Support inputmode using InputScope for Windows8 desktop.

ImmSetConversionStatus doesn't work on Windows8:

So we need to use InputScope to tell IME conversion modes(Hiragana, Katakana..).

TEST=manually done with windows8 desktop using hardware keyboard and onscreen keyboard. Both MS-IME and GoogleJapaneseInput works with hardware keyboard. Unfortunately, onscreen keyboard with MS-IME doesn't work but with GoogleJapaneseIME works.

I wrote another CL to implement setting target InputScope(IS_KANA, IS_KATAKANA_FULLWIDTH  and IS_ALPHANUMERIC_FULLWIDTH) using COM interface, which is ITextStoreACP::RetrieveRequestedAttrs.
And try "chrome --enable-text-services-framework" on Windows8 desktop.
I found that
1. Both MS-IME and GoogleJapaneseInput work fine (changing conversion mode  "kana", "katakana" and "full-width-latin") with hardware keyboard input.
2. With onscreen keyboard, GoogleJapaneseInput works but MS-IME doesn't.
This behavior is same as this CL's try.

Additionally, I try to use CSS ime-mode property with IE10.
ime-mode property also sets IME status simply ON/OFF.
I got same result to above. So using IMEs with hardware keyboard works but only onscreenkeyboard-MSIME pair fails. 

In my conclusion, Windows8 onscreen keyboard with MS-IME takes a somewhat wrong with InputScope.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
1 file changed