blob: 88f6e1ed2d2b95efa325c66572de72824360dd01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/heap/scavenger.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/mark-compact-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/objects-visiting-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/scavenger-inl.h"
#include "src/objects-body-descriptors-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class IterateAndScavengePromotedObjectsVisitor final : public ObjectVisitor {
IterateAndScavengePromotedObjectsVisitor(Heap* heap, Scavenger* scavenger,
bool record_slots)
: heap_(heap), scavenger_(scavenger), record_slots_(record_slots) {}
inline void VisitPointers(HeapObject* host, Object** start,
Object** end) final {
Address slot_address = reinterpret_cast<Address>(start);
Page* page = Page::FromAddress(slot_address);
while (slot_address < reinterpret_cast<Address>(end)) {
Object** slot = reinterpret_cast<Object**>(slot_address);
Object* target = *slot;
if (target->IsHeapObject()) {
if (heap_->InFromSpace(target)) {
target = *slot;
if (heap_->InNewSpace(target)) {
RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::Insert(page, slot_address);
} else if (record_slots_ &&
HeapObject::cast(target))) {
heap_->mark_compact_collector()->RecordSlot(host, slot, target);
slot_address += kPointerSize;
inline void VisitCodeEntry(JSFunction* host, Address code_entry_slot) final {
// Black allocation requires us to process objects referenced by
// promoted objects.
if (heap_->incremental_marking()->black_allocation()) {
Code* code = Code::cast(Code::GetObjectFromEntryAddress(code_entry_slot));
Heap* const heap_;
Scavenger* const scavenger_;
bool record_slots_;
void Scavenger::IterateAndScavengePromotedObject(HeapObject* target, int size) {
// We are not collecting slots on new space objects during mutation
// thus we have to scan for pointers to evacuation candidates when we
// promote objects. But we should not record any slots in non-black
// objects. Grey object's slots would be rescanned.
// White object might not survive until the end of collection
// it would be a violation of the invariant to record it's slots.
const bool record_slots =
heap()->incremental_marking()->IsCompacting() &&
ObjectMarking::IsBlack(target, MarkingState::Internal(target));
IterateAndScavengePromotedObjectsVisitor visitor(heap(), this, record_slots);
if (target->IsJSFunction()) {
// JSFunctions reachable through kNextFunctionLinkOffset are weak. Slots for
// this links are recorded during processing of weak lists.
JSFunction::BodyDescriptorWeak::IterateBody(target, size, &visitor);
} else {
target->IterateBody(target->map()->instance_type(), size, &visitor);
void Scavenger::Process() {
// Threshold when to switch processing the promotion list to avoid
// allocating too much backing store in the worklist.
const int kProcessPromotionListThreshold = kPromotionListSegmentSize / 2;
ScavengeVisitor scavenge_visitor(heap(), this);
bool done;
do {
done = true;
AddressRange range;
while ((promotion_list_.LocalPushSegmentSize() <
kProcessPromotionListThreshold) &&
copied_list_.Pop(&range)) {
for (Address current = range.first; current < range.second;) {
HeapObject* object = HeapObject::FromAddress(current);
int size = object->Size();
current += size;
done = false;
ObjectAndSize object_and_size;
while (promotion_list_.Pop(&object_and_size)) {
HeapObject* target = object_and_size.first;
int size = object_and_size.second;
IterateAndScavengePromotedObject(target, size);
done = false;
} while (!done);
void Scavenger::RecordCopiedObject(HeapObject* obj) {
bool should_record = FLAG_log_gc;
#ifdef DEBUG
should_record = FLAG_heap_stats;
if (should_record) {
if (heap()->new_space()->Contains(obj)) {
} else {
void RootScavengeVisitor::VisitRootPointer(Root root, Object** p) {
void RootScavengeVisitor::VisitRootPointers(Root root, Object** start,
Object** end) {
// Copy all HeapObject pointers in [start, end)
for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) ScavengePointer(p);
void RootScavengeVisitor::ScavengePointer(Object** p) {
Object* object = *p;
if (!heap_->InNewSpace(object)) return;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8