Steps towards isolating Windows-isms in the construction environment from Linux/Posix/Mac-isms, and fixes:
* Only put Windows settings on the construction environment when PLATFORM == 'win32', and provide a PLATFORM == 'posix' block for necessary settings there.
* Don't hard-code C:/ as the location of Microsoft Visual Studio 8, so we can find memset.obj even on buildbot systems that have it installed on D:.
* Work around how SCons 0.98.3 fails to handle environment variables imported from Visual Studio that use | to separate diferent architecture types in the (e.g.) PATH.  (This is fixed in 0.98.4, after which we can remove the workaround.)
* Deep copy the environment we use to build v8_shell.exe so objects therein can't pollute other environments.
TBR: evanm,bradnelson

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed