Unify and provide one IsGarbageCollectedType<T> implementation.

Phase out the need and use of the older blink::IsGarbageCollected<T>
template, and go with the "marker-based" implementation that WTF
provides. But extended slightly to handle mixins without ambiguity +
it will now insist on T's definition being in scope when used so as to be
able to function reliably.

That latter change requires a few uses of collection types (vectors,
hash maps) to be adjusted so that the full element type of the collection
is in scope when code using the collection is compiled. The reason for
this constraint is that the collection types stringently checks that
Blink GCed objects aren't kept in off-heap collections.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/1999343002
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#395287}
19 files changed