Remove unused "nosdcard" variants of several strings.

We have several strings with two variants: default and nosdcard. At
build time, grit dutifully converts these strings into Android resources
like so:

  <message name="IDS_FOO_product_nosdcard">You have no SD card</message>
  <message name="IDS_FOO_product_default">You do have an SD card</message>


  <string name="foo" product="nosdcard">You have no SD card</string>
  <string name="foo" product="default">You do have an SD card</string>

However, aapt includes only one variant of the string in the APK,
according to the value of the --product flag. Since we don't pass the
--product flag to aapt, only the default strings get included in the
APK. Hence the nosdcard variants are and have always been unused.

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#343148}
1 file changed