blob: cb2dea736cdf9ca909f55223151d3c59c41969cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGFragmentBuilder_h
#define NGFragmentBuilder_h
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_text_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_floating_object.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_positioned_float.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class NGLayoutResult;
class CORE_EXPORT NGFragmentBuilder final {
NGFragmentBuilder(NGPhysicalFragment::NGFragmentType, NGLayoutInputNode*);
using WeakBoxList = PersistentHeapLinkedHashSet<WeakMember<NGBlockNode>>;
NGFragmentBuilder& SetWritingMode(NGWritingMode);
NGFragmentBuilder& SetDirection(TextDirection);
NGFragmentBuilder& SetSize(const NGLogicalSize&);
NGFragmentBuilder& SetBlockSize(LayoutUnit);
NGLogicalSize Size() const { return size_; }
NGFragmentBuilder& SetOverflowSize(const NGLogicalSize&);
NGFragmentBuilder& SetBlockOverflow(LayoutUnit);
NGFragmentBuilder& AddChild(RefPtr<NGLayoutResult>, const NGLogicalOffset&);
NGFragmentBuilder& AddChild(RefPtr<NGPhysicalFragment>,
const NGLogicalOffset&);
NGFragmentBuilder& SetBfcOffset(const NGLogicalOffset& offset);
NGFragmentBuilder& AddUnpositionedFloat(
RefPtr<NGFloatingObject> floating_object);
// Builder has non-trivial out-of-flow descendant methods.
// These methods are building blocks for implementation of
// out-of-flow descendants by layout algorithms.
// They are intended to be used by layout algorithm like this:
// Part 1: layout algorithm positions in-flow children.
// out-of-flow children, and out-of-flow descendants of fragments
// are stored inside builder.
// for (child : children)
// if (child->position == (Absolute or Fixed))
// builder->AddOutOfFlowChildCandidate(child);
// else
// fragment = child->Layout()
// builder->AddChild(fragment)
// end
// builder->SetSize
// Part 2: Out-of-flow layout part positions out-of-flow descendants.
// NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(container_style, builder).Run();
// See layout part for builder interaction.
NGFragmentBuilder& AddOutOfFlowChildCandidate(NGBlockNode*, NGLogicalOffset);
void GetAndClearOutOfFlowDescendantCandidates(WeakBoxList*,
NGFragmentBuilder& AddOutOfFlowDescendant(NGBlockNode*,
const NGStaticPosition&);
// Sets how much of the block size we've used so far for this box.
// This will result in a fragment which has an unfinished break token, which
// contains this information.
NGFragmentBuilder& SetUsedBlockSize(LayoutUnit used_block_size) {
used_block_size_ = used_block_size;
did_break_ = true;
return *this;
NGFragmentBuilder& SetEndMarginStrut(const NGMarginStrut& from) {
end_margin_strut_ = from;
return *this;
// Offsets are not supposed to be set during fragment construction, so we
// do not provide a setter here.
// Creates the fragment. Can only be called once.
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> ToBoxFragment();
Vector<RefPtr<NGPhysicalFragment>>& MutableChildren() { return children_; }
Vector<NGLogicalOffset>& MutableOffsets() { return offsets_; }
// Mutable list of floats that need to be positioned.
Vector<RefPtr<NGFloatingObject>>& MutableUnpositionedFloats() {
return unpositioned_floats_;
// List of floats that need to be positioned.
const Vector<RefPtr<NGFloatingObject>>& UnpositionedFloats() const {
return unpositioned_floats_;
// Mutable list of positioned floats, i.e. floats with logical_offset set.
Vector<NGPositionedFloat>& MutablePositionedFloats() {
return positioned_floats_;
const WTF::Optional<NGLogicalOffset>& BfcOffset() const {
return bfc_offset_;
const Vector<RefPtr<NGPhysicalFragment>>& Children() const {
return children_;
bool DidBreak() const { return did_break_; }
// Out-of-flow descendant placement information.
// The generated fragment must compute NGStaticPosition for all
// out-of-flow descendants.
// The resulting NGStaticPosition gets derived from:
// 1. The offset of fragment's child.
// 2. The static position of descendant wrt child.
// A child can be:
// 1. A descendant itself. In this case, descendant position is (0,0).
// 2. A fragment containing a descendant.
// child_offset is stored as NGLogicalOffset because physical offset cannot
// be computed until we know fragment's size.
struct OutOfFlowPlacement {
NGLogicalOffset child_offset;
NGStaticPosition descendant_position;
NGPhysicalFragment::NGFragmentType type_;
NGWritingMode writing_mode_;
TextDirection direction_;
Persistent<NGLayoutInputNode> node_;
NGLogicalSize size_;
NGLogicalSize overflow_;
Vector<RefPtr<NGPhysicalFragment>> children_;
Vector<NGLogicalOffset> offsets_;
bool did_break_;
LayoutUnit used_block_size_;
Vector<RefPtr<NGBreakToken>> child_break_tokens_;
RefPtr<NGBreakToken> last_inline_break_token_;
WeakBoxList out_of_flow_descendant_candidates_;
Vector<OutOfFlowPlacement> out_of_flow_candidate_placements_;
WeakBoxList out_of_flow_descendants_;
Vector<NGStaticPosition> out_of_flow_positions_;
// Floats that need to be positioned by the next in-flow fragment that can
// determine its block position in space.
Vector<RefPtr<NGFloatingObject>> unpositioned_floats_;
Vector<NGPositionedFloat> positioned_floats_;
WTF::Optional<NGLogicalOffset> bfc_offset_;
NGMarginStrut end_margin_strut_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGFragmentBuilder