if (self.audience &&
touchToSearchDidChangePreferenceState:)]) {
[self.audience touchToSearchDidChangePreferenceState:self.preferenceState];
- (void)maybeNotifyAudienceAsynchronously {
if (self.audience) {
if ([self.audience
respondsToSelector:@selector(touchToSearchPermissionsUpdated)]) {
__weak NSObject<TouchToSearchPermissionsChangeAudience>* audience =
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[audience touchToSearchPermissionsUpdated];
} else {
// If audience is now nil, stop observing.
[self stopObserving];
#pragma mark - PrefObserverBridge methods
- (void)onPreferenceChanged:(const std::string&)preferenceName {
if (preferenceName == prefs::kContextualSearchEnabled) {
[self maybeNotifyAudienceOfPreferenceState];
if (preferenceName == prefs::kContextualSearchEnabled ||
preferenceName ==
DefaultSearchManager::kDefaultSearchProviderDataPrefName) {
[self maybeNotifyAudienceAsynchronously];
#pragma mark Notification Center handler
- (void)statusMayHaveChangedWithNotification:(NSNotification*)notification {
// VoiceOver may have been enabled or disabled, so (if there is an audience
// object), notify it asynchronously.
[self maybeNotifyAudienceAsynchronously];