blob: 53fe9f73e1f7ed1e446d1574dfcc81f5fd228b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryProcessType;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.BackgroundTask;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.BackgroundTaskSchedulerExternalUma;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.TaskParameters;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserStartupController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* Base class implementing {@link BackgroundTask} that adds native initialization, ensuring that
* tasks are run after Chrome is successfully started.
public abstract class NativeBackgroundTask implements BackgroundTask {
private static final String TAG = "BTS_NativeBkgrdTask";
/** Specifies which action to take following onStartTaskBeforeNativeLoaded. */
@IntDef({StartBeforeNativeResult.LOAD_NATIVE, StartBeforeNativeResult.RESCHEDULE,
public @interface StartBeforeNativeResult {
/** Task should continue to load native parts of browser. */
int LOAD_NATIVE = 0;
/** Task should request rescheduling, without loading native parts of browser. */
/** Task should neither load native parts of browser nor reschedule. */
int DONE = 2;
protected NativeBackgroundTask() {}
/** Indicates that the task has already been stopped. Should only be accessed on UI Thread. */
private boolean mTaskStopped;
/** The id of the task from {@link TaskParameters} used for metrics logging. */
private int mTaskId;
public final boolean onStartTask(
Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters, TaskFinishedCallback callback) {
mTaskId = taskParameters.getTaskId();
TaskFinishedCallback wrappedCallback = needsReschedule -> {
// WrappedCallback will only be called when the work is done or in onStopTask. If the task
// is short-circuited early (by returning DONE or RESCHEDULE as a StartBeforeNativeResult),
// the wrappedCallback is not called. Thus task-finished metrics are only recorded if
// task-started metrics are.
int beforeNativeResult =
onStartTaskBeforeNativeLoaded(context, taskParameters, wrappedCallback);
if (beforeNativeResult == StartBeforeNativeResult.DONE) return false;
if (beforeNativeResult == StartBeforeNativeResult.RESCHEDULE) {
// Do not pass in wrappedCallback because this is a short-circuit reschedule. For UMA
// purposes, tasks are started when runWithNative is called and does not consider
// short-circuit reschedules such as this.
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, buildRescheduleRunnable(callback));
return true;
assert beforeNativeResult == StartBeforeNativeResult.LOAD_NATIVE;
buildStartWithNativeRunnable(context, taskParameters, wrappedCallback),
return true;
public final boolean onStopTask(Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters) {
mTaskStopped = true;
if (isNativeLoaded()) {
return onStopTaskWithNative(context, taskParameters);
} else {
return onStopTaskBeforeNativeLoaded(context, taskParameters);
* Ensure that native is started before running the task. If native fails to start, the task is
* going to be rescheduled, by issuing a {@see TaskFinishedCallback} with parameter set to
* <c>true</c>.
* @param context the current context
* @param startWithNativeRunnable A runnable that will execute #onStartTaskWithNative, after the
* native is loaded.
* @param rescheduleRunnable A runnable that will be called to reschedule the task in case
* native initialization fails.
protected final void runWithNative(final Context context,
final Runnable startWithNativeRunnable, final Runnable rescheduleRunnable) {
if (isNativeLoaded()) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, startWithNativeRunnable);
final BrowserParts parts = new EmptyBrowserParts() {
public void finishNativeInitialization() {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, startWithNativeRunnable);
public boolean startServiceManagerOnly() {
return supportsServiceManagerOnly();
public void onStartupFailure() {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, rescheduleRunnable);
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// If task was stopped before we got here, don't start native initialization.
if (mTaskStopped) return;
try {
true /* isAsync */, parts);
} catch (ProcessInitException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "ProcessInitException while starting the browser process.");;
* Descendant classes should override this method if they support running in service manager
* only mode.
* TODO( implement in a subclass once it can support running in
* ServiceManager only mode.
* @return if the task supports running in service manager only mode.
protected boolean supportsServiceManagerOnly() {
return false;
* Method that should be implemented in derived classes to provide implementation of {@link
* BackgroundTask#onStartTask(Context, TaskParameters, TaskFinishedCallback)} run before native
* is loaded. Task implementing the method may decide to not load native if it hasn't been
* loaded yet, by returning DONE, meaning no more work is required for the task, or RESCHEDULE,
* meaning task needs to be immediately rescheduled.
* This method is guaranteed to be called before {@link #onStartTaskWithNative}.
protected abstract int onStartTaskBeforeNativeLoaded(
Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters, TaskFinishedCallback callback);
* Method that should be implemented in derived classes to provide implementation of {@link
* BackgroundTask#onStartTask(Context, TaskParameters, TaskFinishedCallback)} when native is
* loaded.
* This method will not be called unless {@link #onStartTaskBeforeNativeLoaded} returns
protected abstract void onStartTaskWithNative(
Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters, TaskFinishedCallback callback);
/** Called by {@link #onStopTask} if native part of browser was not loaded. */
protected abstract boolean onStopTaskBeforeNativeLoaded(
Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters);
/** Called by {@link #onStopTask} if native part of browser was loaded. */
protected abstract boolean onStopTaskWithNative(Context context, TaskParameters taskParameters);
/** Builds a runnable rescheduling task. */
private Runnable buildRescheduleRunnable(final TaskFinishedCallback callback) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mTaskStopped) return;
/** Builds a runnable starting task with native portion. */
private Runnable buildStartWithNativeRunnable(final Context context,
final TaskParameters taskParameters, final TaskFinishedCallback callback) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mTaskStopped) return;
onStartTaskWithNative(context, taskParameters, callback);
/** Whether the native part of the browser is loaded. */
private boolean isNativeLoaded() {
return getBrowserStartupController().isStartupSuccessfullyCompleted();
protected BrowserStartupController getBrowserStartupController() {
return BrowserStartupController.get(LibraryProcessType.PROCESS_BROWSER);