blob: cb9085c6e29134e85402a3ab4defc37aac2c9922 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_constraint_space.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, WritingMode) {
NGPhysicalConstraintSpace* phy_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(200), LayoutUnit(100)), /* fixed_width */ true,
/* fixed_height */ false, /* width_direction_triggers_scrollbar */ true,
/* height_direction_triggers_scrollbar */ false, FragmentNone,
FragmentColumn, /* is_new_fc */ false);
NGConstraintSpace* horz_space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, phy_space);
NGConstraintSpace* vert_space =
new NGConstraintSpace(VerticalRightLeft, LeftToRight, phy_space);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(200), horz_space->ContainerSize().inline_size);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(200), vert_space->ContainerSize().block_size);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(100), horz_space->ContainerSize().block_size);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(100), vert_space->ContainerSize().inline_size);
EXPECT_EQ(FragmentColumn, horz_space->BlockFragmentationType());
EXPECT_EQ(FragmentNone, vert_space->BlockFragmentationType());
static String OpportunityToString(const NGLayoutOpportunity& opportunity) {
return opportunity.IsEmpty() ? String("(empty)") : opportunity.ToString();
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesNoExclusions) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(400);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
auto* iterator = space->LayoutOpportunities();
EXPECT_EQ("0,0 600x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesTopRightExclusion) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(400);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
// Add a 100x100 exclusion in the top right corner.
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(
LayoutUnit(0), LayoutUnit(600), LayoutUnit(100), LayoutUnit(500)));
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
auto* iterator = space->LayoutOpportunities();
// First opportunity should be to the left of the exclusion.
EXPECT_EQ("0,0 500x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Second opportunity should be below the exclusion.
EXPECT_EQ("0,100 600x300", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// There should be no third opportunity.
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesTopLeftExclusion) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(400);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
// Add a 100x100 exclusion in the top left corner.
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(LayoutUnit(0), LayoutUnit(100),
LayoutUnit(100), LayoutUnit(0)));
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
auto* iterator = space->LayoutOpportunities();
// First opportunity should be to the right of the exclusion.
EXPECT_EQ("100,0 500x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Second opportunity should be below the exclusion.
EXPECT_EQ("0,100 600x300", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// There should be no third opportunity.
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Verifies that Layout Opportunity iterator produces 7 layout opportunities
// from 4 start points created by 2 CSS exclusions positioned in the middle of
// the main constraint space.
// Test case visual representation:
// 100 200 300 400 500
// (1)--|----|-(2)-|----|----|-(3)-+
// 50 | |
// 100 | |
// 150 | |
// 200 | ****** |
// 250 | ****** |
// 300 (4) |
// 350 | *** |
// +-------------------------------+
// Expected:
// Layout opportunity iterator generates the next opportunities:
// - 1st Start Point: 0,0 600x200; 0,0 150x400
// - 2nd Start Point: 250,0 350x350; 250,0 250x400
// - 3rd Start Point: 550,0 50x400
// - 4th Start Point: 0,300 600x50; 0,300 500x100
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesTwoInMiddle) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(400);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
// Add exclusions
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(
LayoutUnit(200), LayoutUnit(250), LayoutUnit(300), LayoutUnit(150)));
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(
LayoutUnit(350), LayoutUnit(550), LayoutUnit(400), LayoutUnit(500)));
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
auto* iterator = space->LayoutOpportunities();
// 1st Start point
EXPECT_EQ("0,0 600x200", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("0,0 150x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 2nd Start point
EXPECT_EQ("250,0 350x350", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("250,0 250x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 3rd Start point
EXPECT_EQ("550,0 50x400", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 4th Start point
EXPECT_EQ("0,300 600x50", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("0,300 500x100", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Iterator is exhausted.
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// This test is the same as LayoutOpportunitiesTwoInMiddle with the only
// difference that NGLayoutOpportunityIterator takes the additional argument
// origin_point that changes the iterator to return Layout Opportunities that
// lay after the origin point.
// Expected:
// Layout opportunity iterator generates the next opportunities:
// - 1st Start Point (0, 200): 150x200
// - 2nd Start Point (250, 200): 350x150, 250x200
// - 3rd Start Point (550, 200): 50x200
// - 4th Start Point (0, 300): 600x50, 500x100
// All other opportunities that are located before the origin point should be
// filtered out.
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesTwoInMiddleWithOrigin) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(400);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
// Add exclusions
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(
LayoutUnit(200), LayoutUnit(250), LayoutUnit(300), LayoutUnit(150)));
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(
LayoutUnit(350), LayoutUnit(550), LayoutUnit(400), LayoutUnit(500)));
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
const NGLogicalOffset origin_point = {LayoutUnit(0), LayoutUnit(200)};
auto* iterator = new NGLayoutOpportunityIterator(space, origin_point);
// 1st Start Point
EXPECT_EQ("0,200 150x200", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 2nd Start Point
EXPECT_EQ("250,200 350x150", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("250,200 250x200", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 3rd Start Point
EXPECT_EQ("550,200 50x200", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// 4th Start Point
EXPECT_EQ("0,300 600x50", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("0,300 500x100", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Iterator is exhausted.
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
// Verifies that Layout Opportunity iterator ignores the exclusion that is not
// within constraint space.
// Test case visual representation:
// 100 200 300 400 500
// +----|----|----|----|----|----+
// 50 | |
// 100 | |
// +-----------------------------+
// *** <- Exclusion
// Expected:
// Layout opportunity iterator generates only one opportunity that equals to
// available constraint space, i.e. 0,0 600x200
TEST(NGConstraintSpaceTest, LayoutOpportunitiesWithOutOfBoundsExclusions) {
NGPhysicalSize physical_size;
physical_size.width = LayoutUnit(600);
physical_size.height = LayoutUnit(100);
auto* physical_space = new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(physical_size);
physical_space->AddExclusion(new NGExclusion(LayoutUnit(150), LayoutUnit(100),
LayoutUnit(200), LayoutUnit(0)));
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight, physical_space);
auto* iterator = space->LayoutOpportunities();
EXPECT_EQ("0,0 600x100", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
EXPECT_EQ("(empty)", OpportunityToString(iterator->Next()));
} // namespace
} // namespace blink