blob: 066dd37f3c499892be2b0ab6c1e42e0f3af8fffd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue_impl.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_time_observer.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
namespace base {
namespace sequence_manager {
class TimeDomain;
// SequenceManager manages TaskQueues which have different properties
// (e.g. priority, common task type) multiplexing all posted tasks into
// a single backing sequence (currently bound to a single thread, which is
// refererred as *main thread* in the comments below). SequenceManager
// implementation can be used in a various ways to apply scheduling logic.
class SequenceManager {
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
// Called back on the main thread.
virtual void OnBeginNestedRunLoop() = 0;
virtual void OnExitNestedRunLoop() = 0;
struct MetricRecordingSettings {
// This parameter will be updated for consistency on creation (setting
// value to 0 when ThreadTicks are not supported).
MetricRecordingSettings(double task_sampling_rate_for_recording_cpu_time);
// The proportion of the tasks for which the cpu time will be
// sampled or 0 if this is not enabled.
// Since randomised sampling requires the use of Rand(), it is enabled only
// on platforms which support it.
// If it is 1 then cpu time is measured for each task, so the integral
// metrics (as opposed to per-task metrics) can be recorded.
double task_sampling_rate_for_recording_cpu_time = 0;
bool records_cpu_time_for_some_tasks() const {
return task_sampling_rate_for_recording_cpu_time > 0.0;
bool records_cpu_time_for_all_tasks() const {
return task_sampling_rate_for_recording_cpu_time == 1.0;
// Settings defining the desired SequenceManager behaviour: the type of the
// MessageLoop and whether randomised sampling should be enabled.
struct Settings {
Settings() = default;
// In the future MessagePump (which is move-only) will also be a setting,
// so we are making Settings move-only in preparation.
Settings(Settings&& move_from) noexcept = default;
MessageLoop::Type message_loop_type = MessageLoop::Type::TYPE_DEFAULT;
bool randomised_sampling_enabled = false;
const TickClock* clock = DefaultTickClock::GetInstance();
virtual ~SequenceManager() = default;
// Binds the SequenceManager and its TaskQueues to the current thread. Should
// only be called once. Note that CreateSequenceManagerOnCurrentThread()
// performs this initialization automatically.
virtual void BindToCurrentThread() = 0;
// Finishes the initialization for a SequenceManager created via
// CreateUnboundSequenceManager(nullptr). Must not be called in any other
// circumstances. Note it's assumed |message_loop| outlives the
// SequenceManager.
virtual void BindToMessageLoop(MessageLoopBase* message_loop_base) = 0;
// Finishes the initialization for a SequenceManager created via
// CreateUnboundSequenceManagerWithPump(). Must not be called in any other
// circumstances. The ownership of the pump is transferred to SequenceManager.
virtual void BindToMessagePump(std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> message_pump) = 0;
// Initializes the SequenceManager on the bound thread. Should only be called
// once and only after the ThreadController's dependencies were initialized.
// Note that CreateSequenceManagerOnCurrentThread() performs this
// initialization automatically.
// TODO(eseckler): This currently needs to be separate from
// BindToCurrentThread() as it requires that the MessageLoop is bound
// (otherwise we can't add a NestingObserver), while BindToCurrentThread()
// requires that the MessageLoop has not yet been bound (binding the
// MessageLoop would fail if its TaskRunner, i.e. the default task queue, had
// not yet been bound). Reconsider this API once we get rid of MessageLoop.
virtual void CompleteInitializationOnBoundThread() = 0;
// TODO(kraynov): Bring back CreateOnCurrentThread static method here
// when the move is done. It's not here yet to reduce PLATFORM_EXPORT
// macros hacking during the move.
// Must be called on the main thread.
// Can be called only once, before creating TaskQueues.
// Observer must outlive the SequenceManager.
virtual void SetObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Must be called on the main thread.
virtual void AddTaskTimeObserver(TaskTimeObserver* task_time_observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveTaskTimeObserver(TaskTimeObserver* task_time_observer) = 0;
// Registers a TimeDomain with SequenceManager.
// TaskQueues must only be created with a registered TimeDomain.
// Conversely, any TimeDomain must remain registered until no
// TaskQueues (using that TimeDomain) remain.
virtual void RegisterTimeDomain(TimeDomain* time_domain) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterTimeDomain(TimeDomain* time_domain) = 0;
virtual TimeDomain* GetRealTimeDomain() const = 0;
virtual const TickClock* GetTickClock() const = 0;
virtual TimeTicks NowTicks() const = 0;
// Sets the SingleThreadTaskRunner that will be returned by
// ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get on the main thread.
virtual void SetDefaultTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) = 0;
// Removes all canceled delayed tasks.
virtual void SweepCanceledDelayedTasks() = 0;
// Returns true if no tasks were executed in TaskQueues that monitor
// quiescence since the last call to this method.
virtual bool GetAndClearSystemIsQuiescentBit() = 0;
// Set the number of tasks executed in a single SequenceManager invocation.
// Increasing this number reduces the overhead of the tasks dispatching
// logic at the cost of a potentially worse latency. 1 by default.
virtual void SetWorkBatchSize(int work_batch_size) = 0;
// Requests desired timer precision from the OS.
// Has no effect on some platforms.
virtual void SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) = 0;
// Enables crash keys that can be set in the scope of a task which help
// to identify the culprit if upcoming work results in a crash.
// Key names must be thread-specific to avoid races and corrupted crash dumps.
virtual void EnableCrashKeys(const char* file_name_crash_key,
const char* function_name_crash_key) = 0;
// Returns the metric recording configuration for the current SequenceManager.
virtual const MetricRecordingSettings& GetMetricRecordingSettings() const = 0;
// Creates a task queue with the given type, |spec| and args.
// Must be called on the main thread.
// TODO(scheduler-dev): SequenceManager should not create TaskQueues.
template <typename TaskQueueType, typename... Args>
scoped_refptr<TaskQueueType> CreateTaskQueueWithType(
const TaskQueue::Spec& spec,
Args&&... args) {
return WrapRefCounted(new TaskQueueType(CreateTaskQueueImpl(spec), spec,
// Creates a vanilla TaskQueue rather than a user type derived from it. This
// should be used if you don't wish to sub class TaskQueue.
// Must be called on the main thread.
virtual scoped_refptr<TaskQueue> CreateTaskQueue(
const TaskQueue::Spec& spec) = 0;
// Returns true iff this SequenceManager has no immediate work to do. I.e.
// there are no pending non-delayed tasks or delayed tasks that are due to
// run. This method ignores any pending delayed tasks that might have become
// eligible to run since the last task was executed. This is important because
// if it did tests would become flaky depending on the exact timing of this
// call.
virtual bool IsIdleForTesting() = 0;
// The total number of posted tasks that haven't executed yet.
virtual size_t GetPendingTaskCountForTesting() const = 0;
// Returns a JSON string which describes all pending tasks.
virtual std::string DescribeAllPendingTasks() const = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> CreateTaskQueueImpl(
const TaskQueue::Spec& spec) = 0;
// Create SequenceManager using MessageLoop on the current thread.
// Implementation is located in
// TODO(scheduler-dev): Remove after every thread has a SequenceManager.
BASE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager>
CreateSequenceManagerOnCurrentThread(SequenceManager::Settings settings);
// Create a SequenceManager using the given MessagePump on the current thread.
// MessagePump instances can be created with
// MessageLoop::CreateMessagePumpForType().
BASE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager>
std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> message_pump,
SequenceManager::Settings settings = SequenceManager::Settings());
// Create a SequenceManager for a future thread using the provided MessageLoop.
// The SequenceManager can be initialized on the current thread and then needs
// to be bound and initialized on the target thread by calling
// BindToCurrentThread() and CompleteInitializationOnBoundThread() during the
// thread's startup.
// Implementation is located in TODO(scheduler-dev):
// Remove when we get rid of MessageLoop.
// TODO(scheduler-dev): Change this to CreateUnboundSequenceManagerWithPump.
BASE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager> CreateUnboundSequenceManager(
MessageLoopBase* message_loop_base,
SequenceManager::Settings settings = SequenceManager::Settings());
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base