blob: 85803885a622628aaeea13cb3c44e944ee1f5cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "platform/fonts/Font.h"
#include "platform/LayoutTestSupport.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/fonts/CharacterRange.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontCache.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontFallbackIterator.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontFallbackList.h"
#include "platform/fonts/GlyphBuffer.h"
#include "platform/fonts/GlyphPageTreeNode.h"
#include "platform/fonts/SimpleFontData.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/CachingWordShaper.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/HarfBuzzFace.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/HarfBuzzShaper.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/SimpleShaper.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatRect.h"
#include "platform/text/BidiResolver.h"
#include "platform/text/Character.h"
#include "platform/text/TextRun.h"
#include "platform/text/TextRunIterator.h"
#include "platform/transforms/AffineTransform.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTextBlob.h"
#include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
#include "wtf/text/CharacterNames.h"
#include "wtf/text/Unicode.h"
using namespace WTF;
using namespace Unicode;
namespace blink {
: m_canShapeWordByWord(0)
, m_shapeWordByWordComputed(0)
Font::Font(const FontDescription& fd)
: m_fontDescription(fd)
, m_canShapeWordByWord(0)
, m_shapeWordByWordComputed(0)
Font::Font(const Font& other)
: m_fontDescription(other.m_fontDescription)
, m_fontFallbackList(other.m_fontFallbackList)
// TODO(yosin): We should have a comment the reason why don't we copy
// |m_canShapeWordByWord| and |m_shapeWordByWordComputed| from |other|,
// since |operator=()| copies them from |other|.
, m_canShapeWordByWord(0)
, m_shapeWordByWordComputed(0)
Font& Font::operator=(const Font& other)
m_fontDescription = other.m_fontDescription;
m_fontFallbackList = other.m_fontFallbackList;
m_canShapeWordByWord = other.m_canShapeWordByWord;
m_shapeWordByWordComputed = other.m_shapeWordByWordComputed;
return *this;
bool Font::operator==(const Font& other) const
FontSelector* first = m_fontFallbackList ? m_fontFallbackList->getFontSelector() : 0;
FontSelector* second = other.m_fontFallbackList ? other.m_fontFallbackList->getFontSelector() : 0;
return first == second
&& m_fontDescription == other.m_fontDescription
&& (m_fontFallbackList ? m_fontFallbackList->fontSelectorVersion() : 0) == (other.m_fontFallbackList ? other.m_fontFallbackList->fontSelectorVersion() : 0)
&& (m_fontFallbackList ? m_fontFallbackList->generation() : 0) == (other.m_fontFallbackList ? other.m_fontFallbackList->generation() : 0);
void Font::update(FontSelector* fontSelector) const
// FIXME: It is pretty crazy that we are willing to just poke into a RefPtr, but it ends up
// being reasonably safe (because inherited fonts in the render tree pick up the new
// style anyway. Other copies are transient, e.g., the state in the GraphicsContext, and
// won't stick around long enough to get you in trouble). Still, this is pretty disgusting,
// and could eventually be rectified by using RefPtrs for Fonts themselves.
if (!m_fontFallbackList)
m_fontFallbackList = FontFallbackList::create();
float Font::buildGlyphBuffer(const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
const GlyphData* emphasisData) const
if (codePath(runInfo) == ComplexPath) {
float width;
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
if (emphasisData) {
width = shaper.fillGlyphBufferForTextEmphasis(this,,
emphasisData, &glyphBuffer, runInfo.from,;
} else {
width = shaper.fillGlyphBuffer(this,, nullptr,
&glyphBuffer, runInfo.from,;
return width;
SimpleShaper shaper(this,, emphasisData, nullptr /* fallbackFonts */, nullptr);
shaper.advance(, &glyphBuffer);
float width = shaper.runWidthSoFar();
if ( {
// Glyphs are shaped & stored in RTL advance order - reverse them for LTR drawing.
glyphBuffer.reverseForSimpleRTL(width, shaper.runWidthSoFar());
return width;
bool Font::drawText(SkCanvas* canvas, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo,
const FloatPoint& point, float deviceScaleFactor, const SkPaint& paint) const
// Don't draw anything while we are using custom fonts that are in the process of loading.
if (shouldSkipDrawing())
return false;
if (runInfo.cachedTextBlob && runInfo.cachedTextBlob->get()) {
// we have a pre-cached blob -- happy joy!
canvas->drawTextBlob(runInfo.cachedTextBlob->get(), point.x(), point.y(), paint);
return true;
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
buildGlyphBuffer(runInfo, glyphBuffer);
drawGlyphBuffer(canvas, paint, runInfo, glyphBuffer, point, deviceScaleFactor);
return true;
bool Font::drawBidiText(SkCanvas* canvas, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, const FloatPoint& point, CustomFontNotReadyAction customFontNotReadyAction, float deviceScaleFactor, const SkPaint& paint) const
// Don't draw anything while we are using custom fonts that are in the process of loading,
// except if the 'force' argument is set to true (in which case it will use a fallback
// font).
if (shouldSkipDrawing() && customFontNotReadyAction == DoNotPaintIfFontNotReady)
return false;
// sub-run painting is not supported for Bidi text.
const TextRun& run =;
ASSERT((runInfo.from == 0) && ( == run.length()));
BidiResolver<TextRunIterator, BidiCharacterRun> bidiResolver;
bidiResolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(run.direction(), run.directionalOverride()));
bidiResolver.setPositionIgnoringNestedIsolates(TextRunIterator(&run, 0));
// FIXME: This ownership should be reversed. We should pass BidiRunList
// to BidiResolver in createBidiRunsForLine.
BidiRunList<BidiCharacterRun>& bidiRuns = bidiResolver.runs();
bidiResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(TextRunIterator(&run, run.length()));
if (!bidiRuns.runCount())
return true;
FloatPoint currPoint = point;
BidiCharacterRun* bidiRun = bidiRuns.firstRun();
while (bidiRun) {
TextRun subrun = run.subRun(bidiRun->start(), bidiRun->stop() - bidiRun->start());
bool isRTL = bidiRun->level() % 2;
subrun.setDirection(isRTL ? RTL : LTR);
TextRunPaintInfo subrunInfo(subrun);
subrunInfo.bounds = runInfo.bounds;
// TODO: investigate blob consolidation/caching (technically,
// all subruns could be part of the same blob).
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
float runWidth = buildGlyphBuffer(subrunInfo, glyphBuffer);
drawGlyphBuffer(canvas, paint, subrunInfo, glyphBuffer, currPoint, deviceScaleFactor);
bidiRun = bidiRun->next();
currPoint.move(runWidth, 0);
return true;
void Font::drawEmphasisMarks(SkCanvas* canvas, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint& point, float deviceScaleFactor, const SkPaint& paint) const
if (shouldSkipDrawing())
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
GlyphData emphasisGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, emphasisGlyphData))
if (!emphasisGlyphData.fontData)
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
buildGlyphBuffer(runInfo, glyphBuffer, &emphasisGlyphData);
if (glyphBuffer.isEmpty())
drawGlyphBuffer(canvas, paint, runInfo, glyphBuffer, point, deviceScaleFactor);
float Font::width(const TextRun& run, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, FloatRect* glyphBounds) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
if (codePath(TextRunPaintInfo(run)) == ComplexPath)
return floatWidthForComplexText(run, fallbackFonts, glyphBounds);
return floatWidthForSimpleText(run, fallbackFonts, glyphBounds);
namespace {
enum BlobRotation {
class GlyphBufferBloberizer {
GlyphBufferBloberizer(const GlyphBuffer& buffer, const Font* font, float deviceScaleFactor)
: m_buffer(buffer)
, m_font(font)
, m_deviceScaleFactor(deviceScaleFactor)
, m_hasVerticalOffsets(buffer.hasVerticalOffsets())
, m_index(0)
, m_blobCount(0)
, m_rotation(buffer.isEmpty() ? NoRotation : computeBlobRotation(buffer.fontDataAt(0)))
{ }
bool done() const { return m_index >= m_buffer.size(); }
unsigned blobCount() const { return m_blobCount; }
std::pair<RefPtr<const SkTextBlob>, BlobRotation> next()
const BlobRotation currentRotation = m_rotation;
while (m_index < m_buffer.size()) {
const SimpleFontData* fontData = m_buffer.fontDataAt(m_index);
const BlobRotation newRotation = computeBlobRotation(fontData);
if (newRotation != m_rotation) {
// We're switching to an orientation which requires a different rotation
// => emit the pending blob (and start a new one with the new rotation).
m_rotation = newRotation;
const unsigned start = m_index++;
while (m_index < m_buffer.size() && m_buffer.fontDataAt(m_index) == fontData)
appendRun(start, m_index - start, fontData);
return std::make_pair(adoptRef(, currentRotation);
static BlobRotation computeBlobRotation(const SimpleFontData* font)
// For vertical upright text we need to compensate the inherited 90deg CW rotation
// (using a 90deg CCW rotation).
return (font->platformData().isVerticalAnyUpright() && font->verticalData()) ?
CCWRotation : NoRotation;
void appendRun(unsigned start, unsigned count, const SimpleFontData* fontData)
SkPaint paint;
fontData->platformData().setupPaint(&paint, m_deviceScaleFactor, m_font);
const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& buffer = m_hasVerticalOffsets
? m_builder.allocRunPos(paint, count)
: m_builder.allocRunPosH(paint, count, 0);
const uint16_t* glyphs = m_buffer.glyphs(start);
const float* offsets = m_buffer.offsets(start);
std::copy(glyphs, glyphs + count, buffer.glyphs);
if (m_rotation == NoRotation) {
std::copy(offsets, offsets + (m_hasVerticalOffsets ? 2 * count : count), buffer.pos);
} else {
const float verticalBaselineXOffset = fontData->getFontMetrics().floatAscent()
- fontData->getFontMetrics().floatAscent(IdeographicBaseline);
// TODO(fmalita): why don't we apply this adjustment when building the glyph buffer?
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2 * count; i += 2) {
buffer.pos[i] = SkFloatToScalar(offsets[i] + verticalBaselineXOffset);
buffer.pos[i + 1] = SkFloatToScalar(offsets[i + 1]);
const GlyphBuffer& m_buffer;
const Font* m_font;
const float m_deviceScaleFactor;
const bool m_hasVerticalOffsets;
SkTextBlobBuilder m_builder;
unsigned m_index;
unsigned m_blobCount;
BlobRotation m_rotation;
} // anonymous namespace
void Font::drawGlyphBuffer(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPaint& paint, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo,
const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, const FloatPoint& point, float deviceScaleFactor) const
GlyphBufferBloberizer bloberizer(glyphBuffer, this, deviceScaleFactor);
std::pair<RefPtr<const SkTextBlob>, BlobRotation> blob;
while (!bloberizer.done()) {
blob =;
SkAutoCanvasRestore autoRestore(canvas, false);
if (blob.second == CCWRotation) {
SkMatrix m;
m.setSinCos(-1, 0, point.x(), point.y());
canvas->drawTextBlob(blob.first.get(), point.x(), point.y(), paint);
// Cache results when
// 1) requested by clients, and
// 2) the glyph buffer is encoded as a single blob, and
// 3) the blob is not upright/rotated
if (runInfo.cachedTextBlob && bloberizer.blobCount() == 1 && blob.second == NoRotation) {
*runInfo.cachedTextBlob = blob.first.release();
static inline FloatRect pixelSnappedSelectionRect(FloatRect rect)
// Using roundf() rather than ceilf() for the right edge as a compromise to
// ensure correct caret positioning.
float roundedX = roundf(rect.x());
return FloatRect(roundedX, rect.y(), roundf(rect.maxX() - roundedX), rect.height());
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int h, int from, int to, bool accountForGlyphBounds) const
to = (to == -1 ? run.length() : to);
TextRunPaintInfo runInfo(run);
runInfo.from = from; = to;
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
if (codePath(runInfo) != ComplexPath)
return pixelSnappedSelectionRect(selectionRectForSimpleText(run, point, h, from, to, accountForGlyphBounds));
return pixelSnappedSelectionRect(selectionRectForComplexText(run, point, h, from, to));
int Font::offsetForPosition(const TextRun& run, float x, bool includePartialGlyphs) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
if (codePath(TextRunPaintInfo(run)) != ComplexPath && !getFontDescription().getTypesettingFeatures())
return offsetForPositionForSimpleText(run, x, includePartialGlyphs);
return offsetForPositionForComplexText(run, x, includePartialGlyphs);
CodePath Font::codePath(const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo) const
// TODO(eae): Disable the always use complex text feature on Android for now as
// it caused a memory regression for webview.
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::alwaysUseComplexTextEnabled()
|| LayoutTestSupport::alwaysUseComplexTextForTest()) {
return ComplexPath;
const TextRun& run =;
if (getFontDescription().getTypesettingFeatures())
return ComplexPath;
if (m_fontDescription.featureSettings() && m_fontDescription.featureSettings()->size() > 0)
return ComplexPath;
if (m_fontDescription.isVerticalBaseline())
return ComplexPath;
if (m_fontDescription.widthVariant() != RegularWidth)
return ComplexPath;
// FIXME: This really shouldn't be needed but for some reason the
// TextRendering setting doesn't propagate to typesettingFeatures in time
// for the prefs width calculation.
if (getFontDescription().textRendering() == OptimizeLegibility || getFontDescription().textRendering() == GeometricPrecision)
return ComplexPath;
if (run.is8Bit())
return SimplePath;
// Start from 0 since drawing and highlighting also measure the characters before run->from.
return Character::characterRangeCodePath(run.characters16(), run.length());
bool Font::canShapeWordByWord() const
if (!m_shapeWordByWordComputed) {
m_canShapeWordByWord = computeCanShapeWordByWord();
m_shapeWordByWordComputed = true;
return m_canShapeWordByWord;
bool Font::computeCanShapeWordByWord() const
if (!getFontDescription().getTypesettingFeatures())
return true;
if (!primaryFont())
return false;
const FontPlatformData& platformData = primaryFont()->platformData();
TypesettingFeatures features = getFontDescription().getTypesettingFeatures();
return !platformData.hasSpaceInLigaturesOrKerning(features);
void Font::willUseFontData(const String& text) const
const FontFamily& family = getFontDescription().family();
if (m_fontFallbackList && m_fontFallbackList->getFontSelector() && !family.familyIsEmpty())
m_fontFallbackList->getFontSelector()->willUseFontData(getFontDescription(),, text);
static inline GlyphData glyphDataForNonCJKCharacterWithGlyphOrientation(UChar32 character, bool isUpright, GlyphData& data, unsigned pageNumber)
if (isUpright) {
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> uprightFontData = data.fontData->uprightOrientationFontData();
GlyphPageTreeNode* uprightNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getNormalRootChild(uprightFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* uprightPage = uprightNode->page();
if (uprightPage) {
GlyphData uprightData = uprightPage->glyphDataForCharacter(character);
// If the glyphs are the same, then we know we can just use the horizontal glyph rotated vertically to be upright.
if (data.glyph == uprightData.glyph)
return data;
// The glyphs are distinct, meaning that the font has a vertical-right glyph baked into it. We can't use that
// glyph, so we fall back to the upright data and use the horizontal glyph.
if (uprightData.fontData)
return uprightData;
} else {
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> verticalRightFontData = data.fontData->verticalRightOrientationFontData();
GlyphPageTreeNode* verticalRightNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getNormalRootChild(verticalRightFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* verticalRightPage = verticalRightNode->page();
if (verticalRightPage) {
GlyphData verticalRightData = verticalRightPage->glyphDataForCharacter(character);
// If the glyphs are distinct, we will make the assumption that the font has a vertical-right glyph baked
// into it.
if (data.glyph != verticalRightData.glyph)
return data;
// The glyphs are identical, meaning that we should just use the horizontal glyph.
if (verticalRightData.fontData)
return verticalRightData;
return data;
PassRefPtr<FontFallbackIterator> Font::createFontFallbackIterator(
FontFallbackPriority fallbackPriority) const
return FontFallbackIterator::create(m_fontDescription,
GlyphData Font::glyphDataForCharacter(UChar32& c, bool mirror, bool normalizeSpace, FontDataVariant variant) const
if (variant == AutoVariant) {
if (m_fontDescription.variantCaps() == FontDescription::SmallCaps) {
bool includeDefault = false;
UChar32 upperC = toUpper(c, m_fontDescription.locale(includeDefault));
if (upperC != c) {
c = upperC;
variant = SmallCapsVariant;
} else {
variant = NormalVariant;
} else {
variant = NormalVariant;
if (normalizeSpace && Character::isNormalizedCanvasSpaceCharacter(c))
c = spaceCharacter;
if (mirror)
c = mirroredChar(c);
unsigned pageNumber = (c / GlyphPage::size);
GlyphPageTreeNodeBase* node = m_fontFallbackList->getPageNode(pageNumber);
if (!node) {
node = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(fontDataAt(0), pageNumber);
m_fontFallbackList->setPageNode(pageNumber, node);
RELEASE_ASSERT(node); // Diagnosing crash bug.
GlyphPage* page = 0;
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
// Fastest loop, for the common case (normal variant).
while (true) {
page = node->page(m_fontDescription.script());
if (page) {
GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData) {
if (!data.fontData->platformData().isVerticalAnyUpright() || data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback())
return data;
bool isUpright = m_fontDescription.isVerticalUpright(c);
if (!isUpright || !Character::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c))
return glyphDataForNonCJKCharacterWithGlyphOrientation(c, isUpright, data, pageNumber);
return data;
if (node->isSystemFallback())
// Proceed with the fallback list.
node = toGlyphPageTreeNode(node)->getChild(fontDataAt(node->level()), pageNumber);
m_fontFallbackList->setPageNode(pageNumber, node);
if (variant != NormalVariant) {
while (true) {
page = node->page(m_fontDescription.script());
if (page) {
GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData) {
// The variantFontData function should not normally return 0.
// But if it does, we will just render the capital letter big.
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> variantFontData = data.fontData->variantFontData(m_fontDescription, variant);
if (!variantFontData)
return data;
GlyphPageTreeNode* variantNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getNormalRootChild(variantFontData.get(), pageNumber);
GlyphPage* variantPage = variantNode->page();
if (variantPage) {
GlyphData data = variantPage->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
if (data.fontData)
return data;
// Do not attempt system fallback off the variantFontData. This is the very unlikely case that
// a font has the lowercase character but the small caps font does not have its uppercase version.
return variantFontData->missingGlyphData();
if (node->isSystemFallback())
// Proceed with the fallback list.
node = toGlyphPageTreeNode(node)->getChild(fontDataAt(node->level()), pageNumber);
m_fontFallbackList->setPageNode(pageNumber, node);
// System fallback is character-dependent. When we get here, we
// know that the character in question isn't in the system fallback
// font's glyph page. Try to lazily create it here.
// FIXME: Unclear if this should normalizeSpaces above 0xFFFF.
// Doing so changes fast/text/international/plane2-diffs.html
UChar32 characterToRender = c;
if (characterToRender <= 0xFFFF)
characterToRender = Character::normalizeSpaces(characterToRender);
const FontData* fontData = fontDataAt(0);
if (fontData) {
const SimpleFontData* fontDataToSubstitute = fontData->fontDataForCharacter(characterToRender);
RefPtr<SimpleFontData> characterFontData = FontCache::fontCache()->fallbackFontForCharacter(m_fontDescription, characterToRender, fontDataToSubstitute);
if (characterFontData && variant != NormalVariant) {
characterFontData = characterFontData->variantFontData(m_fontDescription, variant);
if (characterFontData) {
// Got the fallback glyph and font.
unsigned pageNumberForRendering = characterToRender / GlyphPage::size;
GlyphPage* fallbackPage = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(characterFontData.get(), pageNumberForRendering)->page();
GlyphData data = fallbackPage && fallbackPage->glyphForCharacter(characterToRender) ? fallbackPage->glyphDataForCharacter(characterToRender) : characterFontData->missingGlyphData();
// Cache it so we don't have to do system fallback again next time.
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
if (data.fontData->platformData().isVerticalAnyUpright() && !data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback() && !Character::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(characterToRender))
return glyphDataForNonCJKCharacterWithGlyphOrientation(characterToRender, m_fontDescription.isVerticalUpright(characterToRender), data, pageNumberForRendering);
return data;
// Even system fallback can fail; use the missing glyph in that case.
// FIXME: It would be nicer to use the missing glyph from the last resort font instead.
GlyphData data = primaryFont()->missingGlyphData();
if (variant == NormalVariant) {
page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
return data;
bool Font::getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(const AtomicString& mark, GlyphData& glyphData) const
if (mark.isEmpty())
return false;
TextRun emphasisMarkRun(mark, mark.length());
TextRunPaintInfo emphasisPaintInfo(emphasisMarkRun);
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
buildGlyphBuffer(emphasisPaintInfo, glyphBuffer);
if (glyphBuffer.isEmpty())
return false;
glyphData.fontData = glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(0)->emphasisMarkFontData(m_fontDescription).get();
glyphData.glyph = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0);
return true;
int Font::emphasisMarkAscent(const AtomicString& mark) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->getFontMetrics().ascent();
int Font::emphasisMarkDescent(const AtomicString& mark) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->getFontMetrics().descent();
int Font::emphasisMarkHeight(const AtomicString& mark) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
GlyphData markGlyphData;
if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
if (!markFontData)
return 0;
return markFontData->getFontMetrics().height();
float Font::floatWidthForComplexText(const TextRun& run, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, FloatRect* glyphBounds) const
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
float width = shaper.width(this, run, fallbackFonts, glyphBounds);
return width;
// Return the code point index for the given |x| offset into the text run.
int Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText(const TextRun& run, float xFloat,
bool includePartialGlyphs) const
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
return shaper.offsetForPosition(this, run, xFloat, includePartialGlyphs);
// Return the rectangle for selecting the given range of code-points in the TextRun.
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run,
const FloatPoint& point, int height, int from, int to) const
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
CharacterRange range = shaper.getCharacterRange(this, run, from, to);
return FloatRect(point.x() + range.start, point.y(), range.width(), height);
CharacterRange Font::getCharacterRange(const TextRun& run, unsigned from, unsigned to) const
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
return shaper.getCharacterRange(this, run, from, to);
Vector<CharacterRange> Font::individualCharacterRanges(const TextRun& run) const
// TODO(pdr): Android is temporarily ( using the old simple
// shaper and using the complex shaper here can show differences between
// the two shapers. This function is currently only called through SVG
// which now exclusively uses the complex shaper, so the primary difference
// will be improved shaping in SVG when compared to HTML.
FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
CachingWordShaper shaper(m_fontFallbackList->shapeCache(m_fontDescription));
auto ranges = shaper.individualCharacterRanges(this, run);
DCHECK_EQ(ranges.size(), run.length());
return ranges;
float Font::floatWidthForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, FloatRect* glyphBounds) const
SimpleShaper shaper(this, run, nullptr, fallbackFonts, glyphBounds);
return shaper.runWidthSoFar();
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int h, int from, int to, bool accountForGlyphBounds) const
FloatRect bounds;
SimpleShaper shaper(this, run, nullptr, nullptr, accountForGlyphBounds ? &bounds : nullptr);
float fromX = shaper.runWidthSoFar();
float toX = shaper.runWidthSoFar();
if (run.rtl()) {
float totalWidth = shaper.runWidthSoFar();
float beforeWidth = fromX;
float afterWidth = toX;
fromX = totalWidth - afterWidth;
toX = totalWidth - beforeWidth;
return FloatRect(point.x() + fromX,
accountForGlyphBounds ? bounds.y(): point.y(),
toX - fromX,
accountForGlyphBounds ? bounds.maxY()- bounds.y(): h);
int Font::offsetForPositionForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, float x, bool includePartialGlyphs) const
float delta = x;
SimpleShaper shaper(this, run);
unsigned offset;
if (run.rtl()) {
delta -= floatWidthForSimpleText(run);
while (1) {
offset = shaper.currentOffset();
float w;
if (!shaper.advanceOneCharacter(w))
delta += w;
if (includePartialGlyphs) {
if (delta - w / 2 >= 0)
} else {
if (delta >= 0)
} else {
while (1) {
offset = shaper.currentOffset();
float w;
if (!shaper.advanceOneCharacter(w))
delta -= w;
if (includePartialGlyphs) {
if (delta + w / 2 <= 0)
} else {
if (delta <= 0)
return offset;
bool Font::loadingCustomFonts() const
return m_fontFallbackList && m_fontFallbackList->loadingCustomFonts();
bool Font::isFallbackValid() const
return !m_fontFallbackList || m_fontFallbackList->isValid();
} // namespace blink