blob: b9d5d1a08a8a8d63fb91ef442f81c2dd3f1a4793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A helper class to allow renderer tests to conveniently intercept network
* requests and provide HTTP headers and body.
(class HttpInterceptor {
* @param {!TestRunner} testRunner Host TestRunner instance.
* @param {!Proxy} dp DevTools session protocol instance.
* @param {!Page} page TestRunner.Page instance.
constructor(testRunner, dp) {
this.testRunner_ = testRunner;
this.dp_ = dp;
this.disabledRequestedUrlsLogging = false;
this.responses_ = new Map();
this.requestedUrls_ = [];
this.requestedMethods_ = [];
* Initializes the helper returning reference to itself to allow assignment.
* @return {!object} HttpInterceptor reference.
async init() {
await this.dp_.Network.enable();
await this.dp_.Network.setRequestInterception(
{ patterns: [{ urlPattern: '*' }] });
this.dp_.Network.onRequestIntercepted(event => {
const method = event.params.request.method;
const url = event.params.request.url
+ (event.params.request.urlFragment || '');
var response = this.responses_.get(url);
if (response) {
if (!this.disabledRequestedUrlsLogging) {
this.testRunner_.log(`requested url: ${url}`);
} else {
this.testRunner_.log(`requested url: ${url} is not known`);
const body = (response && response.body) || '';
const headers = (response && response.headers) || [];
const headers_with_body = headers.join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\n' + body;
interceptionId: event.params.interceptionId,
rawResponse: btoa(headers_with_body)
return this;
* Prevents requested urls from being logged. This helps to stabilize tests
* that request urls in arbitrary order. Use hasRequestedUrls(urls) function
* to check if expected urls has been requested.
* @param {boolean} value True if requested url logging is disabled, false
* otherwise.
setDisableRequestedUrlsLogging(value) {
this.disabledRequestedUrlsLogging = value;
* Adds request response.
* @param {!string} url Request url, including #fragment.
* @param {?string} body Request response body, optional.
* @param {?[string]} headers Request response headers, optional.
addResponse(url, body, headers) {
this.responses_.set(url, {body, headers});
* Logs registered request responses.
logResponses() {
this.testRunner_.log(`Responses: ${this.responses_.size}`);
for (const [url, value] of this.responses_.entries()) {
* Logs requested methods in the order requests have been received.
logRequestedMethods() {
this.testRunner_.log(`Requested methods: ${this.requestedMethods_.length}`);
for (const method of this.requestedMethods_) {
this.testRunner_.log(` ${method}`);
* Logs requested urls in the order requests have been received.
logRequestedUrls() {
this.testRunner_.log(`Requested urls: ${this.requestedUrls_.length}`);
for (const url of this.requestedUrls_) {
this.testRunner_.log(` ${url}`);
* Checks if specified urls have been requested.
* @param {[string]} urls Array of urls to check against requested urls.
hasRequestedUrls(urls) {
this.testRunner_.log(`Expected requested urls:`);
for (const url of urls) {
if (this.requestedUrls_.indexOf(url) >= 0) {
this.testRunner_.log(` ${url}`);
} else {
this.testRunner_.log(` ${url} is MISSING`);