Support inputmode using InputScope for Windows8 metro.

Chrome runs in TSF mode at Windows8 metro.
We use COM interface ITextStoreACP::RetrieveRequestedAttrs to tell InputScope to IME in the mode.
TSFTextStore, which implements ITextStoreACP, knows target inputmode through TextInputClient::GetTextInputMode and get InputScope using tsf_inputscope::CreateInputScope appending to text input type.
RenderWidgetHostViewWin implements TextInputClient::GetTextInputMode.

TEST=Run "chrome --enable-text-services-framework --enable-input-mode-attribute" at windows8 desktop and tests manually using hardware keyboard and onscreen keyboard. Both MS-IME and GoogleJapaneseInput works with hardware keyboard. Unfortunately, onscreen keyboard with MS-IME doesn't work but with GoogleJapaneseIME works. But there might be some issue in onscreen keyboard with MS-IME.

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git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed