blob: 5494204d86a1f3cc16e851ec5bf432f801c79a74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/http/http_agent_factory.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/http/http_status_codes.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
class HttpAgent;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner
namespace chrome_cleaner {
// Stores configuration and results for a mock HttpAgent object created by
// the MockHttpAgentFactory class below.
class MockHttpAgentConfig {
// Class used to configure how the various methods should behave when called.
struct Calls {
explicit Calls(HttpStatus status);
Calls(const Calls& other);
Calls& operator=(const Calls& other);
// Whether a call to Post or Get on the HttpAgent should succeed or not. If
// it does, an HttpResponse object will be returned and will behave
// according to the configuration set below. Otherwise, the Post or Get
// method will return null.
bool request_succeeds{true};
// The rest of this struct configures the HttpResponse that will be
// returned.
bool get_status_code_succeeds{true};
HttpStatus get_status_code_result{HttpStatus::kOk};
bool has_data_succeeds{true};
// If |read_data_success_sequence| contains one or more values, those will
// be returned by ReadData in that sequence. When the sequence is empty,
// |read_data_succeeds_by_default| will be returned for subsequent calls.
std::vector<bool> read_data_success_sequence;
bool read_data_succeeds_by_default{true};
std::string read_data_result;
// Struct that stores the values passed to Post or Get for validation.
struct RequestData {
RequestData(const RequestData& other);
RequestData& operator=(const RequestData& other);
base::string16 host;
uint16_t port;
base::string16 path;
bool secure;
base::string16 extra_headers;
std::string body;
// Adds a call configuration. There should be one configuration for each
// expected call to Post or Get on the HttpAgent (the test will fail
// otherwise). Returns the index of the new configuration.
size_t AddCalls(const Calls& calls);
// Returns the current Calls configuration.
Calls& GetCurrentCalls();
// Reads up to |*count| bytes from the |calls_.read_data_result| call
// configuration string, and returns the data in |buffer|. |count| will be
// updated with the number of bytes actually read.
void ReadData(char* buffer, size_t* count);
// Returns the number of calls to Post() that were recorded so far.
size_t num_request_data() const { return request_data_.size(); }
// Returns the RequestData for the |index|th call to Post().
const RequestData& request_data(size_t index) const {
return request_data_[index];
// Adds the data passed to a call to Post() or Get(). This should be called
// only once per Calls configuration. Used by the mock HttpAgent when Post or
// Get is called.
void AddRequestData(const RequestData& request_data);
friend class MockHttpAgentFactory;
// Invalid configuration index.
static const size_t kInvalidIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
// List of call configuration for every step of the call sequence. When a new
// HttpAgent is created, the test moves to the next calls configuration.
std::vector<Calls> calls_;
// The request data for every call to Post or Get (in sequence).
std::vector<RequestData> request_data_;
// The index of the current Calls configuration being used.
size_t current_index_{kInvalidIndex};
// HttpAgent factory that creates mock HttpAgent objects that are controlled by
// a MockHttpAgentConfig object.
class MockHttpAgentFactory : public HttpAgentFactory {
explicit MockHttpAgentFactory(MockHttpAgentConfig* config);
// HttpAgentFactory:
std::unique_ptr<chrome_cleaner::HttpAgent> CreateHttpAgent() override;
MockHttpAgentConfig* config_{nullptr};
} // namespace chrome_cleaner