blob: fe8c4c8cc5a59f2739ef5607e641dda3a00151aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This file defines messages used for interacting directly with containers
// running inside of a VM.
package vm_tools.cicerone;
option go_package = "vm_cicerone_proto";
// Message sent to cicerone when a VM has started up. This is just for
// tracking purposes by cicerone.
message NotifyVmStartedRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 2;
// The IPv4 subnet for containers within the VM in network byte order.
uint32 container_ipv4_subnet = 3;
// The netmask for the IPv4 subnet for containers within the VM in network
// byte order.
uint32 container_ipv4_netmask = 4;
// The IPv4 address of the VM in network byte order.
uint32 ipv4_address = 5;
// The virtual socket context id assigned to the VM.
uint32 cid = 6;
// Message sent to cicerone when a VM stopped or failed to complete startup.
// This is just for tracking purposes by cicerone.
message NotifyVmStoppedRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 2;
// Message sent to cicerone when requesting a token for linking to a container
// that is going to be started for a VM.
message ContainerTokenRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 3;
// Reply to the GetContainerToken method.
message ContainerTokenResponse {
// A token that should be passed into the container to identify itself. This
// token will be the empty string if the request was invalid.
string container_token = 1;
// Message sent to cicerone to check whether or not a specific container is
// currently running.
message IsContainerRunningRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 3;
// Reply to the IsContainerRunning method.
message IsContainerRunningResponse {
// True if the container is running, false otherwise.
bool container_running = 1;
// Message used in the signal for when tremplin has started.
message TremplinStartedSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 2;
// Message used in the signal for when a container has started up.
message ContainerStartedSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Message used in the signal for when a container has shut down.
message ContainerShutdownSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Request to launch on application in the specified VM/container. Used with the
// LaunchContainerApplication D-Bus message into vm_concierge.
message LaunchContainerApplicationRequest {
// Display scaling of the app windows.
enum DisplayScaling {
// Default scaling.
// Windows scaled. Used to scale up older app windows that don't show well
// with HiDPI display otherwise.
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target, if empty the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// ID of the application to launch, should map to the desktop_file_id that
// is in the application list sent back from the container.
string desktop_file_id = 3;
// The owner of the vm and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// Files to pass as arguments when launching the application, if any, given
// as absolute paths within the container's filesystem.
repeated string files = 5;
// Display scaling requested.
DisplayScaling display_scaling = 6;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a
// LaunchContainerApplication D-Bus message.
message LaunchContainerApplicationResponse {
// If true, the requested application launched successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if the requested application could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to get application icons in the specified VM/container. Used with the
// GetContainerAppIcon D-Bus message into vm_concierge.
message ContainerAppIconRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target, if empty the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// IDs of the application to get icons for, should map to the desktop_file_id
// that is in the application list sent back from the container.
repeated string desktop_file_ids = 3;
// The icon size with both its height and width equal to this number.
int32 size = 4;
// The target scale of this icon. This is the scale factor at which this icon
// is designed to be used.
int32 scale = 5;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 6;
// One desktop file ID with its icon.
message DesktopIcon {
string desktop_file_id = 1;
bytes icon = 2;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a
// GetContainerAppIcon D-Bus message.
// Some desktop_file_id may not have an icon.
message ContainerAppIconResponse {
repeated DesktopIcon icons = 1;
// Launch vshd request.
message LaunchVshdRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target.
string container_name = 2;
// The port for vshd to connect to.
uint32 port = 3;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// Response sent back by vm_cicerone when it receives a LaunchVshd
// call.
message LaunchVshdResponse {
bool success = 1;
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to get information about a Linux package file in the container.
message LinuxPackageInfoRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Path to the package file (e.g. .deb) in the container's filesystem.
string file_path = 4;
// Response sent back from a GetLinuxPackageInfo call.
message LinuxPackageInfoResponse {
// True if the file was successfully parsed and the other fields are valid.
bool success = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case success is false.
string failure_reason = 2;
// The package identifier is in the form of a semicolon delimited string of
// the format: name;version;arch;data
// name, version and arch are as expected. data is somewhat variant and refers
// to the state of the package as well as potentially remote repository
// information.
string package_id = 3;
// The license associated with the package. So far only the value of
// 'unknown' has been observed for this field.
string license = 4;
// The description of the package, can be a multi-line text string.
string description = 5;
// The URL for the homepage of the project.
string project_url = 6;
// Size of the package file in bytes.
uint64 size = 7;
// Usually more of a title for a package, but sometimes less descriptive
// than that.
string summary = 8;
// Request to install a Linux package file in the container.
message InstallLinuxPackageRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Path to the package file (e.g. .deb) in the container's filesystem.
string file_path = 4;
// Response sent back from a InstallLinuxPackage call.
message InstallLinuxPackageResponse {
enum Status {
// Install process was successfully started, all further updates will be
// sent via the InstallLinuxPackageProgress signal.
// Failed to start up for a general reason, specific details are given in
// failure_reason.
// Indicates another install is already in process, this one will not be
// started.
Status status = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case of a FAILED status.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Message used in a signal for updates on Linux package installations.
message InstallLinuxPackageProgressSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
enum Status {
// Install has completed and was successful. No further signals will be
// sent after this one.
// Install failed to complete, the specific reason will be in
// failure_details. No further signals will be sent after this one.
// This is sent periodically while packages are being downloaded.
// This is sent periodically during the general installation phase for
// package and dependency installation.
// Current status of the installation progress.
Status status = 4;
// Overall percentage progress.
uint32 progress_percent = 5;
// Details relating to the failure state. This can be a multi-line string in
// some cases (that's how it comes out of PackageKit, for example in the case
// of an unsatisfiable dependency).
string failure_details = 6;
// Request to uninstall the package owning the indicated file. Identifying the
// package-to-be-uninstalled by desktop file name is safer than using
// package_id; we don't watch for package upgrades so the package_id may be
// stale.
message UninstallPackageOwningFileRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// The ID of the .desktop file inside the container. The container will find
// the owning package and remove it.
string desktop_file_id = 4;
// Response sent back from a UninstallPackageOwningFile call.
message UninstallPackageOwningFileResponse {
enum Status {
// Uninstall process was successfully started, all further updates will be
// sent via the UninstallPackageProgress signal.
// Failed to start up for a general reason, specific details are given in
// failure_reason.
// Indicates another blocking operation (uninstall, install, etc) is already
// in progress, this one will not be started.
Status status = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case status is FAILED.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Message used in a signal for updates on UninstallPackageOwningFile calls.
message UninstallPackageProgressSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
enum Status {
// Uninstall has completed and was successful. No further signals will be
// sent after this one.
// Uninstall failed to complete, the specific reason will be in
// failure_details. No further signals will be sent after this one.
// This is sent while the uninstall is in progress. progress_percent will be
// filled in.
// Current status of the uninstallation progress.
Status status = 4;
// Overall percentage progress.
uint32 progress_percent = 5;
// Details relating to the failure state.
string failure_details = 6;
// Request for creating an LXD container.
message CreateLxdContainerRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container to start within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// LXD image server URL. Only simplestreams is supported for now.
string image_server = 4;
// LXD image alias.
string image_alias = 5;
// Response for creating an LXD container.
message CreateLxdContainerResponse {
enum Status {
// The status of creating the container is unknown.
// The container is now being created. An LxdContainerCreated signal will
// relay the final result.
// A container with this name already exists.
// The container could not be created.
// Container creation status.
Status status = 1;
// The failure_reason if the container could not be created.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Message used in the LxdContainerCreated signal for the outcome of an
// LxdCreateContainer message.
message LxdContainerCreatedSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
enum Status {
// The container creation status is unknown.
// The container was successfully created.
// The container download timed out.
// The container creation was cancelled.
// The container creation failed for an unspecified reason.
// Container creation status.
Status status = 4;
// The failure_reason if the container was not successfully created.
string failure_reason = 5;
// Message used in the signal for when a container is downloading.
message LxdContainerDownloadingSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Container download progress, as a percentage.
int32 download_progress = 4;
// Request for starting an LXD container.
message StartLxdContainerRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container to start within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Response for starting an LXD container.
message StartLxdContainerResponse {
enum Status {
// The status of starting the container is unknown.
// The container has started.
// The container was already running.
// The container could not be started.
// Container startup status.
Status status = 1;
// The failure_reason if the container could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request for getting the primary user for an LXD container.
message GetLxdContainerUsernameRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container to get the primary user for.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Response for getting the primary user for an LXD container.
message GetLxdContainerUsernameResponse {
enum Status {
// The status is unknown.
// The primary username is stored in the username field.
// A container with the specified name doesn't exist.
// The container is not running, so the username could not be found.
// The primary user doesn't exist.
// Some part of the operation failed.
// Status of getting the primary username.
Status status = 1;
// The primary username of the container, if successful.
string username = 2;
// The failure_reason if the username could not be retrieved.
string failure_reason = 3;
// Request for setting up the user for an LXD container.
message SetUpLxdContainerUserRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container to start within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Username for the first user in the container.
string container_username = 4;
// Response for setting up the user on an LXD container.
message SetUpLxdContainerUserResponse {
enum Status {
// The status of setting up the user is unknown.
// The user has been set up sucessfully.
// The user already exists.
// Setting up the user failed.
// Status of setting up the user.
Status status = 1;
// The failure_reason if the user was not set up successfully.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request for debug information about virtual machine and container state.
message GetDebugInformationRequest {
// Response for debug information about virtual machine and container state.
message GetDebugInformationResponse {
// Debug information about virtual machine and container state in arbitrary format.
string debug_information = 1;