Make FindStringBetweenPositions use FindBuffer and activate invisible matches

Previously FindStringBetweenPositions uses TextIterator which doesn't
support matching of invisible nodes. This function is used by find-next
but not counting total FIP matches, which uses FindBuffer already.
Thus, the total count of FIP matches is correct (counting invisible
nodes), but when we try to navigate to the match through find-next/prev
it will skip those matches.

This CL modifies FindStringBetweenPositions to use FindBuffer that now
supports finding a match within a range.
This CL also dispatches the "activateinvisible" event to active matches
that are invisible when navigated-to through find-next/prev, because
otherwise it couldn't highlight the range even when it has the range.

Bug: 868227, 873057
Change-Id: Ib9475318bcb38ec1d97e3b029a7eb25495aed060
Commit-Queue: Rakina Zata Amni <>
Reviewed-by: Yoshifumi Inoue <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#628683}
12 files changed