blob: 3f09eff36867707edfe5cfb9a0b3d1d5214bfd6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import org.chromium.base.ActivityState;
import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.Promise;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.components.signin.AccountIdProvider;
import org.chromium.components.signin.AccountManagerFacade;
import org.chromium.components.signin.AccountTrackerService;
import org.chromium.components.signin.ChromeSigninController;
import org.chromium.components.sync.AndroidSyncSettings;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Android wrapper of the SigninManager which provides access from the Java layer.
* <p/>
* This class handles common paths during the sign-in and sign-out flows.
* <p/>
* Only usable from the UI thread as the native SigninManager requires its access to be in the
* UI thread.
* <p/>
* See chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_android.h for more details.
public class SigninManager implements AccountTrackerService.OnSystemAccountsSeededListener {
private static final String TAG = "SigninManager";
* A SignInStateObserver is notified when the user signs in to or out of Chrome.
public interface SignInStateObserver {
* Invoked when the user has signed in to Chrome.
void onSignedIn();
* Invoked when the user has signed out of Chrome.
void onSignedOut();
* SignInAllowedObservers will be notified once signing-in becomes allowed or disallowed.
public interface SignInAllowedObserver {
* Invoked once all startup checks are done and signing-in becomes allowed, or disallowed.
void onSignInAllowedChanged();
* Callbacks for the sign-in flow.
public interface SignInCallback {
* Invoked after sign-in is completed successfully.
void onSignInComplete();
* Invoked if the sign-in processes does not complete for any reason.
void onSignInAborted();
* Hooks for wiping data during sign out.
public interface WipeDataHooks {
* Called before data is wiped.
void preWipeData();
* Called after data is wiped.
void postWipeData();
* Contains all the state needed for signin. This forces signin flow state to be
* cleared atomically, and all final fields to be set upon initialization.
private static class SignInState {
final Account mAccount;
final Activity mActivity;
final SignInCallback mCallback;
* If the system accounts need to be seeded, the sign in flow will block for that to occur.
* This boolean should be set to true during that time and then reset back to false
* afterwards. This allows the manager to know if it should progress the flow when the
* account tracker broadcasts updates.
boolean mBlockedOnAccountSeeding;
* @param account The account to sign in to.
* @param activity Reference to the UI to use for dialogs. Null means forced signin.
* @param callback Called when the sign-in process finishes or is cancelled. Can be null.
Account account, @Nullable Activity activity, @Nullable SignInCallback callback) {
this.mAccount = account;
this.mActivity = activity;
this.mCallback = callback;
* Returns whether this is an interactive sign-in flow.
boolean isInteractive() {
return mActivity != null;
* Returns whether the sign-in flow activity was set but is no longer visible to the user.
boolean isActivityInvisible() {
return mActivity != null
&& (ApplicationStatus.getStateForActivity(mActivity) == ActivityState.STOPPED
|| ApplicationStatus.getStateForActivity(mActivity)
== ActivityState.DESTROYED);
* Contains all the state needed for sign out. Like SignInState, this forces flow state to be
* cleared atomically, and all final fields to be set upon initialization.
private static class SignOutState {
final Runnable mCallback;
final WipeDataHooks mWipeDataHooks;
final String mManagementDomain;
* @param callback Called after sign-out finishes and all data has been cleared.
* @param wipeDataHooks Hooks to call before/after data wiping phase of sign-out.
* @param managementDomain Domain when account is managed.
SignOutState(@Nullable Runnable callback, @Nullable WipeDataHooks wipeDataHooks,
@Nullable String managementDomain) {
this.mCallback = callback;
this.mWipeDataHooks = wipeDataHooks;
this.mManagementDomain = managementDomain;
private static SigninManager sSigninManager;
private static int sSignInAccessPoint = SigninAccessPoint.UNKNOWN;
private final long mNativeSigninManagerAndroid;
private final Context mContext;
private final AccountTrackerService mAccountTrackerService;
private final AndroidSyncSettings mAndroidSyncSettings;
private final ObserverList<SignInStateObserver> mSignInStateObservers = new ObserverList<>();
private final ObserverList<SignInAllowedObserver> mSignInAllowedObservers =
new ObserverList<>();
private List<Runnable> mCallbacksWaitingForPendingOperation = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean mSigninAllowedByPolicy;
* Tracks whether the First Run check has been completed.
* A new sign-in can not be started while this is pending, to prevent the
* pending check from eventually starting a 2nd sign-in.
private boolean mFirstRunCheckIsPending = true;
* Will be set during the sign in process, and nulled out when there is not a pending sign in.
* Needs to be null checked after ever async entry point because it can be nulled out at any
* time by system accounts changing.
private @Nullable SignInState mSignInState;
* Set during sign-out process and nulled out once complete. Helps to atomically gather/clear
* various sign-out state.
private @Nullable SignOutState mSignOutState;
* A helper method for retrieving the application-wide SigninManager.
* <p/>
* Can only be accessed on the main thread.
* @return a singleton instance of the SigninManager.
public static SigninManager get() {
if (sSigninManager == null) {
sSigninManager = new SigninManager();
return sSigninManager;
private SigninManager() {
IdentityServicesProvider.getAccountTrackerService(), AndroidSyncSettings.get());
SigninManager(Context context, AccountTrackerService accountTrackerService,
AndroidSyncSettings androidSyncSettings) {
assert context != null;
assert accountTrackerService != null;
assert androidSyncSettings != null;
mContext = context;
mAccountTrackerService = accountTrackerService;
mAndroidSyncSettings = androidSyncSettings;
mNativeSigninManagerAndroid = nativeInit();
mSigninAllowedByPolicy = nativeIsSigninAllowedByPolicy(mNativeSigninManagerAndroid);
* Log the access point when the user see the view of choosing account to sign in.
* @param accessPoint the enum value of AccessPoint defined in signin_metrics.h.
public static void logSigninStartAccessPoint(int accessPoint) {
"Signin.SigninStartedAccessPoint", accessPoint, SigninAccessPoint.MAX);
sSignInAccessPoint = accessPoint;
private void logSigninCompleteAccessPoint() {
"Signin.SigninCompletedAccessPoint", sSignInAccessPoint, SigninAccessPoint.MAX);
sSignInAccessPoint = SigninAccessPoint.UNKNOWN;
* Notifies the SigninManager that the First Run check has completed.
* The user will be allowed to sign-in once this is signaled.
public void onFirstRunCheckDone() {
mFirstRunCheckIsPending = false;
if (isSignInAllowed()) {
* Returns true if signin can be started now.
public boolean isSignInAllowed() {
return !mFirstRunCheckIsPending && mSignInState == null && mSigninAllowedByPolicy
&& ChromeSigninController.get().getSignedInUser() == null && isSigninSupported();
* Returns true if signin is disabled by policy.
public boolean isSigninDisabledByPolicy() {
return !mSigninAllowedByPolicy;
* @return Whether true if the current user is not demo user and the user has a reasonable
* Google Play Services installed.
public boolean isSigninSupported() {
return !ApiCompatibilityUtils.isDemoUser(mContext)
&& !ExternalAuthUtils.getInstance().isGooglePlayServicesMissing(mContext);
* @return Whether force sign-in is enabled by policy.
public boolean isForceSigninEnabled() {
return nativeIsForceSigninEnabled(mNativeSigninManagerAndroid);
* Registers a SignInStateObserver to be notified when the user signs in or out of Chrome.
public void addSignInStateObserver(SignInStateObserver observer) {
* Unregisters a SignInStateObserver to be notified when the user signs in or out of Chrome.
public void removeSignInStateObserver(SignInStateObserver observer) {
public void addSignInAllowedObserver(SignInAllowedObserver observer) {
public void removeSignInAllowedObserver(SignInAllowedObserver observer) {
private void notifySignInAllowedChanged() {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, () -> {
for (SignInAllowedObserver observer : mSignInAllowedObservers) {
* Continue pending sign in after system accounts have been seeded into AccountTrackerService.
public void onSystemAccountsSeedingComplete() {
if (mSignInState != null && mSignInState.mBlockedOnAccountSeeding) {
mSignInState.mBlockedOnAccountSeeding = false;
* Clear pending sign in when system accounts in AccountTrackerService were refreshed.
public void onSystemAccountsChanged() {
if (mSignInState != null) {
* Starts the sign-in flow, and executes the callback when finished.
* If an activity is provided, it is considered an "interactive" sign-in and the user can be
* prompted to confirm various aspects of sign-in using dialogs inside the activity.
* The sign-in flow goes through the following steps:
* - Wait for AccountTrackerService to be seeded.
* - If interactive, confirm the account change with the user.
* - Wait for policy to be checked for the account.
* - If interactive and the account is managed, warn the user.
* - If managed, wait for the policy to be fetched.
* - Complete sign-in with the native SigninManager and kick off token requests.
* - Call the callback if provided.
* @param account The account to sign in to.
* @param activity The activity used to launch UI prompts, or null for a forced signin.
* @param callback Optional callback for when the sign-in process is finished.
public void signIn(
Account account, @Nullable Activity activity, @Nullable SignInCallback callback) {
if (account == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring sign-in request due to null account.");
if (callback != null) callback.onSignInAborted();
if (mSignInState != null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring sign-in request as another sign-in request is pending.");
if (callback != null) callback.onSignInAborted();
if (mFirstRunCheckIsPending) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring sign-in request until the First Run check completes.");
if (callback != null) callback.onSignInAborted();
mSignInState = new SignInState(account, activity, callback);
* Same as above but retrieves the Account object for the given accountName.
public void signIn(String accountName, @Nullable final Activity activity,
@Nullable final SignInCallback callback) {
accountName, account -> signIn(account, activity, callback));
private void progressSignInFlowSeedSystemAccounts() {
if (mAccountTrackerService.checkAndSeedSystemAccounts()) {
} else if (AccountIdProvider.getInstance().canBeUsed()) {
mSignInState.mBlockedOnAccountSeeding = true;
} else {
Activity activity = mSignInState.mActivity;
UserRecoverableErrorHandler errorHandler = activity != null
? new UserRecoverableErrorHandler.ModalDialog(activity, !isForceSigninEnabled())
: new UserRecoverableErrorHandler.SystemNotification();
Log.w(TAG, "Cancelling the sign-in process as Google Play services is unavailable");
* Continues the signin flow by checking if there is a policy that the account is subject to.
private void progressSignInFlowCheckPolicy() {
if (mSignInState == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring sign in progress request as no pending sign in.");
if (mSignInState.isActivityInvisible()) {
if (!nativeShouldLoadPolicyForUser( {
// Proceed with the sign-in flow without checking for policy if it can be determined
// that this account can't have management enabled based on the username.
Log.d(TAG, "Checking if account has policy management enabled");
// This will call back to onPolicyCheckedBeforeSignIn.
void onPolicyCheckedBeforeSignIn(String managementDomain) {
assert mSignInState != null;
if (managementDomain == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Account doesn't have policy");
if (mSignInState.isActivityInvisible()) {
// The user has already been notified that they are signing into a managed account.
// This will call back to onPolicyFetchedBeforeSignIn.
private void onPolicyFetchedBeforeSignIn() {
// Policy has been fetched for the user and is being enforced; features like sync may now
// be disabled by policy, and the rest of the sign-in flow can be resumed.
private void finishSignIn() {
// This method should be called at most once per sign-in flow.
assert mSignInState != null;
// Tell the native side that sign-in has completed.
// Cache the signed-in account name. This must be done after the native call, otherwise
// sync tries to start without being signed in natively and crashes.
if (mSignInState.mCallback != null) {
// Trigger token requests via native.
if (mSignInState.isInteractive()) {
// If signin was a user action, record that it succeeded.
// Log signin in reason as defined in signin_metrics.h. Right now only
// SIGNIN_PRIMARY_ACCOUNT available on Android.
SigninReason.SIGNIN_PRIMARY_ACCOUNT, SigninReason.MAX);
Log.d(TAG, "Signin completed.");
mSignInState = null;
for (SignInStateObserver observer : mSignInStateObservers) {
* Returns true if a sign-in or sign-out operation is in progress. See also
* {@link #runAfterOperationInProgress}.
public boolean isOperationInProgress() {
return mSignInState != null || mSignOutState != null;
* Schedules the runnable to be invoked after currently ongoing a sign-in or sign-out operation
* is finished. If there's no operation is progress, posts the callback to the UI thread right
* away. See also {@link #isOperationInProgress}.
public void runAfterOperationInProgress(Runnable runnable) {
if (isOperationInProgress()) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, runnable);
private void notifyCallbacksWaitingForOperation() {
for (Runnable callback : mCallbacksWaitingForPendingOperation) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, callback);
* Invokes signOut and returns a {@link Promise} that will be fulfilled on completion.
* This is equivalent to calling {@link #signOut(@SignoutReason int signoutSource, Runnable
* callback)} with a callback that fulfills the returned {@link Promise}.
public Promise<Void> signOutPromise(@SignoutReason int signoutSource) {
final Promise<Void> promise = new Promise<>();
signOut(signoutSource, () -> promise.fulfill(null));
return promise;
* Invokes signOut with no callback or wipeDataHooks.
public void signOut(@SignoutReason int signoutSource) {
signOut(signoutSource, null, null);
* Invokes signOut() with no wipeDataHooks.
public void signOut(@SignoutReason int signoutSource, Runnable callback) {
signOut(signoutSource, callback, null);
* Signs out of Chrome.
* <p/>
* This method clears the signed-in username, stops sync and sends out a
* sign-out notification on the native side.
* @param signoutSource describes the event driving the signout (e.g.
* @param callback Will be invoked after sign-out completes, if not null.
* @param wipeDataHooks Hooks to call before/after data wiping phase of sign-out.
public void signOut(
@SignoutReason int signoutSource, Runnable callback, WipeDataHooks wipeDataHooks) {
// Only one signOut at a time!
assert mSignOutState == null;
// Grab the management domain before nativeSignOut() potentially clears it.
mSignOutState = new SignOutState(callback, wipeDataHooks, getManagementDomain());
Log.d(TAG, "Signing out, management domain: " + mSignOutState.mManagementDomain);
// User data will be wiped in resetAccountData(), called from onNativeSignOut().
nativeSignOut(mNativeSigninManagerAndroid, signoutSource);
* Returns the management domain if the signed in account is managed, otherwise returns null.
public String getManagementDomain() {
return nativeGetManagementDomain(mNativeSigninManagerAndroid);
void logInSignedInUser() {
public void clearLastSignedInUser() {
* Aborts the current sign in.
* Package protected to allow dialog fragments to abort the signin flow.
void abortSignIn() {
// Ensure this function can only run once per signin flow.
SignInState signInState = mSignInState;
assert signInState != null;
mSignInState = null;
if (signInState.mCallback != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Signin flow aborted.");
void onNativeSignOut() {
if (mSignOutState == null) {
// TODO( Management domain is not captured in signOut() for
// sign-outs that are initiated from the native side. But grabbing it here may be too
// late! The management domain may be already cleared due to race condition with
// sign-out observers on the native side.
mSignOutState = new SignOutState(null, null, getManagementDomain());
Log.d(TAG, "Native signed out, management domain: " + mSignOutState.mManagementDomain);
// Native sign-out must happen before resetting the account so data is deleted correctly.
* Called AFTER native sign-out is complete, this method clears various
* account and profile data associated with the previous signin.
void resetAccountData() {
// Should be set at beginning of sign-out flow.
assert mSignOutState != null;
if (mSignOutState.mManagementDomain != null) {
} else {
private void wipeProfileData() {
// Should be set at start of sign-out flow.
assert mSignOutState != null;
if (mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks != null) mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks.preWipeData();
// This will call back to onProfileDataWiped().
private void wipeGoogleServiceWorkerCaches() {
// Should be set at start of sign-out flow.
assert mSignOutState != null;
if (mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks != null) mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks.preWipeData();
// This will call back to onProfileDataWiped().
* Convenience method to return a Promise to be fulfilled when the user's sync data has been
* wiped if the parameter is true, or an already fulfilled Promise if the parameter is false.
public static Promise<Void> wipeSyncUserDataIfRequired(boolean required) {
if (required) {
return SyncUserDataWiper.wipeSyncUserData();
} else {
return Promise.fulfilled(null);
protected void onProfileDataWiped() {
// Should be set at start of sign-out flow.
assert mSignOutState != null;
if (mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks != null) mSignOutState.mWipeDataHooks.postWipeData();
private void finishSignOut() {
// Should be set at start of sign-out flow.
assert mSignOutState != null;
if (mSignOutState.mCallback != null) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, mSignOutState.mCallback);
mSignOutState = null;
for (SignInStateObserver observer : mSignInStateObservers) {
* @return Whether there is a signed in account on the native side.
public boolean isSignedInOnNative() {
return nativeIsSignedInOnNative(mNativeSigninManagerAndroid);
private void onSigninAllowedByPolicyChanged(boolean newSigninAllowedByPolicy) {
mSigninAllowedByPolicy = newSigninAllowedByPolicy;
* Performs an asynchronous check to see if the user is a managed user.
* @param callback A callback to be called with true if the user is a managed user and false
* otherwise. May be called synchronously from this function.
public void isUserManaged(String email, final Callback<Boolean> callback) {
if (nativeShouldLoadPolicyForUser(email)) {
nativeIsUserManaged(email, callback);
} else {
public String extractDomainName(String email) {
return nativeExtractDomainName(email);
public static void setInstanceForTesting(SigninManager signinManager) {
sSigninManager = signinManager;
// Native methods.
native long nativeInit();
native boolean nativeIsSigninAllowedByPolicy(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native boolean nativeIsForceSigninEnabled(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeCheckPolicyBeforeSignIn(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid, String username);
native void nativeFetchPolicyBeforeSignIn(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeAbortSignIn(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeOnSignInCompleted(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid, String username);
native void nativeSignOut(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid, @SignoutReason int reason);
native String nativeGetManagementDomain(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeWipeProfileData(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeWipeGoogleServiceWorkerCaches(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeClearLastSignedInUser(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native void nativeLogInSignedInUser(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native boolean nativeIsSignedInOnNative(long nativeSigninManagerAndroid);
native boolean nativeShouldLoadPolicyForUser(String username);
native void nativeIsUserManaged(String username, Callback<Boolean> callback);
native String nativeExtractDomainName(String email);