blob: d2b34c208a06081a42af5330332c25e07bd0b5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/scheduler/base/cancelable_closure_holder.h"
#include "components/scheduler/base/time_domain.h"
#include "components/scheduler/scheduler_export.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebViewScheduler.h"
namespace scheduler {
class RendererSchedulerImpl;
class ThrottledTimeDomain;
class WebFrameSchedulerImpl;
class SCHEDULER_EXPORT ThrottlingHelper : public TimeDomain::Observer {
ThrottlingHelper(RendererSchedulerImpl* renderer_scheduler,
const char* tracing_category);
~ThrottlingHelper() override;
// TimeDomain::Observer implementation:
void OnTimeDomainHasImmediateWork() override;
void OnTimeDomainHasDelayedWork() override;
// The purpose of this method is to make sure throttling doesn't conflict with
// enabling/disabling the queue for policy reasons.
// If |task_queue| is throttled then the ThrottlingHelper remembers the
// |enabled| setting. In addition if |enabled| is false then the queue is
// immediatly disabled. Otherwise if |task_queue| not throttled then
// TaskQueue::SetEnabled(enabled) is called.
void SetQueueEnabled(TaskQueue* task_queue, bool enabled);
// Increments the throttled refcount and causes |task_queue| to be throttled
// if its not already throttled.
void IncreaseThrottleRefCount(TaskQueue* task_queue);
// If the refcouint is non-zero it's decremented. If the throttled refcount
// becomes zero then |task_queue| is unthrottled. If the refcount was already
// zero this function does nothing.
void DecreaseThrottleRefCount(TaskQueue* task_queue);
// Removes |task_queue| from |throttled_queues_|.
void UnregisterTaskQueue(TaskQueue* task_queue);
// Tells the ThrottlingHelper we're using virtual time, which disables all
// throttling.
void EnableVirtualTime();
const ThrottledTimeDomain* time_domain() const { return time_domain_.get(); }
static base::TimeTicks ThrottledRunTime(base::TimeTicks unthrottled_runtime);
const scoped_refptr<TaskQueue>& task_runner() const { return task_runner_; }
struct Metadata {
Metadata() : throttling_ref_count(0), enabled(false) {}
Metadata(size_t ref_count, bool is_enabled)
: throttling_ref_count(ref_count), enabled(is_enabled) {}
size_t throttling_ref_count;
bool enabled;
using TaskQueueMap = std::map<TaskQueue*, Metadata>;
void PumpThrottledTasks();
// Note |unthrottled_runtime| might be in the past. When this happens we
// compute the delay to the next runtime based on now rather than
// unthrottled_runtime.
void MaybeSchedulePumpThrottledTasksLocked(
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
base::TimeTicks now,
base::TimeTicks unthrottled_runtime);
TaskQueueMap throttled_queues_;
base::Closure forward_immediate_work_closure_;
scoped_refptr<TaskQueue> task_runner_;
RendererSchedulerImpl* renderer_scheduler_; // NOT OWNED
base::TickClock* tick_clock_; // NOT OWNED
const char* tracing_category_; // NOT OWNED
std::unique_ptr<ThrottledTimeDomain> time_domain_;
CancelableClosureHolder pump_throttled_tasks_closure_;
base::TimeTicks pending_pump_throttled_tasks_runtime_;
bool virtual_time_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ThrottlingHelper> weak_factory_;
} // namespace scheduler