blob: bf644f0b083efe362491e07d7fea1b1d0740b5fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser.androidoverlay;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.view.Surface;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import org.chromium.gfx.mojom.Rect;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MojoException;
* Default AndroidOverlay impl. Uses a separate (shared) overlay thread to own a Dialog instance,
* probably via a separate object that operates only on that thread. We will post messages to /
* from that thread from the UI thread.
public class DialogOverlayImpl implements AndroidOverlay, DialogOverlayCore.Host {
private static final String TAG = "DialogOverlayImpl";
private AndroidOverlayClient mClient;
private Handler mOverlayHandler;
// Runnable that we'll run when the overlay notifies us that it's been released.
private Runnable mReleasedRunnable;
// Runnable that will release |mDialogCore| when posted to mOverlayHandler. We keep this
// separately from mDialogCore itself so that we can call it after we've discarded the latter.
private Runnable mReleaseCoreRunnable;
private final ThreadHoppingHost mHoppingHost;
private DialogOverlayCore mDialogCore;
private long mNativeHandle;
// If nonzero, then we have registered a surface with this ID.
private int mSurfaceId;
// Has close() been run yet?
private boolean mClosed;
// Temporary, so we don't need to keep allocating arrays.
private final int[] mCompositorOffset = new int[2];
* @param client Mojo client interface.
* @param config initial overlay configuration.
* @param handler handler that posts to the overlay thread. This is the android UI thread that
* the dialog uses, not the browser UI thread.
* @param provider the overlay provider that owns us.
* @param asPanel the overlay should be a panel, above the compositor. This is for testing.
public DialogOverlayImpl(AndroidOverlayClient client, final AndroidOverlayConfig config,
Handler overlayHandler, Runnable releasedRunnable, final boolean asPanel) {
mClient = client;
mReleasedRunnable = releasedRunnable;
mOverlayHandler = overlayHandler;
mDialogCore = new DialogOverlayCore();
mHoppingHost = new ThreadHoppingHost(this);
// Register to get token updates. Note that this may not call us back directly, since
// |mDialogCore| hasn't been initialized yet.
mNativeHandle = nativeInit(
config.routingToken.high, config.routingToken.low, config.powerEfficient);
if (mNativeHandle == 0) {
// Post init to the overlay thread.
final DialogOverlayCore dialogCore = mDialogCore;
final Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
nativeGetCompositorOffset(mNativeHandle, config.rect); Runnable() {
public void run() {
dialogCore.initialize(context, config, mHoppingHost, asPanel);
// Now that |mDialogCore| has been initialized, we are ready for token callbacks.
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeHandle != 0) {
mReleaseCoreRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// AndroidOverlay impl.
// Client is done with this overlay.
public void close() {
if (mClosed) return;
mClosed = true;
// TODO(liberato): verify that this actually works, else add an explicit shutdown and hope
// that the client calls it.
// Allow surfaceDestroyed to proceed, if it's waiting.
// Notify |mDialogCore| that it has been released.
if (mReleaseCoreRunnable != null) {;
mReleaseCoreRunnable = null;
// Note that we might get messagaes from |mDialogCore| after this, since they might be
// dispatched before |r| arrives. Clearing |mDialogCore| causes us to ignore them.
// Notify the provider that we've been released by the client. Note that the surface might
// not have been destroyed yet, but that's okay. We could wait for a callback from the
// dialog core before proceeding, but this makes it easier for the client to destroy and
// re-create an overlay without worrying about an intermittent failure due to having too
// many overlays open at once.;
// AndroidOverlay impl.
public void onConnectionError(MojoException e) {
// AndroidOverlay impl.
public void scheduleLayout(final Rect rect) {
if (mDialogCore == null) return;
// |rect| is relative to the compositor surface. Convert it to be relative to the screen.
nativeGetCompositorOffset(mNativeHandle, rect);
final DialogOverlayCore dialogCore = mDialogCore; Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Receive the compositor offset, as part of scheduleLayout. Adjust the layout position.
private static void receiveCompositorOffset(Rect rect, int x, int y) {
rect.x += x;
rect.y += y;
// DialogOverlayCore.Host impl.
// |surface| is now ready. Register it with the surface tracker, and notify the client.
public void onSurfaceReady(Surface surface) {
if (mDialogCore == null || mClient == null) return;
mSurfaceId = nativeRegisterSurface(surface);
// DialogOverlayCore.Host impl.
public void onOverlayDestroyed() {
if (mDialogCore == null) return;
// Notify the client that the overlay is gone.
if (mClient != null) mClient.onDestroyed();
// Also clear out |mDialogCore| to prevent us from sending useless messages to it. Note
// that we might have already sent useless messages to it, and it should be robust against
// that sort of thing.
// Note that we don't notify |mReleasedRunnable| yet, though we could. We wait for the
// client to close their connection first.
// DialogOverlayCore.Host impl.
// Due to threading issues, |mHoppingHost| doesn't forward this.
public void waitForClose() {
assert false : "Not reached";
// DialogOverlayCore.Host impl
public void enforceClose() {
// Pretend that the client closed us, even if they didn't. It's okay if this is called more
// than once. The client might have already called it, or might call it later.
* Send |token| to the |mDialogCore| on the overlay thread.
private void sendWindowTokenToCore(final IBinder token) {
if (mDialogCore != null) {
final DialogOverlayCore dialogCore = mDialogCore; Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Callback from native that the window token has changed.
public void onWindowToken(final IBinder token) {
if (mDialogCore == null) return;
// Forward this change.
// Note that if we don't have a window token, then we could wait until we do, simply by
// skipping sending null if we haven't sent any non-null token yet. If we're transitioning
// between windows, that might make the client's job easier. It wouldn't have to guess when
// a new token is available.
* Callback from native that we will be getting no additional tokens.
public void onDismissed() {
// Notify the client that the overlay is going away.
if (mClient != null) mClient.onDestroyed();
// Notify |mDialogCore| that it lost the token, if it had one.
* Callback from native to tell us that the power-efficient state has changed.
private void onPowerEfficientState(boolean isPowerEfficient) {
if (mDialogCore == null) return;
if (mClient == null) return;
* Unregister for callbacks, unregister any surface that we have, and forget about
* |mDialogCore|. Multiple calls are okay.
private void cleanup() {
if (mSurfaceId != 0) {
mSurfaceId = 0;
// Note that we might not be registered for a token.
if (mNativeHandle != 0) {
mNativeHandle = 0;
// Also clear out |mDialogCore| to prevent us from sending useless messages to it. Note
// that we might have already sent useless messages to it, and it should be robust against
// that sort of thing.
mDialogCore = null;
// If we wanted to send any message to |mClient|, we should have done so already.
// We close |mClient| first to prevent leaking the mojo router object.
if (mClient != null) mClient.close();
mClient = null;
* Initializes native side. Will register for onWindowToken callbacks on |this|. Returns a
* handle that should be provided to nativeDestroy. This will not call back with a window token
* immediately. Call nativeCompleteInit() for the initial token.
private native long nativeInit(long high, long low, boolean isPowerEfficient);
* Notify the native side that we are ready for token / dismissed callbacks. This may result in
* a callback before it returns.
private native void nativeCompleteInit(long nativeDialogOverlayImpl);
* Stops native side and deallocates |handle|.
private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeDialogOverlayImpl);
* Calls back ReceiveCompositorOffset with the screen location (in the View.getLocationOnScreen
* sense) of the compositor for our WebContents. Sends |rect| along verbatim.
private native void nativeGetCompositorOffset(long nativeDialogOverlayImpl, Rect rect);
* Register a surface and return the surface id for it.
* @param surface Surface that we should register.
* @return surface id that we associated with |surface|.
private static native int nativeRegisterSurface(Surface surface);
* Unregister a surface.
* @param surfaceId Id that was returned by registerSurface.
private static native void nativeUnregisterSurface(int surfaceId);
* Look up and return a surface.
* @param surfaceId Id that was returned by registerSurface.
/* package */ static native Surface nativeLookupSurfaceForTesting(int surfaceId);