Revert 245051 "Don't set the scroll styles (WS_VSCROLL and WS_HS..."

Seems to be causing lots of layout test failures on Win7

> Don't set the scroll styles (WS_VSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL) for WS_POPUP windows.
> This causes issues with select boxes on Windows 7 where hovering at the end of the window returns the scroll WM_NCHITTEST
> codes. Works fine on Windows 8. In any case we don't want the scrolling styles set on windows other than the main Chrome window
> which is the only window which should be receive mousewheel messages.
> I moved the scroll style setting code from the HWNDMessageHandler::OnCreate function to HWNDMessageHandler::Init function as that
> would prevent the initial WM_SIZE message from hiding the scrollbar. The other change is to hide the scrollbars and readd the
> scroll styles if we are sizing the window, when the sizing completes. Basically when we receive the WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message.
> For normal sizing operations we continue to do this in WM_SIZE as before.
> From testing on my thinkpad with Win7, desktop with Win7 and Win8 this works well.
> BUG=334454,334541
>, sky
> Review URL:

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed