blob: c81bd31db4a6aad34dd1fb559cbbe1458dbd4ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SerializationTag_h
#define SerializationTag_h
namespace blink {
// Serialization format is a sequence of tags followed by zero or more data arguments.
// Tags always take exactly one byte. A serialized stream first begins with
// a complete VersionTag. If the stream does not begin with a VersionTag, we assume that
// the stream is in format 0.
// This format is private to the implementation of SerializedScriptValue. Do not rely on it
// externally. It is safe to persist a SerializedScriptValue as a binary blob, but this
// code should always be used to interpret it.
// WebCoreStrings are read as (length:uint32_t, string:UTF8[length]).
// RawStrings are read as (length:uint32_t, string:UTF8[length]).
// RawUCharStrings are read as (length:uint32_t, string:UChar[length/sizeof(UChar)]).
// RawFiles are read as (path:WebCoreString, url:WebCoreStrng, type:WebCoreString).
// There is a reference table that maps object references (uint32_t) to v8::Values.
// Tokens marked with (ref) are inserted into the reference table and given the next object reference ID after decoding.
// All tags except InvalidTag, PaddingTag, ReferenceCountTag, VersionTag, GenerateFreshObjectTag
// and GenerateFreshArrayTag push their results to the deserialization stack.
// There is also an 'open' stack that is used to resolve circular references. Objects or arrays may
// contain self-references. Before we begin to deserialize the contents of these values, they
// are first given object reference IDs (by GenerateFreshObjectTag/GenerateFreshArrayTag);
// these reference IDs are then used with ObjectReferenceTag to tie the recursive knot.
enum SerializationTag {
InvalidTag = '!', // Causes deserialization to fail.
PaddingTag = '\0', // Is ignored (but consumed).
UndefinedTag = '_', // -> <undefined>
NullTag = '0', // -> <null>
TrueTag = 'T', // -> <true>
FalseTag = 'F', // -> <false>
StringTag = 'S', // string:RawString -> string
StringUCharTag = 'c', // string:RawUCharString -> string
Int32Tag = 'I', // value:ZigZag-encoded int32 -> Integer
Uint32Tag = 'U', // value:uint32_t -> Integer
DateTag = 'D', // value:double -> Date (ref)
MessagePortTag =
'M', // index:int -> MessagePort. Fills the result with transferred MessagePort.
NumberTag = 'N', // value:double -> Number
BlobTag =
'b', // uuid:WebCoreString, type:WebCoreString, size:uint64_t -> Blob (ref)
BlobIndexTag = 'i', // index:int32_t -> Blob (ref)
FileTag = 'f', // file:RawFile -> File (ref)
FileIndexTag = 'e', // index:int32_t -> File (ref)
DOMFileSystemTag =
'd', // type:int32_t, name:WebCoreString, uuid:WebCoreString -> FileSystem (ref)
FileListTag =
'l', // length:uint32_t, files:RawFile[length] -> FileList (ref)
FileListIndexTag =
'L', // length:uint32_t, files:int32_t[length] -> FileList (ref)
ImageDataTag =
'#', // width:uint32_t, height:uint32_t, pixelDataLength:uint32_t, data:byte[pixelDataLength] -> ImageData (ref)
ObjectTag =
'{', // numProperties:uint32_t -> pops the last object from the open stack;
// fills it with the last numProperties name,value pairs pushed onto the deserialization stack
SparseArrayTag =
'@', // numProperties:uint32_t, length:uint32_t -> pops the last object from the open stack;
// fills it with the last numProperties name,value pairs pushed onto the deserialization stack
DenseArrayTag =
'$', // numProperties:uint32_t, length:uint32_t -> pops the last object from the open stack;
// fills it with the last length elements and numProperties name,value pairs pushed onto deserialization stack
RegExpTag = 'R', // pattern:RawString, flags:uint32_t -> RegExp (ref)
ArrayBufferTag =
'B', // byteLength:uint32_t, data:byte[byteLength] -> ArrayBuffer (ref)
ArrayBufferTransferTag =
't', // index:uint32_t -> ArrayBuffer. For ArrayBuffer transfer
ImageBitmapTag = 'g', // size:uint32_t, data:byte[size] -> ImageBitmap (ref)
ImageBitmapTransferTag =
'G', // index:uint32_t -> ImageBitmap. For ImageBitmap transfer
OffscreenCanvasTransferTag =
'H', // index, width, height, id:uint32_t -> OffscreenCanvas. For OffscreenCanvas transfer
ArrayBufferViewTag =
'V', // subtag:byte, byteOffset:uint32_t, byteLength:uint32_t -> ArrayBufferView (ref). Consumes an ArrayBuffer from the top of the deserialization stack.
SharedArrayBufferTransferTag =
'u', // index:uint32_t -> SharedArrayBuffer. For SharedArrayBuffer transfer
WasmModuleTag = 'W',
CryptoKeyTag =
'K', // subtag:byte, props, usages:uint32_t, keyDataLength:uint32_t, keyData:byte[keyDataLength]
// If subtag=AesKeyTag:
// props = keyLengthBytes:uint32_t, algorithmId:uint32_t
// If subtag=HmacKeyTag:
// props = keyLengthBytes:uint32_t, hashId:uint32_t
// If subtag=RsaHashedKeyTag:
// props = algorithmId:uint32_t, type:uint32_t, modulusLengthBits:uint32_t, publicExponentLength:uint32_t, publicExponent:byte[publicExponentLength], hashId:uint32_t
// If subtag=EcKeyTag:
// props = algorithmId:uint32_t, type:uint32_t, namedCurve:uint32_t
RTCCertificateTag =
'k', // length:uint32_t, pemPrivateKey:WebCoreString, pemCertificate:WebCoreString
ObjectReferenceTag = '^', // ref:uint32_t -> reference table[ref]
GenerateFreshObjectTag =
'o', // -> empty object allocated an object ID and pushed onto the open stack (ref)
GenerateFreshSparseArrayTag =
'a', // length:uint32_t -> empty array[length] allocated an object ID and pushed onto the open stack (ref)
GenerateFreshDenseArrayTag =
'A', // length:uint32_t -> empty array[length] allocated an object ID and pushed onto the open stack (ref)
ReferenceCountTag =
'?', // refTableSize:uint32_t -> If the reference table is not refTableSize big, fails.
StringObjectTag = 's', // string:RawString -> new String(string) (ref)
NumberObjectTag = 'n', // value:double -> new Number(value) (ref)
TrueObjectTag = 'y', // new Boolean(true) (ref)
FalseObjectTag = 'x', // new Boolean(false) (ref)
CompositorProxyTag =
'C', // elementId:uint64_t, bitfields:uint32_t -> CompositorProxy (ref)
MapTag =
':', // length:uint32_t -> pops the last object from the open stack (it will be a Map);
// fills it with the last length elements pushed onto the deserialization stack, treating them as key/value pairs and passing them to Map::Set;
// length must be an even number.
SetTag =
',', // length:uint32_t -> pops the last object from the open stack (it will be a Set);
// fills it with the last length elements pushed onto the deserialization stack, using Set::Add
GenerateFreshMapTag =
';', // -> empty Map allocated an object ID and pushed onto the open stack (ref)
GenerateFreshSetTag =
'\'', // -> empty Set allocated an object ID and pushed onto the open stack (ref)
VersionTag = 0xFF // version:uint32_t -> Uses this as the file version.
enum ArrayBufferViewSubTag {
ByteArrayTag = 'b',
UnsignedByteArrayTag = 'B',
UnsignedByteClampedArrayTag = 'C',
ShortArrayTag = 'w',
UnsignedShortArrayTag = 'W',
IntArrayTag = 'd',
UnsignedIntArrayTag = 'D',
FloatArrayTag = 'f',
DoubleArrayTag = 'F',
DataViewTag = '?'
} // namespace blink