blob: 8cd3b6efd2fbc7da38b7f1ed8daf0b41ebd8f3c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* This class manages a {@link DialogFragment}.
* In particular, it ensures that the dialog stays visible for a minimum time period, so that
* earlier calls to hide it are delayed appropriately. It also allows to override the delaying for
* testing purposes.
public final class DialogManager {
* Contains the reference to a {@link} between the call to {@link
* show} and dismissing the dialog.
private DialogFragment mDialogFragment;
* The least amout of time for which {@link mDialogFragment} should stay visible to avoid
* flickering. It was chosen so that it is enough to read the approx. 3 words on it, but not too
* long (to avoid the user waiting while Chrome is already idle).
private static final long MINIMUM_LIFE_SPAN_MILLIS = 1000L;
/** This is used to post the unblocking signal for hiding the dialog fragment. */
private CallbackDelayer mDelayer = new TimedCallbackDelayer(MINIMUM_LIFE_SPAN_MILLIS);
/** Allows to fake the timed delayer. */
public void replaceCallbackDelayerForTesting(CallbackDelayer newDelayer) {
mDelayer = newDelayer;
* Used to gate hiding of a dialog on two actions: one automatic delayed signal and one manual
* call to {@link hide}. This is not null between the calls to {@link show} and {@link hide}.
private SingleThreadBarrierClosure mBarrierClosure;
/** Callback to run after the dialog was hidden. Can be null if no hiding was requested.*/
private Runnable mCallback;
/** Possible actions taken on the dialog during {@link #hide}. */
@IntDef({HideActions.NO_OP, HideActions.HIDDEN_IMMEDIATELY, HideActions.HIDING_DELAYED})
public @interface HideActions {
/** The dialog has not been shown, so it is not being hidden. */
int NO_OP = 0;
/** {@link #mBarrierClosure} was signalled so the dialog is hidden now. */
/** The hiding is being delayed until {@link #mBarrierClosure} is signalled further. */
/** Interface to notify, during @{link #hide}, which action was taken. */
public interface ActionsConsumer { void consume(@HideActions int action); }
/** The callback called everytime {@link #hide} is executed. */
private final ActionsConsumer mActionsConsumer;
* Constructs a DialogManager, optionally with a callback to report which action was taken on
* hiding.
* @param actionsConsumer The callback called everytime {@link #hide} is executed.
public DialogManager(@Nullable ActionsConsumer actionsConsumer) {
mActionsConsumer = actionsConsumer;
* Shows the dialog.
* @param dialog to be shown.
* @param fragmentManager needed to call {@link}
public void show(DialogFragment dialog, FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
assert mDialogFragment == null;
mDialogFragment = dialog;, null);
// Initiate the barrier closure, expecting 2 runs: one automatic but delayed, and one
// explicit, to hide the dialog.
mBarrierClosure = new SingleThreadBarrierClosure(2, this::hideImmediately);
// This is the automatic but delayed signal.
* Hides the dialog as soon as possible, but not sooner than {@link MINIMUM_LIFE_SPAN_MILLIS}
* milliseconds after it was shown. Attempts to hide the dialog when none is shown are
* gracefully ignored but the callback is called in any case.
* @param callback is asynchronously called as soon as the dialog is no longer visible.
public void hide(Runnable callback) {
if (mActionsConsumer != null) {
final int action;
if (mBarrierClosure == null) {
action = HideActions.NO_OP;
} else if (mBarrierClosure.isReady()) {
action = HideActions.HIDDEN_IMMEDIATELY;
} else {
action = HideActions.HIDING_DELAYED;
mCallback = callback;
// The barrier closure is null if the dialog was not shown. In that case don't wait before
// confirming the hidden state.
if (mBarrierClosure == null) {
} else {;
* Synchronously hides the dialog without any delay. Attempts to hide the dialog when
* none is shown are gracefully ignored but |mCallback| is called in any case if present.
private void hideImmediately() {
if (mDialogFragment != null) mDialogFragment.dismiss();
// Post the callback to ensure that it is always run asynchronously, even if hide() took a
// shortcut for a missing shown().
if (mCallback != null) PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, mCallback);
/** Resets the dialog reference and metadata related to it.*/
private void reset() {
mDialogFragment = null;
mCallback = null;
mBarrierClosure = null;