Remove SVGPathElement.pathSegList and related interfaces

This CL removes the SVGPathSegList collection of objects and interface:


and support classes such as SVGPathSegListBuilder and SVGPathSegListSource.

The SVGPathSegList class is renamed to SVGPath, and stripped of all it's
listiness - essentially reducing it to a SVGPathByteStream. SVGAnimatedPath
is updated to contain the new type.
A new specialization of SVGAnimatedProperty is added for properties that
don't have any associated tear-off type.

The SVGPathSeg.h header file which still contain various path segment
description data is renamed to SVGPathData.h.

All tests for SVGPathSeg* functionality are removed, interface tests are
updated to not include the removed interfaces and in one case the use of
the pathSegList is replaced with the string representation.

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#356063}
214 files changed